
please reset the booktitle BronzeBronzeman 20231218092329 22

Shunned by society for having too many dicks, I hid away my schlongy shame. But when dungeons began to rise, flooding the earth with thick streams of monsters, humans began to awaken, and my curse became my strength. With my double dick system I get twice the stats, and twice the skills that a normal one dicked person would get. Seems like a weird way to build a system, but I'm not complaining.

BronzeBronzeman · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Putting Down The Shears

"Wait!" a woman shouts in a loud booming voice "Wait right there young man!" The vines that were coming toward me stop and pull away a bit.

I look around and see the big plant in the center of the park facing me. It's mouth opens and I hear the voice again "I'm sorry about my children, they're just a little overprotective of their momma. You understand I'm sure."

"No." I say back. There's a pause then she says "Oh. "Well anyway honey, there's no reason to fight, I'm not like the others, we plants are peaceful, we don't wanna hurt anyone."

"So you don't eat people?" I ask "Oh nooo honey, of course not. Or at least, we wouldn't kill them, unless it was self defense of course. We're pacifists. Why, we just ate a bunch of monsters last night, they were already dead of course. We don't like fighting."

I ask "what about the apartment building you covered in vines?" She answers "Oh, that's just to keep tabs on everything, just to sense if anything gets violent. Why, it they were attacked, we'd even help. What if more of those nasty bugs came back? We're protecting them!"

I absorb this for a bit then say "If you don't wanna fight just take the vines off the building, and anywhere else people live."

"Oh you've got it sweetie, I wouldn't want those poor people to feel unsafe. I never meant for that."

I cut in "And move the roots out from under the buildings." She looks a bit surprised, at least as surprised as a plant can look. She says "Of course, it'll take a bit of time, you might feel some movement in the ground, I'll bring it all back here."

She pauses then continues "But how did you know about that honey?" I answer "I can see the lifeforce through the earth and through the buildings. I'll know if you don't move them."

She responds "Oh honey of course I'll move them. But that's interesting, just while we're waiting, just to know, what other skills do you have?"

I answer "I started with this vision, then I got a forging skill. That's how I made these swords with the bug's arms last night."

"Oooohhhh impressive! Those things do look dangerous. Any other skills?" I think for a bit and say "Well, I'd like to think I'm a good lover." She looks taken aback, I think, then responds "oh honey, that's not the kind of skill I was talking about, but it's good to know."

She goes on "Say honey, I found a few skill books here and there, my babies will have to collect them, but maybe you could use one of them huh? In exchange you promise not to hurt us with those big sharp claws of yours, how's that sound?"

I think for a bit, this sounds like bullshit but I guess I'll go along with it. "what kind of skills do you have?" she answers "Oh I'll have to look again, just sit tight, right where you are, and my babies will bring them. Don't mind the tremors honey, it's just the roots moving."

The earth has been shaking more and more, it's almost like an earthquake now, but I did tell her to move the roots. She continues "Is there a certain skill you need, what do you want from me honey? Lets keep the conversation going."

"Well." I say "I guess I could use something for slimes, swords don't really work too well on them." She smiles, I think, and says "Ohhh I imagine they wouldn't, but don't worry honey, I'm sure we've got something for you. Just wait a bit longer, I'll give you exactly what you need."

So I wait for a while. The ground is really shifting where I am, but I just wait. When I'm about to ask how much longer it's gonna be, huge roots shoot out of the ground and wrap around my legs, almost crushing them.

She laughs and shouts "Haha sucker, I got you boy. I'm gonna drink your blood, I'm gonna grind your bones up into powder and lick it up!" She licks at the air with her huge plant tongue, she's really getting into this.

I swing at the roots, but they don't cut, no matter how hard I swing. She laughs again and says "Those little garden shears aren't gonna cut through my roots boy! You're gonna have to try harder than that."

I put my swords into my holes and point my palms at the roots. I guess it's fine, if she really did move most of the vines here, which it looks like she did, they're all over the park now, walling me in, then I probably won't burn the buildings down.

I use my firestreams on the roots, they burn pretty nicely, even better than the tentacles. She screams and says "Fire! You liar! You're the one who burned those bugs aren't you? Dammit! Dammit!"

She keeps screaming, I shoot my fireballs into the burning roots and blow them apart. I shoot more of my streams and my balls into the earth to burn away the roots and blast them apart. Then the vines start closing in on me.

I shoot streams of fire at the mass coming toward me, and shoot fireballs into the thickest parts to breaks through a bit and spread the flames. Then I run deeper into the park toward the woman.

Smaller plants pop up and try lashing at me and biting at me, I just burn them away. I set everything on fire as I run toward her, then I cover her in fire. I blast her in the face a few times with my balls too, but then the wall of vines from the other side of the park closes in.

I shoot streams all over the bundle of vines coming toward me, then I blow them apart. More roots come out and wrap around me. Right after I blow them apart, the queen plant launches herself at me. Her pod head thing is bigger than I am. So when she opens her mouth to try and bite me, it's a pretty big target.

I shoot my balls into her mouth the second it's open, blowing my load inside her. She's already covered in fire from my stream, so I just keep shooting my balls into her face.

I go on blasting her and burning her, then a skill book flies out. I grab it, and throw it into one of my holes. I'm not done yet. I keep blasting her body and all the other plants and roots in the park. When I'm done the park is a ruined burning mess, everything's on fire.

But when I look, the buildings down the block aren't on fire, so I guess it's fine. I look at the skill book I got. Vines. I guess it makes sense. I absorb it and walk out of the fire down the street a bit.

I use the skill, Six vines, almost as thick as my dicks, shoot out of my hand. It seems like I can just keep making them longer with more mana. I can move them around pretty easily, they control a lot better than fire stream.

I pick up some broken up bits of road, the vines wrap around it easily, and I crush them. These things are pretty strong. I look at the skill in my window, and apparently it scales off of strength, dexterity, and willpower. So these should be close to as strong as I am.

Maybe I can use these to crush the slime's balls faster. I guess the plant lady really did give me a skill to fight the slimes, just not on purpose.

I ran out of dick jokes.

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