
please reset the booktitle BronzeBronzeman 20231218092329 22

Shunned by society for having too many dicks, I hid away my schlongy shame. But when dungeons began to rise, flooding the earth with thick streams of monsters, humans began to awaken, and my curse became my strength. With my double dick system I get twice the stats, and twice the skills that a normal one dicked person would get. Seems like a weird way to build a system, but I'm not complaining.

BronzeBronzeman · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Naked Fist Fighting in The Streets

After killing the snake, the sun was beginning to set. This time I didn't spend my stat points immediately. If I end up making a good melee weapon, maybe I'll want more strength and dexterity. Maybe I could even use more stamina, I was getting pretty tired. I might even look for a place to sleep around here and do the crafting tomorrow.

It seems pretty safe around here after I killed all those snakes. If I just find an apartment-" Suddenly big blue balls shot out of the huge crater the giant trouser snake left down the street. They shot out like waves, piling onto the street and coming towards me.

That's bullshit, how did they even find me? Maybe I'm just being fucked by random chance.

As the piles of big blue balls came closer, I shot my balls at them. The fire and the force from the explosions seemed to have little to no effect on them, even less than the big red trouser snake. Are they stronger than the boss? I use my one eyed monster skill.

Water slimes. Fuck me in both my holes, I'm screwed. They look like a thick liquid with a solid core inside, but the fire doesn't burn them, and the explosions barely make a dent. The force just ripples around them instead of blowing them open. What little bits fly off is just reformed and taken in by the blobs around them.

I try firestream, and it has no effect, it doesn't even go through them. They don't seem to be boiling either. I go back to shooting fireballs but my mana's running out. I can only use my balls a few more times before I need to wait and build my mana up. Not like my skills are working too well anyway.

I decide it's time. Standing there, in nothing but my boxers and my shoes, I put all of my points in strength. I can only hope I'm able to reach in a pull the core out. If that doesn't kill them, I'll need to crush their balls in my hand or stomp on them. If this isn't enough strength I could only try to outrun the slimes.

But for all I know they'll be able to track me. Even if I managed to run for an hour in the dark, even if I got a decent amount of mana, my skills aren't gonna hurt them.

With my stat points increased I run forward and reach into the nearest slime. I grab it's core and pull, but it just moves with the core, staying on my arm, and burning. It's definitely eating away at my skin.

I look at my stats. My health is going down slightly, but thanks to my high vitality it's regenerating my health at the same rate. It's going back and forth, and it's just a sliver of my total health.

For a moment, I think it'd be easy because I'm so overpowered. Then the other slimes catch up and pile on me.

The damage is now outpacing my regeneration. It feels like getting naked and jumping into some boiling water. Except of course the water jumped on you, and it's eating you.

I have to squeeze my eyes shut. It's agonizing. I flail around trying to grab somethings but I can't. I try using the sight of the one eyed monster skill, but nothing's happening with my eyes shut.

The skill uses a bit of mana when it's active, but basically nothing every second. I focus on pouring more mana into it, desperate to see through my own skin. Even if I held them open, I wouldn't be able to see for long if they get too damaged. They can heal if they're shut.

I focus on the skill, using as much mana as I can. Seeing through objects. Seeing through myself. Then it happens, but only partially. I can see the outline of the slimes, the cores, even their bodies faintly show up, color filling in the lines. But that's it. The rest of the world doesn't exist.

I don't know if I'm seeing their mana or their life force, but I can see them. I can check their status too, and I can see my own. I reach out and grab a core.

The pain helps me squeeze as hard as I can, and I manage to crush the core. After I broke it's ball, the slime fell away and I got a bit of xp. Even when it died, it's bodily fluid still faintly showed up. The other slimes absorbed the fluid, I could see them grow a bit, even their stats went up.

I've gotta go a bit faster now. I'm probably able to hold my breath for a long time thanks to my stamina, but it's like swinging your arms around in water, or jelly.

I manage to grab onto another ball with each hand and crush them. I swing away, reaching for their balls, squeezing as hard as I can every time. I try stomping too but they always slide away. My health's going down steadily. When I kill a few, more take their place.

I try using fireball with my palm next to one of their cores, but it just blows the slime back. The ball jiggles around in the center and the force dissipates throughout the body, which is moved away a bit, but it's not killed. It's barely damaged.

I have to hold them tight so they can't move away and crush them. More slimes always take their place. I put a few points in vitality and stamina when I level up, desperately trying to increase my health regeneration, and to make sure I can keep holding my breath as the slimes grow around me.

Thankfully they can only absorb a bit of the other slimes fluid while they're trying to eat me. Unfortunately, as the loose slime pools around us and runs down the street, I can see other slimes focusing on cannibalizing their comrades.

I might have to put points in strength and dexterity next time so I can generate enough force to get out. I keep swinging and crushing their balls, waiting for my experience to fill up, rushing to fill it up.

It finally does. I put it in strength and dexterity and try jumping out. I can't. I try running out. They stay on me, piled up and all around me. If I could get out I could breath and let my health regenerate a bit.

Either way, I'll need more movement to be able to reach the cores of those bigger slimes. I don't have a strategy, I just swing and swing, occasionally even managing to stomp on one of their balls and crush them on the concrete.

I've been naked since they jumped on me. The boxers and the shoes were destroyed immediately. Suffice to say, this is probably the worst part of my day.

As I keep killing them I level up again, putting all my points in vitality to try and keep all my skin from being eaten away. My health is getting too low, I can't gamble on whether or not I'll get enough strength to jump out with the next increase.

I know strength increases the physical force you can exert, and dexterity is for movement, but I don't know which is better for getting out of this. Force? Speed? Can I even get them off of me without killing them?

More keep coming steadily, piling onto me or eating the others. I don't know how many are left, or where they came from exactly. Are they like bugs? Will there be thousands?

I'm getting desperate and I try using my holes to suck them up. They appear in the slime pile, but they're not sucking the slimes or their cores up. It doesn't work on living things. I lower the holes and have them suck up the fluid in the street, but that's not helping me get out.

Right now I need to breath, and I need to let my health regenerate a bit without constantly taking damage over every part of my body.

Then I try one last desperate move, I raise the holes next to me, on either side, and have them release everything except the slime. Starting with the giant trouser snake, then releasing everything else as fast as I can.

This massive amount of bodies piling up forces the slimes away, and draws their energy away to eating corpses instead of just focusing on eating my body. When I get enough off of me I break two more balls that were on my face, then wipe the slime off the best I can. I open my eyes and jump up toward a building as soon as I see one.

When I get up there I crush the last few that were on me while my holes are still shooting out every monster I'd taken. I kept jumping from building to building after that, running as fast as I could. I needed distance so I could heal. I was down to nearly no mana, but I could feel the hole skill end before I ran out. I must've gotten too far away.

I threw out every monster, or nearly every monster I'd gotten by then anyway. Hopefully most of them stay and eat the bodies. I noticed I still had my monster sight on, so I ended that skill myself. I need my mana to come back so I can at least see if they pile on me.

I keep going. I can't let them get onto me again as I am. I won't be able to do the same trick twice, the inventory's nearly empty, and I know I threw the biggest monsters out at the start.

As I'm going across the buildings, flying monsters start chasing me, they look like the ones that attacked the train. Trying to punch them would take too long. I throw out some fireballs here and there as I run, occasionally using firestream if they get close.

It's seems effective on these things at least, but I'm using up any mana I'm regenerating. At some point I run out, but there are still some flying toward me.

At this point I've jumped across a lot of buildings, gone past so many streets. Hopefully the slimes can't follow me, or it'd at least take them a long time. They should have a lot to eat anyway.

The monsters don't seem to fight each other, but the slimes seem fine with eating corpses, even other slimes. I'm tired, but I haven't passed out yet, so I've only got stamina left. Thankfully my body's healed a lot too, but I'm still not at full health yet

I jump down to the street and go under a bridge. These flying bastards can come down here if they want, and they do. They fly under it, some land and walk, some crawl under the bridge or on the wall.

I start swinging my arms and legs wildly, punching and kicking everything I see. I feel their exoskeletons crunch under my hands and feet. Breaking under my knees and elbows. I never took any martial arts classes, I don't have any skills from the system. I just have my body.

The cool air feels good compared to the acid that was eating away at my skin. There's something liberating about having my junk fly around too. Something primal.

Although I'd still like some underwear. Just a while ago I was on top of the world, thinking I could make pants and a shirt. Now I just hope I can steal a pair of boxers from a store and pass out somewhere.