

At midnight when everyone was sleeping, she put cameras and a voice recorder in the living room.In the morning, Liz didnt prepare for her breakfast.

Liz--- Your dad is not here so you have nowhere to report me to.Until you learn some manners.

Rulee--- Okay, see ya.

Liz--- What??? Arent you angry? You.....you....

Liz thought that Rulee would react but she didnt even care and left.She bought breakfast and later headed to school.

Jennie--- Hy friend, you look elegant everyday.

Rulee--- Sup.

Brooke--- Hey chinese, this is my seat so carry your stupid tiny ass and move away.

Jennie--- But you weren't present so its not her fault.

Brooke--- You shut it! Hey bitch, move.

Rulee--- I dont like it when someone use that language.

Brooke--- Bitch....bitch....bitch...

Rulee--- Say it one more time!!!

Brooke--- What will you do bitch?

Before even finishing the sentence, Rulee pulled her hair and knocked her face on the desk hard.Brooke's nose started bleeding.

Brooke--- My....nose.....Aaaahhhhh....its....bleeding....it hurts...

Jennie--- OMG!

Rulee was taken to the office.

Principal--- You are suspended for one week.I cant believe this because you just came not for long and this is what you do?!

Rulee--- Okay.

Principal--- Is that all you say?

Rulee--- I did hit her so what do you want me to say? To deny it? Am leaving.

She left.The principal was shocked about Rulee's manners.She went to Jennie.

Rulee--- I need you to direct me once again.

Jennie--- What did the principal say? Are you fine? Its my fault for not telling you that it was Brooke's seat.

Rulee--- Where can i find a gym?

Jennie--- So you are fine? A good gym here is near Sam's bakery, do you know it?

Rulee--- I know that bakery.Thanks.

Jennie--- Dont you have any sibling or family here?

Rulee--- See ya.

She left.

Jennie--- She should've atleast left me with her number.She is weird though she is pretty and i like her.

Jennie didnt mind Rulee's manners but she liked her instead.She went home to her bedroom and her bedcover was cut into pieces and her stuff was thrown on the floor.She pulled out her phone to check the camera recording and it was Liz and Fiesta's doing.

Rulee--- I really dont play games with weak people because they are not my league.Those fools.....

She felt angry but decided to ignore them, her dad called her out to eat dinner.

Dad--- Honey, how is school?

Fiesta--- She fought with someone and got suspended for one week.

Dad--- What? How come? Why did you fight honey?

Rulee--- Would you finish what you started because coz it seems like you know the whole story.

Fiesta--- Dont start with me coz you clearly dont know me!

Dad--- Stop it Fiesta.

Rulee stood up and went to her room.In the morning went downstairs with a training bag wearing gym outfit.

Dad--- Honey join us.

Rulee--- Am good.

Fiesta--- Where do you think your going coz you cant go to school, remember?

Liz--- Your right, she should stay and help me with house work.

Dad--- Let her be.

She left and went to the gym to workout.After she went back home to her room.She showered and after went downstairs for lunch.

Liz--- Thought you dont feel hunger.

She didnt answer her back and ate food then went back to her room.She always drew fashion designs and save her work on a flash disc.She did it for a whole week, foing to the gym and drawing her designs.After she went back to school and Brooke was back though she didnt sit on her seat.

Jennie--- Welcome back Rulee, i missed you friend.

Rulee--- Hy.

Brooke went to her and she whispered in her ear.

Brooke--- I will return the favor.

Rulee didnt care nor mind her at all.

Jennie--- What did she say to you? She wont ever let you be in peace.

Rulee--- I also dont want peace.

Jennie--- Geezzz...you give me chills.But dont worry coz you have me and dont be afraid of her.

After lessons, she went home to her room.Her flash disc was missing and most of her mom's pictures were tone into pieces.She got angry and furious.She checked the camera footage and it was Liz and Fiesta again.Liz was frying french fries and Fiesta was out with her friends.She went to Liz straight with a zero distance between them.

Liz--- Hey...what are you doing?

Rulee--- I want my flash disc now!

Liz--- What are you saying??

Rulee--- I ignored you but you chose to come for me still.You looked for hell yourself.

She grabbed Liz's hand and put it in the burning cooking oil.

Liz--- AAAAHHHH...Stop please....please..(she screamed).

She let go of her hand but it was burnt .Liz started to cry.

Rulee--- Dont cry because i hate it.Where is my flash disc?

Liz--- I dont have it i swear.

She now grabbed her hair and pulled it and it faced the cooking oil and she started sweating with sweats flowing from her face.

Rulee--- Am asking one more time, where is it?

Liz--- Please dont burn my face.

Rulee--- Still no answer?! You can talk after i deep fry your ugly face.

Liz--- Fiesta.....Fiesta has it.She took it.

She pulled her back and pushed her away.Liz was crying because her hand was burnt and she was in too much pain since all her left fingers were burnt.She was very scared and shocked.

Rulee--- Get your phone and call her now.

Liz--- Okay, i will.

She called Fiesta and she came home.Rulee was on the door waiting for her and had she took Liz's phone.

Fiesta--- What is it you freak?

She didnt say anything and locked the door.She grabbed Fiesta by her hair.Fiesta tried to fight her and she punched her in the face hard.Fiesta fell down because Rulee was very strong.

Liz--- Please forgive us Rulee.We were wromg do that.

Rulee--- You provoked me and now your asking me for forgiveness? Too late.

She grabbed Fiesta's hair again and she took her to her room.

Rulee--- Open it and give my flash disc.

Fiesta--- Okay, okay.

She was crying and opened it.Rulee also entered and she gave it to her.

Rulee--- This has to be the last time you touch my stuff.

Fiesta--- Your going to jail for this.

She went to her and punched her in the face hard three times.Fiesta started bleeding from her nose and crying alot.

Rulee--- Then i can go to jail for that.But i wont go to jail, be guest.

She went and gave Liz the house keys and her phone back.She went to her room and she didnt lock her door.Fiesta went to her mum and they called the police and her dad.

Rulee--- No one can outsmart me you stupid smelly pests.

She knew that they will the call her police on her and she want to go to jail because they provoked her first.She cut her wrist after hearing the police arrival and her hand and legs.She was bleeding non stop but she didnt mind because she was brave and strong.

Rulee--- I cant die coz they will take me to the hospital.

The police arrived and went to her room, they found her bleeding and her body had cuts but her wrist was bleeding too much blood and she had even fainted.

Poliemceman---- Call an ambulance, she is going to die.FAST!

She was rushed to the hospital.Liz and her daughter were wondering what happened her.

Liz--- How did that happen?

Fiesta--- She is plotting something.

Dad--- But why did she go wild when she always quiet? Did you provoke her in anyway?

Liz--- Hey! You are taking her side when we are living proof of her wildness.She is an evil person.

Fiesta--- She is a murderer coz i thought i was going to die today.

Her dad went to the hospital with the police.Rulee woke up but she was cuffed.