
Please let me go to the Throne of Heroes (full version anglaise)

"I have traveled to the Xingyue and gained the approval of the root. As long as I can die abnormally, I can ascend to the Throne of Heroes and become the Lord of the Throne of Heroes, a stronger and freer existence than the Seventh Crown." "For this reason, I began to I scolded Jin Shining face to face, challenged Zeus the Almighty in Greece, kidnapped Skadi in Northern Europe, declared Solomon to be a devil rather than a son of God in Israel, and stood in Morgan's place to death in Britain . Side..." "But why, am I still alive?" 1994, Fuyuki. A famous existence in history, the third friend of the oldest king, the first prime minister of Mesopotamia, the person favored by the Greek gods, the king of giants in northern Europe, the incarnation of the god who awakened Solomon's humanity in Israel, Ka. Prince Merlo assists... Rowe, who is young but full of vicissitudes, sat on the top of the Fuyuki Bridge, sighed, and looked in front of him: "You say, what went wrong here?" "Or, you will kill me. , let me go to the Throne of Heroes? Please!" Emiya Kiritsugu lit a cigarette and glanced at Artoria who held up the holy spear beside him, the treasure of the king unfolded by Gilgamesh, and the detective of the kingdom of shadows. The red tip of the spear that came out... The hand holding the cigarette trembled slightly. Original livre https://trxs.cc/tongren/6362.html

Supe3rman1234 · Anime & Comics
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320 Chs

Chapitre 145

Chapter 145

Author: Luozhou White Horse

At this moment, the wilderness.

The old man kowtowed: "Pray for Emperor Donghua, Emperor Fusang, Emperor Shuiguan..."

"We are waiting for all people to rely on you, and we are waiting for you to defeat the powerful enemy, protect my homeland, and protect me from Yanhuang!" A young man cut his palm and poured blood and pain on the incense.

There are even slim-waisted Chu women dancing along the river, offering sacrifices to the heaven for this thousand-mile country and the people of a thousand miles to fight against the strange gods.

this moment,

Manmin has indeed made his own choice.

The people who regained their clarity and calmness looked at the sunlight that was gradually enveloped in darkness.

The God who is burning himself to drive out the darkness, he is burning himself to bring light to the world.

He is in crisis because of the people of this earth.

Then these thousands of people will not be indifferent.

Giving may not bring rewards, but the selfless spirit can always be admired by all people.

Because God is willing to shed blood for all peoples,

Then, all the people will cry blood to pay back the sky!

The King of Chu looked at the smoke and sparks that filled the sky, was silent for a moment, and suddenly burst out laughing.

"My country of Chu, there is salvation!"

"My country, my people - go and do according to your own will!"

"Since the people are of the same mind, then the country and the people should also walk with the people!"

"Go on, the widow will hold a state ceremony."

"For the sake of millions of people, the few people want to sacrifice Emperor Donghua and Emperor Fusang, and establish Donghua as Taiyi."

"The New God of the One!"

In any case, the state of Chu is still a country after all... The major affairs of the state, in the military and sacrifice, only the military and sacrifice must not be careless, and therefore, the state of Chu must not admit that Taiyi has gone crazy, they can only say... This is a battle between Taiyi and Taiyi!

Of course, for the sake of caution, what the King of Chu said was only the Taiyi of the New God, not the Taiyi of the East Emperor. This was an inheritance, not a relationship of stealing.

Xiang Yan was stunned for a while, then bowed and bowed: "Your Majesty is wise!"

Ten thousand people are single-minded, ten thousand hearts are like fire, the clouds of smoke that drift into the sky curl up, but they pass through the thick darkness and cross the strange surrounding layers.

Luo Wei stood with his sword, watching the wriggling tentacles that spread more and more around.

The time has come.

The power in the body is also slowly rising.

He will die here, and he also believes that he will be remembered by this land.

God cannot be on the Throne of Heroes.

But people can.

"Vi", yes.

"This is the end." Luo Wei slashed the sword in front of his chest, flicked his robe, and curled his fingers onto the sword, startling a red light like a shadow.

'Six Days Old Ghost' didn't answer, just let out babbling laughter and bursts of indescribable ravings.

This is indeed the last.

The last for Rowe, and the last for Him.

"It's a pity." At this moment, Yuzaoqian suddenly felt a little regretful.

Because she saw the figures of the former group of people from the body of the 'Donghua Emperor'.

He might also have a chance to go their way.

But now, not anymore.

Although there was one less opponent, Tamamo Mae couldn't be happy at all.

This kind of feeling was like many years ago, when she had not yet gathered her nine tails, she looked up and watched the group of Kyushu ancestors leave one by one.

There is no joy, but inexplicable... melancholy.

Wind and fire, but both roar and condense at this moment.

The water vapor of the Yangtze River is boiling.

The vast land circulates.

Luo Wei fluttered his sleeves, and the sword light swayed in his palm. The scorching sun, which was heavily wrapped in the dark and treacherous sun, also swelled in an instant. Countless wriggling tentacles were cut off by the sword in Luo Wei's hand.

Then, instead of retreating, he advanced, and the sword light in his hand stretched out like a dragon.

Layers of flames rolled out, raging flames exploded, turning the surface into a line, and the appearance of the only remaining concept of the sun condensed into a line, breaking the surface, forcing the darkness in an instant.

The body and the sword are combined, and the sword moves with the light and shadow.

Luo Wei pierced through the layers of depths, and before falling to the dark and strange day, he came to the six-day ghost.

The sound of the drums moved, and the invisible ravings approached.

More darkness, more savings emerge from the body of the six-day-old ghost.

The roar collided, and the sword shadows overlapped.

The six-day old ghost counterattacked at the same time, but it was also the concept of "sun".

But it is a scorching sun that is reversed, a negative and crazy sun.

More see the layers of ripples rippling.

This is that Tai produces water, water feeds Taiyi to earth, earth feeds Taiyi to give birth to heaven, and heaven returns to give birth to all things.

No matter how it is reversed, these six-day old ghosts are all "chaotic" characteristics stripped from the body of Taiyizun. He is not Taiyi, but it can be said to be Taiyi.

The power that the One had, He also has.

Luo Wei was not surprised, and even more delighted, he also showed the authority of the Great Shuiguan in an instant.

The vibration of the East China Sea, clouds, rain, rivers, lakes and seas, and the concept of the triple water cycle of heaven, earth and human condensed into a dense cloud of water vapor all over Luo Wei's body.

The sun collided with the opposite sun.

The original water and the water cycle are intertwined.

The sky is dark and the bright is interlaced more frequently, the sound of the collision is like a thunderous thunder resounding between the sky and the earth, the six-day old ghost roars continuously, his behavior is chaotic and crazy, and he is irrational.

But at this moment, Rowe seems... crazier than him!

Burning himself is not enough. At this moment, Luo Wei wants to squeeze every power of this body. He can vaguely hear the rotation of the gears, the operation of the core of the furnace, and the reverberation of the sky is like the roar of thunder.

The sword in his hand waved a fine sword light, the tentacles were cut, and the darkness was burned.

The six-day old ghost gave a strange laugh.

At the same time, Luo Wei laughed and covered up his voice.

The six-day old ghost made a drum-beating raving.

Rowe was still laughing.

Six days of old ghosts chattering and laughing.

Rowe was still laughing.

So the six days old ghost shut up, only the dark tentacles continued to extend, showing his chaos.

He blocked Rowe's way back.

But the flames overlapped, and they didn't care, and slammed forward!

"Who is Chaos!" If there is enough consciousness, the current six-day ghost must have gone crazy.

He subconsciously wanted to take a step back to avoid the burning sun.

However, he found that his retreat behind him was also blocked.

It's an invisible barrier.

That is the power of the 'key of the sky' displayed by the original people!


The indescribable babble appeared again, although this time Luo Wei always felt that the voice seemed a little strange, but he didn't need to pay attention.

He just laughed loudly again, raised his sword and headed for it!

Kill the devil with a sword—

Luo Wei completely released himself: "Please drink this sword!"

Red light, turbulent burst.

At this moment, he has really come to the front of the six-day ghost, and the sword that he handed out fell into his body.

The power in the body will be exhausted.

Although it only took an instant to recover again, Luo Wei forcibly contained this recovery force.

To prove the crown of the Heroic Spirit by death.

The six-day old ghost let out a roar, endless tentacles spread, and the darkness was biting at the same time.

He is going to die.

He, too, will die... But Luo Wei is fearless, even more fearless, and he should be able to enjoy himself when he fights with his own body!

"I'm praying, praying—"

"Bless and dedicate all beliefs!"

"The country walks with all the people... Taiyi of the new god..."

The sound suddenly entered Luo Wei's ears.

An invisible force suddenly surged up.

This is faith.

It is the reverence of the people to the true God.

At the same time, there is also energy emerging and vitality spewing out.

At this moment, Luo Wei seemed to see the people on the ground praying, seeing their beliefs, their loud sacrifices...

this moment.

Rowe made the sound of "I'm super".

fuck? !

Not to mention the question of whether or not I can die... I obviously called 'Taiyi', how could it be Taiyi! ?

Chapter 12 Curses the dizzy fox with indescribable ravings

Luo Wei has long thought about the possibility of accidents, and has long been used to the possibility of accidents.

Up to now, although he is still begging for death, and he does not intend to let go of every possibility of taking the seat, but more often, he is actually backing up with his ability to be measured after his death, to let him go. You can develop what you want.

Because he is fearless and fearless, he can be at ease.

It is also because of this "willfulness" that he does not exert his full strength and fights in person.

In the final analysis, Luo Wei still hopes that he can be recorded by this land as a "Hua Xia", not an existence such as an exotic machine god.

But he would never have thought that he would be directly believed by people as 'The One'.

Even if it is stated that it is 'Taiyi', not 'East Emperor Taiyi'.

The name of God has never been arbitrary, and even if there is only one stroke and one stroke, the difference between them is still huge.

However, this momentary change still shocked him. The power transformed by the beliefs that had gathered in an instant made him return the power that he had scattered before, and even became more flamboyant.

Because he was regarded as Taiyi, so 'Taiyi produces water, and water feeds Taiyi'.

This step is to feed back, and it is also the embodiment of the principle of water and air circulation in the three worlds of heaven, earth and human being in charge of Luo Wei as the water official