
please reset the booktitle HyperDragonSlayer 20231218092329 80

With a sea of roses, a top sports car, under the attention of everyone, the beauty Xiang Chuchen confessed: “I have a showdown, I have ten buildings in the city, Chu Chen, how about being my boyfriend, I will raise you!” Chu Chen: “Don’t pretend, I also have a showdown. In fact, I am the richest man. ”When everyone ridiculed, six helicopters galloped in! - Description from MTL

HyperDragonSlayer · Urban
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512 Chs

With billions of nearby people, Chu Chen is handsome, as it should be

Qian Sihui's most worthy show off is her boyfriend.

But now, let alone his boyfriend, even her boyfriend's boss, it is impossible to have a luxury car worth 50 million!

You can buy a good villa in Jiangzhou.

Qian Sihui felt that she had been hit critically.

It doesn't matter if I can't match Mo Yuwan, after all, the university came here like this.

Strikes, blows, Qian Sihui is used to it.

Originally she expected her boyfriend to turn a game, but now it seems impossible.

Even Qian Sihui and Huo Lean were shocked to speak, let alone Liu Yunyun and her boyfriend Tian Peng.

"Don't wait here, everyone, go in first."

At this time, Mo Yuwan stood up.

"When Rong Rong comes, let her go in directly."

In this gathering, in addition to Mo Yuwan, Liu Yunyun, and Qian Sihui, there is also Wu Rong, all of whom are university classmates.

At Mo Yuwan's suggestion, everyone entered the restaurant and sat in the private room.

At this moment, facing Chu Chen, Qian Sihui and Huo Lean were very quiet and extremely low-key.

"Rongrong, you are here, we are in the private room, come in."

Wu Rong called, Mo Yuwan replied.

Soon, a petite girl walked in. She was Wu Rong.

"Rongrong, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Wu Rong, Liu Yunyun said in surprise.

At this moment, Wu Rong's face is haggard, with big dark circles under her eyes. Although she wears makeup, she is still hard to hide.

"It's okay."

Wu Rong said somewhat concealedly.

"Rongrong, do you still consider us a good sister?"

Liu Yunyun said with some dissatisfaction.

Because they meet from time to time, Mo Yuwan, Liu Yunyun and Wu Rong have a very good relationship.

"Yes, tell us something, we will give you an idea." Mo Yuwan also said concerned.

Hearing this, Wu Rong finally couldn't help but sat there, crying softly.

"I broke up with my boyfriend."

"He actually carried me on his back and hooked up with my boss, an old woman in her forties."

"After I discovered the scandal, the boss became so angry that he fired me directly."

"Boyfriend took all my money away."

Hearing this, Liu Yunyun was very angry.

They know Wu Rong's boyfriend, it is a trash who only knows to rely on women.

It has always been Wu Rong's work to support him. Unexpectedly, in the end, her boyfriend turned Wu Rong green.

Hearing this, everyone sighed.

"Scumbag, no, he is not even worthy of a scumbag, he is a scumbag!" Liu Yunyun was extremely angry.

In fact, Liu Yunyun had persuaded Wu Rong before that Wu Rong's boyfriend was not very good.

But Wu Rong, who is in love, can't listen to it.

The result is where it is now.

Loss of love and unemployment.

"How difficult it is to find a job now..."

Wu Rong cried and fell into a desperate situation.

Looking at Wu Rong who was desperate, everyone was very sympathetic.

They also want to help Wu Rong, but Liu Yunyun and her boyfriend are just ordinary people, at most they can comfort Wu Rong.

Qian Sihui and Huo Lean do not live in Jiangzhou, and they are helpless.

what should I do?

"Tomorrow you come to work at Junlin Group, Yu Wan will arrange it for you."

Just when several people were helpless, Chu Chen spoke.

Loss of love Chu Chen can't help much, but can only solve her unemployment problem. After all, she is a friend of Mo Yuwan.

It doesn't matter if there is one more person in a large group.


Hearing this, everyone was taken aback.

Go to work in Junlin Group?

That is a big company with a market value of tens of billions. It is very difficult to get in.

By the way, Mo Yuwan was promoted.

At this time, everyone suddenly remembered that since the company has allocated a 2 million luxury car, Mo Yuwan must have become a senior.

So arranging a person is not a problem.

"May I?"

Hearing what Chu Chen said, Mo Yuwan asked Chu Chen.

Although she thought the same way just now, she was rationally told that something was not appropriate.

"It's okay."

Chu Chen nodded, he believed that Mo Yuwan was not the kind of nepotism.

Otherwise, after she became the deputy general manager, she would have arranged her friends and relatives a long time ago.

Looking at this scene, several people were very surprised.

What's going on here?

In the scene just now, how did they feel that it seemed that Wu Rong was arranged to join the Junlin Group, and it was Mo Yuwan who was soliciting his boyfriend's opinion?

Isn't Mo Yuwan the top of the King's Landing Group?

"Right, I haven't asked."

Huo Lean couldn't help but speak:

"I don't know what work Brother Chu does?"

Just seeing Chu Chen's Aston Martin one-77, he was very curious.

"I am Yu Wan's boyfriend and boss."

Chu Chen replied.


Hearing this, everyone instantly became calm.


Yuwan's boss?

Yuwan is now the top of the King's Landing Group, so who is Yuwan's boss?

The boss of Junlin Group!

Thinking of this, everyone was dumbfounded, and some couldn't believe it was true.

"Well, he is the president of Junlin Group." Mo Yuwan said.


is actually true!

Ten Billion Group——President of Junlin Group? !

In their hearts, bosses with a net worth of tens of billions are all middle-aged people in their 40s or 50s.

But what they never expected was that the boss of Junlin Group was actually a young man in his twenties!

And also so handsome, so temperamental!

Chu Chen said, Wu Rong's entry into the Junlin Group is of course a trivial matter.

At this moment, they also understand why Mo Yuwan has become a senior executive from the secretary of the president.

Become a "boss lady", so being an executive is not too much.

Looking at Chu Chen, everyone was shocked and admired, very envious!

Such a young billionaire!

Don't say it in Jiangzhou, I'm afraid it's very rare in the country!

Mo Yuwan's friends also looked at Mo Yuwan enviously.

Boyfriend not only looks handsome, has temperament, but also is so strong.


"Young and promising."

Several people sigh.

Especially Qian Sihui and Huo Lean, their hearts are overwhelming.

Ten billionaire, boss of Junlin Group?

This identity is too terrifying Especially Qian Sihui's heart is even more ashamed.

People's boyfriend is a tens of billions of billionaires, and they didn't show off. His boyfriend is just a foreign company executive with an annual salary of 2 million, and he is still showing off.

Really are...

My own frog at the bottom of the well.

The blame has to be like others.

"Mr. Chu, I will use tea instead of wine, to toast you a cup."

Huo Lean stood up and said very politely.

"You are polite." Chu Chen said.

"Thank you."

Wu Rong also gave Chu Chen a cup.

"It's okay, don't be late tomorrow."

This was a trivial matter to Chu Chen, but to Wu Rong, it was a big deal.

Being able to work in a large group of tens of billions, speaking out will definitely arouse the envy of countless people.

Yuwan's boyfriend is really great.

As a tens of billions boss, he is still so approachable, without the slightest pretension.

Being handsome, of course it is a matter of course!