
Natural Beauty

▪Pearl pov▪

Waking up, I sat up and stretched my arms. Putting a leg over the edge of the bed, I was about to get off, when I felt a pair of arms slither around my waist and hold me gently.

[What from the absolute hell?!] I screamed in my head as I tried to get the hands off me, but whoever or WHATEVER it was, was not intent of letting go.

The arms pulled me back, making me lay back down. I swiftly turned my head, coming face to face with a sleepy looking David.

"Good M-morning." He mumbled, stiffling a yawn. Pulling me closer, he snuggled his face into my neck.

[Gods... Wait a second, wasn't I sleeping in the guest room? ] I thought, looking around to see that I was back in the master bedroom.

*sigh* "Good morning, David." I said, removing his hands from my waist.

Sitting up, I put my legs over the side of the bed and stood up. I turned my head and looked down at David as he tugged at my sleeve.

"What's wrong?" I asked looking at him as he pouted.

"Lay back down and sleep." He said with a cute pout as he patted the empty place next to him.

Glancing at the digital clock on the bedside table, I saw that it was already 7:36 a.m.

"David, I have work. You can sleep all you want 'cause nobody will say anything to you either way because you just got out of the hospital. I on the other hand, have to get ready for work." I said.

Shaking off his hand, I walked into the bathroom and washed my face with cold water to wake me up.

After washing up, I walked into the wardrobe and pulled out the dress I was going to wear. Walking out, I saw David getting out of the bathroom.

[Hmm, I wanna test something.] I thought looking at David who still had his tooth brush in his mouth.

"Hey, David. How do I look?" I asked looking at him intently for his opinion.

David looked at me for a second, then the brush fell from his mouth and his expression became stunned and eyes sparkled as if he'd just seen the most spectacular thing in his life.

"You look gorgeous." He said, kneeling down to pick up his brush. His voice qas the same cheery and happy voice from yesterday, but I still caught his bright red ears.

"Heheh. I'll head down for breakfast then!" I said giggling.

Walking down stairs, I strode into the kitchen and sat down at the table.

Mrs. Gray came by the next minute with my usual toast, eggs and bacon.

[I'll make some pie later! Well, it's not like else will eat it...] I thought glancing back at the door with a frown as David entered.

Walking over, he sat down in the chair next to me, all while looking at my face intently.

[Why is he staring at me like that? Is he trying to see if there is any makeup on my face? Sorry, Love, but I'm a natural beauty.] I swam around in my idiotic thoughts as I bit on a piece of toast.

Looking over at him I saw that he was still looking at my face. "Is there something on my face?" I mumbled, touching my cheeks.

"No, I'm just admiring your beauty. Y'know, I think all those makeup products are a complete waste, my wife is already a natural beauty." He said, giving me a sly smirk.

I could feel my cheeks burn red as the heat swept up to my face at which he was still staring.

[Gosh, he's getting really sly.] I thought, going back to eating my breakfast, not even glancing his way till I was finished.