
Disheartening news

Her feet weren't touching the floor, and she was way too big, is this how she really looks like?, with the looks of it, it's wasn't a good omen to have such in an altar

" What is the problem gaia?" the king asked in a more tense manner, his aura dark and calm, so gaia is her name?, she looked at the king, then walked over to them, now they were just inches apart.

" tell me, my heart can't hold the pain of witnessing it" he says making her halt in her track, she moves back, without looking back, what diligence.

" there's war in athenes" she said, " how and why?" he asked, shifting on his chair, " loviatar and hel would wreak havoc on your world, and you would lose your life in the process"

" can we stop it?"

" no" the queen stands from the chair walking up to the deity, " show me what's going to happen '' she said, the deity smirked, then she held the queen's head then placed her head on hers.

I could feel my inside boil, as this weird activity was going, the castle trembled, as debris fell from the top, what was going on?The king stood from his throne, worried about his wife who had tears flowing down her chin.

" stop!" he commanded as the queen began to scream in a weird way, " stop"! He yelled pulling her out as forceful blast of wave push both of them across the tower, while the deity stood still, unshaken by the wave

" we need to take athena out" she urged holding onto the king, " what did you see"

" we need to take Athens out now!" she urged running out of the altar, she must have see something that's heartbreaking for sure, to have such reaction,

The King had more than just a confused look on his face, he literally trembled at the sound of his daughter name, gaia stared at him, even with all this she still remained unfazed by this.

" promise me, she will come back, promise me, all this won't go to waste" he said in a more pleasing manner, " she has a future outside your altar" gaia said, that wasn't a reply but he took it anyway.

They both exchange a look too excruciating to stare at, with all this, I think my time here is over, the action in this scene was basically over, and I need something more Intriguing than this.

I see the queen in a more distressing manner, with black mist hovering around her body, she stands still looking at the space, everything around her literally trembled, same with the ground I stood on, how powerful can she be?

Should I wait here, or there's something else I need to see? I feel funny inside all of a sudden what's going on?, it felt like a myriad of ants, having their free will from the top of my feet to the longest strand on hand on my head.

" Mel, take Athena out of athens" I hear the queen who stood directly opposite me said,

" why?"

" I can't loose my people and my daughter"

" we would protect her" it sounds way too weird, and with each word that proceeds her mouth, it feel like flames have found their way out of my mouth, " please take her out of athen" the queen said, and I see more thick smoke emit body.

" anywhere you feel fit, for a good and unattractive life, a free life, where she won't be noticed" the Queen said, a part of me wanted to burst out laughing, yet the other could only sympathize, Athena would be living a life of a princess and soon to be queen to live a life of a peasant.

Lady Mel held the queen's head, with her eyes closed. A part of me felt cold as they shared their emotions. They stayed in this position till it became way too boring to watch, I walked back Into the altar I had left earlier, and I saw the king sitting there looking helpless.

Maybe there's nothing here for me either , I need to see Athena, I walk out again, still trying to get a hold of all this. This shouldn't concern me anyway, if you here's problem in the realm of inhumane creatures it has nothing to do with me.

And besides I heard a name before coming here, who is kailani?! And why is her mother dead? My name Kailani, is my mother dead?, she's alive right?.

I feel a slight tug on my body, then it came to my notice, someone had passed through me, " its really hard being dead"


I walked toward the direction athena had followed, she takes baby steps into the altar, her long fingers clasped behind her

I see her back at the altar, her father and mother seated with a glum look on their faces, but I could tell they wanted to make her worry less, she doesn't know what have happened .

they would tell her or maybe they wouldn't either way it will hurt knowing she will have to lose both parents

She had a perplexed look on her face, and I know it's because she's trying to phantom what was going on," lady Mel would take you out…out of athens"

The Queen said, for a moment I picture the most happiest look I had seen since I came here, but it disappeared way too soon, " why" she asked, I would do the same.

" you have been lifted from the Queen position" she said, well that's wasn't expected, " why?" athena asked this time in a more serious tone, all this was happening way too fast for her.

" because I want my daughter to be everything she wants" the king finally spoke after ages of silence, athena smiled sweetly, and soon let out a shrieking noise, which by far is the most annoying tone a creature could have.

Is that supposed to be a chuckle?

The King whispers something Into the Queens ears or whatever they call those holes beside their head, where words passed through but with the looks of it, the queen wasn't so appeased with it, and If she could burst out in tears she would

" you would be going go the land of humans and mortals" the king said with so much distaste in his mouth, I should be so offended by this,they are the one in trouble not me, my mom would not give me out so easily ,

Athena was confused, a few hours ago, it was a taboo, now it's the only option they get, " thanks' ' she said after years of trying to read their expression, " I will do what you ask of me" Athena said, beaming at her father

He looked pleased yet sad, " come back when you are strong enough, both in human and in goddess" Athena bows gently before leaving, now I am stuck between following her and staying in this altar.