

Rulee woke up though she was cuffed.

Rulee....(Am dead? Thank you God.Watch me becoming the victim you two fools.)

Policeman....Hy Rulee, i need to ask you some questions.You have the right defy if your not ready to answer.

Dad...Are you feelimg better dear? Can you talk?


Policeman....Tell us what exactly happened because your mum and sister are accusing you of tempted murder.

Rulee started crying.

Policeman...Can i stop?

Rulee....Its okay.It all started when i came back home from school, i went to my bedroom but my bedcover and all my mum's pics were cut into pieces.I decide to ask Mum Liz because she was in the kitchen frying french fries but when i did, she started beating me.

Policeman....What? But they are saying that you burnt her hand in the boiling cooking oil and you punched your sister hard in the face that you broke her nose.

Rulee....No, when Liz started beating me, tried to run away from her but she grabbed my hand and continued to beat me.I had to save my self from her and i pushed her, she fell near the burning oil and her hand got burnt.

Policeman....Really? What about your sister?

Rulee....When i saw Liz's hand burnt , i was scared and thats when Fiesta came in.She thought i intentionally burnt her mum's hand and she ran after me.She caught me and when i tried to run away from her, i pushed her and she knocked her nose on the stairs.

Policeman....Then why did you try to kill yourself?

Rulee....Because i knew that they will blame everything on me and i was scared to go to jail so i decided to end my life.

Policeman....But would they do such bad things to you?

Rulee....Its all because am not Liz's daughter thats why they hate me.

Policeman....Now i get it coz you look like chinese.

Rulee....Liz treats me bad and she even sometimes doesnt give me food.

Dad....What?? Why didnt you tell me that you were going through all this?

Rulee....Am sorry dad, i didnt want to stress you.

Policeman...Sorry that you had to face child abuse at that age.

The policeman uncuffed her and he went to their house.

Liz....Did you take to jail?

Fiesta....Will she not come back here again?

Policeman...Mrs.Liz Wart, your under arrest for child abuse, take her.

Liz....What??? Wait....how...come?

Fiesta....Let go of my mum, that crazy girl is the real culprit.

Policeman...Your also coming with us, we need to get your statements.Take them!

They were taken to the polce station and Benard also went there.

Rulee...I need to get out of this place because this time when the policeman comes back, his going to arrest me.

Rulee ran out of the hospital and boardered a taxi which took jer home.She entered.

Rulee....I must pack all my stuff and leave before they come back.

Are those their phones?

Liz and Fiestas phones were left charging.

Rulee....Now i have a better plan.Am not going to run away.

She went to her room and wore gloves, she unlocked their phones and deleted their call history of that day.She knew their passwords since she inserted cameras their.After she decided to go back to the hospital.

Policeman....Enough! Your statements are very different from hers, do you have any evidence?

Fiesta....That rat!

Liz....We dont have any.....wait! I remember now, check our call history because she forced me to call Fiesta at 1:36pm.Check both our phones call history because thats when the incident happened.

Fiesta....Your a genius mum, she did call me.Check our phones.

Liz....We left them home charging.

Benard went with the policeman and they brought the phones.

Policeman....Here are your phones, unlock them now.

Liz...Where...did it go??

Fiesta...My today's call history is deleted.

Policeman....Hey, dont play with me.

Liz....We really dont know how this happened.

Fiesta....It was her, she deleted our call history.

Dad....But she is in the hospital.

The policeman went back to the hospital with Liz's phone.

Policeman....I still need to ask you some questions.


Policeman....Did you leave this place?

Rulee....(If i deny it, the nurse will tell the truth that i left and came back.) Yes, i did.

Policeman....What? Where did you go?

Rulee...I was scared and decided to run away but i stopped on the way because i had nowhere to go.

Policeman....Didnt you go home?

Rulee....I said i was running away, how can i go home then?

Policeman....Sorry, unlock this phone.

Rulee....(Hahahahaha.....you fools.) I dont its password.

Policeman....Just guess any.

Rulee....I said i dont know its password.

Policeman....Here, have some what.

Rulee....(So you clearly want my fingerprints yet i used gloves to touch the phone, okay.)Thanks.

The policeman took the glass she touched and did DNA test to findout if she touched the phones.Her fingerprints weren't found on the phones and Liz with Fiesta were arrested.After one week, Benard bailed them out and Rulee was also discharged.They went home and Benard called them together.

Dad....I want all this to end right here, right now.We are one family but why do we have to fight one another? Okay, apologise to eachother.

Rulee....Am so sorry guys.

Liz...We are aslo sorry.


Liz....Apologise now!


Dad....Then hug eachother.

They hugged and Liz whispered to Rulee's ear.

Liz....It was a memorable moment and i will gladly return the favor.

Rulee....Am happy that you liked it.

After, they went to their rooms.Fiesta went to her mum.

Fiesta....Mum, are you going to forget what that devil did to us?

Liz....Not a chance dear.This time, am going to make her suffer and then kill her later.

Fiesta....Your right mum, she deserves to die.

Rulee was also thinking.

Rulee....I know that these pests wont let me be but am more than ready for them.