
Please let me go to the Throne of Heroes (full version anglaise)

"I have traveled to the Xingyue and gained the approval of the root. As long as I can die abnormally, I can ascend to the Throne of Heroes and become the Lord of the Throne of Heroes, a stronger and freer existence than the Seventh Crown." "For this reason, I began to I scolded Jin Shining face to face, challenged Zeus the Almighty in Greece, kidnapped Skadi in Northern Europe, declared Solomon to be a devil rather than a son of God in Israel, and stood in Morgan's place to death in Britain . Side..." "But why, am I still alive?" 1994, Fuyuki. A famous existence in history, the third friend of the oldest king, the first prime minister of Mesopotamia, the person favored by the Greek gods, the king of giants in northern Europe, the incarnation of the god who awakened Solomon's humanity in Israel, Ka. Prince Merlo assists... Rowe, who is young but full of vicissitudes, sat on the top of the Fuyuki Bridge, sighed, and looked in front of him: "You say, what went wrong here?" "Or, you will kill me. , let me go to the Throne of Heroes? Please!" Emiya Kiritsugu lit a cigarette and glanced at Artoria who held up the holy spear beside him, the treasure of the king unfolded by Gilgamesh, and the detective of the kingdom of shadows. The red tip of the spear that came out... The hand holding the cigarette trembled slightly. Original livre https://trxs.cc/tongren/6362.html

Supe3rman1234 · Anime & Comics
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320 Chs

Chapitre 270

s Chapter 270

Author: Luozhou White Horse

Rowe raised his hand to the food handed by the smiling waiter.

But the sudden sound of a puff made the waiter's face instantly show a look of horror.

Rowe looked at the blood stained on the food box on the other's hand, then looked down at the knife blade pierced through his chest, and scratched his head: "Are you trying to create a new Holy Grail out of thin air?"

He turned his head and looked behind him.

"Sure enough, it's useless... Obviously, on this knife, I have the power to restrain immortality covered?" Slightly disappointed, but a voice mixed with excitement sounded.

The long green dress behind her swayed, the fine and bright short golden hair swayed in the wind, and the delicate-looking girl stared at the knife she had taken back from her hand, which was covered with blood and exuded an inexplicable light, revealing deep thought.

But soon, she restrained the thoughtful look on her face, and lifted the skirt with a smile, as if it was not her but someone else who just suddenly stabbed the knife.

"Meet again? Mr. Rowe."

"I'm Sajo Aika."

"I don't have such a bad memory, this way of saying hello is a bit too special." Luo Wei waved his hand, the wound on his chest had already disappeared the moment the opponent took back the knife, and even the clothes were restored as before, without a trace damaged.

He didn't seem to care about being 'stabbed'.

There is no pain, and I am still a hundred and eighty thousand miles away from letting myself die.

No, strictly speaking, it's not accurate to say that he doesn't care - he still felt a little regretful in his heart.

It's a pity that the other party couldn't kill him directly.

Luo Wei pushed the food box in his hand to the waiter, ignoring the panicked look of the other party: "Please send this to the top-level luxury package."

He doesn't plan to go back for now.

The girl named 'Sajo Love Song', the princess who links the roots is not strong in frontal combat, but the means she possesses are undoubtedly endless, which is insignificant to herself, but even Skaha, who has a trace of original characteristics In the face of such an existence, it is easy to be invincible.

Not to mention the 'weak' Scatty.

Being too dangerous, of course Luo Wei couldn't take her to the top floor of the hotel.

It seems that Sajo Aige is also relying on himself - then take her around and give her more chances to kill herself!

"Let's go, you came to me, what should I do?"

"Of course."

Sajo Aige shook her figure: "Killing you... is it a matter?"

"Forget it, and it's very important. I'm afraid that you don't have enough plans to kill me."

"Why do you look like you can't ask for it?"

"Because I'm confident you can't kill me."

"Eh—? How confident are you, Mr. Rowe?"

"Artists are bold and self-confidence is a good thing."

"Is that so..."

The words fell, and with a 'puchi' sound, Sajo Aige suddenly stabbed Luo Wei again.

But seeing that Luo Wei's expression did not fluctuate at all, the girl's blue eyes couldn't help blinking: "It seems that you have failed again?"

"Don't you even change your knives? Could you be more dedicated, please?"

"What does it matter? As long as the technique is changed, it's fine?" Sajo Aige waved the knife in his hand.

Luo Wei looked at this 'familiar' action: "Then do you want to lick it yourself, and then say that the knife is poisoned?"

"Am I that stupid in Mr. Rowe's mind?"

"Sorry, we just met, and I don't have you in my heart."

"It's such a straightforward language... Mr. Rowe must be very unpleasant to girls, right?"

"If only that was the case."

"Well, no matter what, it doesn't matter."

Aige folded her hands and put the handle of the knife between her palms. Her pretty and delicate face smiled indifferently: "Anyway, as long as I kill you... Ben?"

"I am now, but I want to see your death more and more..."

"Mr Rowe!"

Chapter 19 Tolerate Your Recklessness

"A few days ago, many countries issued a decree to find 'Rowe' at the same time..."

"King Arthur announced at the White House meeting that whoever hits Rowe's idea is declaring war with Britannia!"

"Liu Xiu, Emperor Guangwu of China, choked in the air, the emperor of Rome openly and bluntly said that the world belongs to Rome, and Luo Wei is no exception-"

"Unknown and evil forces have appeared in the Dajiang Mountains of Dongying. According to folk scholars, it is very likely that the Dajiangshan forces ruled by Shuten Douji, one of the three major monsters..."


The streets of Tokyo and the big screens hanging at the top of shopping malls continue to broadcast international news one after another.

The young and beautiful host turned into a young and beautiful girl with mottled hair of red, blue and black before she knew it: "Hello, Mosimoxi, good morning everyone, this is TV TOKYO, I It's the host Qing Shao Nayan, today's broadcast is here, see you tomorrow!"

Under the clear sunlight, Luo Wei stood in the wide square of the shopping mall and exhaled.

Although such a situation was entirely brought about by him, no matter where he went, there was always a sense of time and space changing.

Qing Shao Nayan, a well-known writer in the Heian period of the East, and a waka writer.

There is no doubt that this is also a heroic spirit.

Although the appearance of Heroic Spirits seems sudden to modern people, the Heroic Spirits that have always existed on the 'seat' can be quickly integrated into today's society.

After chaos comes a new order.

As more and more historical figures appeared, many also experienced the initial disbelief, shock, habit, and numbness.

All the changes are slowly propelling between the invisible...

Among them, it naturally also includes a certain person's means against Rowe.

He took his eyes away from the big screen that was briefly darkened after the news broadcast, and looked down at the red magic circle that appeared under his feet.

"Don't need a knife?" He looked to the side.

The girl with blonde hair and blue dress tilted her head and smiled: "Of course it doesn't work."

"I still feel that the power is not enough - the magic power that an ordinary knife can carry is still limited."

"There's a saying... um, talking about toxicity is a hooligan after the dose?" The girl named Sajo Aige blinked her pretty eyes at Rowe.

Luo Wei was amused: "You still know this sentence?"

"Of course I know, I can also surf the Internet, don't treat others as primitive people!"

"Do the people who link to the root also go online?"

"Of course!" Shatiao Aige put his hands on his hips: "So, come out quickly and let others see how it works!"

"How do you feel that you are treating me as an experiment for testing?" Rowe sighed, he clapped his hands, and took a step forward indifferently.

In an instant, the magic circle engraved on the ground was intertwined with flowing lights and rose into the sky, turning into an invisible conceptual barrier, trying to block Luo Wei's move.

The wind, dust, air, earth, sky... everything within the range seems to have turned into an invisible sharp blade, pressing towards Rowe.

The magic circle that the girl named Sajo Aige was burning down, linked the leylines of the earth and the power of the entire Eastern Ying.

She used it as a weapon to kill Rowe.

But the result is also obvious.

The magic circle is broken.

Dust falls.

Luo Wei yawned: "It seems that it is still a long way off."

"Is it still not possible..." Sha Tiao Aige raised her red lips, she failed, but she did not appear the slightest discouraged, nor did she appear the slightest dejected.

Instead, he got even more excited.

Just because she couldn't see it through, just because she couldn't reach it, for her, she had such a powerful attraction.

As a love song that is linked to its roots at birth, and can easily see through all the secrets of the world, it is only interesting that it is like this!

"It seems that I'm going to use my real skills... Mr. Rowe, don't be scared, okay?"

"Really? Beast of Apocalypse?"

"Eh? Has it been discovered?"

"After all, from the original text, this thing does restrain me somewhat—"

"Mr. Rowe is cheating again."

"Don't you try?"

"Of course I'll try it!"

It was the third day after leaving the hotel.

For the past three days, Luo Wei has been staying with Sajo Aige, and since then, Skaha also passed a message to him, and after asking about the whole story, he was relieved to let him go.

Both Skaty and Skaha are extremely reassured about Rowe.

After all, in their opinion, Luo Wei will never run, and he has already allocated the first prize, so even if he can't enjoy it alone, he can still have a certain amount of dominance.

During this period, Luo Wei also suffered numerous 'attacks' by a girl named Sajo Aige, from the knife at the beginning to various magic methods later.

Every time it ended in failure.

But next time, Aige will find a new way.

Stronger than once.

Every time it gets more complicated.

"Then you can do your best, I'm very optimistic about you!" Looking at the still exciting Love Song, Rowe nodded with satisfaction.

He was obviously killing him...but he acted like he was inspiring the elders of the younger generation.

"Is it really distressing confidence? Mr. Rowe." Aige's smile did not change.

Luo Wei raised his eyebrows: "What? Don't you like this confidence?"

"No - I like it very much." Aige made no secret of her thoughts: "As far as drama is concerned, the more confident people are, the easier it is to fall into trouble."

I also think so.

Rowe didn't change his smile, just nodded noncommittally.

"Well, although I really want to keep following, I really can't play a game for a long time." Aige put her hands together, the sun fell on her short dazzling golden hair, reflecting her pretty face: "I'm going home first. —"


"Don't look at me like this, I still value family a lot, okay?"

"Is it as important as a game?"

"Is the game bad?"

In her eyes, being regarded as a 'game' is already the highest honor.

The person who is connected to the root cannot have the perspective of ordinary people, and it is also difficult to sense the emotional world of ordinary people.

The reason why she was able to live normally in this world before that was because she regarded the so-called life as a game.

Everyone in her eyes is just an existence like an 'NPC'.

Of course, at the moment, even to Luo Wei, it is the same attitude - the attitude of discovering a novel game.

The world alone is real.

Shatiao Aige's cognition has always been like this,

"Then, I'll leave first!"

Leave this game briefly.

Go for another game that's been going on for over a decade