
Please let me go to the Throne of Heroes (full version anglaise)

"I have traveled to the Xingyue and gained the approval of the root. As long as I can die abnormally, I can ascend to the Throne of Heroes and become the Lord of the Throne of Heroes, a stronger and freer existence than the Seventh Crown." "For this reason, I began to I scolded Jin Shining face to face, challenged Zeus the Almighty in Greece, kidnapped Skadi in Northern Europe, declared Solomon to be a devil rather than a son of God in Israel, and stood in Morgan's place to death in Britain . Side..." "But why, am I still alive?" 1994, Fuyuki. A famous existence in history, the third friend of the oldest king, the first prime minister of Mesopotamia, the person favored by the Greek gods, the king of giants in northern Europe, the incarnation of the god who awakened Solomon's humanity in Israel, Ka. Prince Merlo assists... Rowe, who is young but full of vicissitudes, sat on the top of the Fuyuki Bridge, sighed, and looked in front of him: "You say, what went wrong here?" "Or, you will kill me. , let me go to the Throne of Heroes? Please!" Emiya Kiritsugu lit a cigarette and glanced at Artoria who held up the holy spear beside him, the treasure of the king unfolded by Gilgamesh, and the detective of the kingdom of shadows. The red tip of the spear that came out... The hand holding the cigarette trembled slightly. Original livre https://trxs.cc/tongren/6362.html

Supe3rman1234 · Anime & Comics
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320 Chs

Chapitre 271

Chapter 271

Author: Luozhou White Horse

Rowe stood on the corner of the street, staring at the blond figure who was far away.

Three days of inseparability.

The surrounding air has always been rather noisy.

Now that Shatiao Aige's departure has made the world quiet, Luo Wei is inexplicably not used to it...

However, this tranquility lasted only a short while, and was soon broken.

Walking on the street, the surroundings are unknowingly shrouded in mist, and the light and shadow are scattered and distributed. From a distance, a chaotic light and shadow are intertwined.

"The leyline detector in the Shibuya area of ​​Tokyo has issued a warning of exceeding the standard -" Such a voice sounded at the top of the TV tower, the tallest building in the center of Tokyo.

This is not only a TV station, but it is also an organization that has been hidden under the surface world and monitors the mysterious world before this.

Shenzhou Spiral Pavilion is located in Dongying Branch.

"Did you send someone to check?"

"It has been entrusted to professionals sent by China."

"No...Wait, there's news over there...The person sent out has lost contact!"

"I have already reported the immortal Wuzhiqi... Immortal Wuzhiqi just happened to be in Dongying recently."

"What happened over there in Shibuya?"

what happened?

it's actually really easy.

It is nothing more than that the magic power of the ley lines was disturbed by some kind of force from outside the starry sky, and there was a large-scale disorder.

The sky was distorted, the earth trembled invisibly, and people's consciousness fell into a dream, confused and at a loss.

Such a scene, as early as two thousand years ago, Luo Wei had already experienced.

Divine Land two thousand years ago.

——The six-day ghost is revived.

"Will the old rulers also come to take a share of this growing world?"

In an era when Heroic Spirit Servants were everywhere, there were evil gods, or, in other words, existences related to evil gods.

Also took the opportunity to come.

Luo Wei walked slowly through the mist, and the towering buildings on both sides gradually became blurred, blurring as if it was an ink painting scroll made of splashing ink.

Distant mountains and near waters form an outline.

In the world in between, there are also wriggling shadows twisting past, pitch-black tentacles spreading like water.

boom! boom! boom!

There were gunshots in the distance, as well as bursts of muffled words.

"what is that?"

"do not know--"

"I know, I have seen it in the classics, this is the 'Six Days Ghost'!"

"Six days old ghost? Wasn't that cleaned up long ago!?"

"It may not be, but it's definitely something similar... The classics left by the ancestors are clearly remembered!"

The speaker held a firearm in his hand, fighting back against the spreading tentacles.

The headed person is tall and full of steel, with countless dark muzzles extending from his hands, back, and open chest, and the fire splashes and scatters. Those bullets are also obviously unusual things.

Instead, it is a product that is mysterious and combined with technology.

This thing is unusual.

This man is more unusual.

But it was unusual and could not stop the creeping tentacles that spread.

Fortunately, he was not alone. The person who was talking to him wore a Taoist robe and kept throwing out a forehead talisman to support his consumption. There were several people standing beside him in a magical ceremony. , the condensed magic power formed an invisible barrier.

They barely fought the tentacles.

The power they exercised was also different from that in the land of Eastern Ying.

"Shenzhou...the staff of the Spiral Pavilion?" Luo Wei moved forward, not intending to just look at it like that.

He wasn't afraid of the Old Ones.


I wish I could provoke them!

"Who? Who's talking?" The young man in the Taoist robe was startled, turned his head suddenly, and found a figure walking slowly in the mist.

The eyes of gold and red intertwined with shimmer.

"Heirs of Taoism?" Luo Wei glanced at the Taoist youth.

The young man was stunned for a while, but he didn't react, but a girl next to him took the lead: "Senior is..."

"Who am I, you don't need to pay attention." If you didn't say it, let Yuzaoqian and Yu Ji know?

Think I'm stupid?

Luo Wei's expression remained the same: "You only need to know that I am here to help you."

Those who wear Taoist robes are descendants of Taoism, those who are tall and shaped like steel are descendants of Moism, and those who form the formation are descendants of Legalism...

"Taoism draws talismans to make miniature bases to link the world. Legalists use rectangles as rituals to connect the heavens and the earth. Mohists cast themselves into steel bodies, filling firepower..." Spiral Pavilion is the messenger of 'Heavenly Court' in this world .

It is the spokesperson of the gods in the world.

He is also a descendant of a hundred schools of thought.

The Luowei people are not in China, but he still knows this.

hold head high!

That is, at the same time, the wriggling tentacles suddenly exerted force and came from a distance.

The descendants of the Mo family opened their hands, intending to demonstrate their stronger firepower.

However, the surrounding fog suddenly collapsed.

The wriggling tentacles also dissipated instantly as if they had hit something.

The descendants of the Mo family were stunned.

The Taoist heirs widened their eyes.

The few legal family descendants were also stunned at the same time.

They looked at the figure who defeated the huge tentacles with a light flick of their hands in front of them, and looked at the golden eyes he turned around: "Okay, it's time for you to leave."

"This kind of scene is not something you can participate in."

This is a reminder given to those who are regarded as 'after the deceased'.

It is also the duty of Shenzhou Tiantian to shelter the people.


"Wait, I know who you are!" The Taoist descendant's eyes suddenly lit up: "Senior is 'Luo Wei', right!?"

Rowe: "?"

Shouldn't the normal development be that after I take the shot, I will float away, leaving an infinitely imaginative back?

You guessed my name directly, right?

"Luo Wei? Is that Mr. Luo Wei who issued the decree by His Majesty Emperor Guangwu?"

"No, no, I heard that Mr. Luo Wei is still the incarnation of the emperor in the world-"

"The first emperor was transformed into the dragon veins of Kyushu, and it was with his help..."


Can I kill someone?

"But don't worry, as long as you don't want to, we won't report it to your superiors!" The Taoist spoke at the right time, with a strong desire to survive: "Mr. Luo Wei, please rest assured!"

That's more or less.

Luo Wei nodded: "Anyway, this time is really not something you can participate in, get out of here!"


Several people spoke at the same time.

Luo Wei glanced at the faces of the group of people, and then nodded as if confirming.

turn away...

"have they gone?"

"Is it really the one in the legend? It feels... a little different."

"It's too approachable, right? In front of him, we can't even produce nervous emotions... But the ancient books left by the ancestors are also recorded in this way."

"Are you sure you won't report it? You know, when we came over, His Majesty gave me a thousand instructions."

"Don't report it? How is it possible? Report it, it must be reported... Your Majesty said, whoever finds Mr. Rowe's whereabouts first will have the opportunity to enter the 'pan'... Why are you pulling my sleeves? Why are you talking about..."

"Of course it's because of me!"

The excited young Taoist looked stiff.

He turned his head silently.

Rowe went back and forth, smiling.

After a moment.

Here, where the fog dissipated, a slender woman with long white hair appeared, and she scratched her hair while looking at the person who had collapsed on the ground.

"Ah... what happened?"

She scratched her hair and looked forward again.

The mist billowed.

The feeling of familiarity and disgust made Wuzhiqi frown, and at the same time it made her even more confused: "If it is really similar to the six-day ghost...why didn't they kill them, just Stunned and erased memory?"

Will the six-day-old ghost be merciful?

of course not.

The Ghosts of the Six Days will not, and the Old Ones will not.

Evil gods from outside the universe, indescribable beings representing the origin order of the universe, they don't care about human life, it is a fluke to survive, but they will definitely not care too much about a human being.

But Rowe would not kill at will.

At least this group of people deserves to be beaten, but only needs to be beaten.

not so guilty,

But sudden disasters always have to be resolved...

And its source.

In Luo Wei's perception, a splendid door is just ahead.

Ahead...Satiao's house.

Is it a coincidence? Or an accident?

No matter what the purpose of the evil god's arrival, Luo Wei couldn't just sit back and watch.

prevent disaster.

Annoy the evil spirits.

"My world can't tolerate you messing around