
Please let me go to the Throne of Heroes (full version anglaise)

"I have traveled to the Xingyue and gained the approval of the root. As long as I can die abnormally, I can ascend to the Throne of Heroes and become the Lord of the Throne of Heroes, a stronger and freer existence than the Seventh Crown." "For this reason, I began to I scolded Jin Shining face to face, challenged Zeus the Almighty in Greece, kidnapped Skadi in Northern Europe, declared Solomon to be a devil rather than a son of God in Israel, and stood in Morgan's place to death in Britain . Side..." "But why, am I still alive?" 1994, Fuyuki. A famous existence in history, the third friend of the oldest king, the first prime minister of Mesopotamia, the person favored by the Greek gods, the king of giants in northern Europe, the incarnation of the god who awakened Solomon's humanity in Israel, Ka. Prince Merlo assists... Rowe, who is young but full of vicissitudes, sat on the top of the Fuyuki Bridge, sighed, and looked in front of him: "You say, what went wrong here?" "Or, you will kill me. , let me go to the Throne of Heroes? Please!" Emiya Kiritsugu lit a cigarette and glanced at Artoria who held up the holy spear beside him, the treasure of the king unfolded by Gilgamesh, and the detective of the kingdom of shadows. The red tip of the spear that came out... The hand holding the cigarette trembled slightly. Original livre https://trxs.cc/tongren/6362.html

Supe3rman1234 · Anime & Comics
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320 Chs

Chapitre 144

Chapter 144

Author: Luozhou White Horse

"I am the King of Chu, if I retreat, who will protect my people!?"

The voice of shouting and shouting echoed in the palace of the capital city of Chu, and the bloated and aged Chu King gasped, "What kind of monster is that..."

"It's... 'The One'."

It is the madly upside-down Tai one.

It is the supreme god of their Chu state...

The King of Chu was stunned.

Is that really the One? He wanted to question it, but the person who was talking to him was Xiang Yan, a famous general of the state of Chu, a great soldier of the military. He would not misunderstand.

Then my country of Chu... is there any help?

Is there any help for my country of Chu?

This is also the mourning in the hearts of countless Chu people, the doubts in their hearts.

If you did not die in a foreign war, but in an internal battle... Chu country, what is it! ?

At this moment, both those who were awake and those who were not awake subconsciously had a feeling of grief in their hearts.

At this moment, countless Chu people shed tears inexplicably.

There were many howlers.

Chu State may die sooner or later, but they are not willing to die.

unwilling, unwilling...

Unwilling to die, unwilling to die in civil war.

'Who will save us...'

'Who will save...'

'Who is coming...'

His voice was hoarse, his voice and expression were exhausted, but he was suddenly restrained.


There was a sound, and the wilderness reverberated.

Like a bell, it rang among all beings.

That is, at the same time, the sound of humming sounded, and the dark sky lit up with a light.

That sword swept across the sky, and received endless light and heat.

That figure stands on a high place, circulating the water of heaven and earth, and guiding the dense machine,

Everyone saw it, and at the same time, they knew the identity of the shadow.

"Emperor Donghua, Emperor Fusang, and Emperor Shuiguan—the sun rises, the moon sets, and the water flows in the three realms."

That crazy 'Tai Yi' was still waving his twisted body.

But he brought the sun and pierced the darkness.

In the name of God, he is honored by immortals.

In human body.

Standing high in the sky, he did not hesitate to disperse his strength and fall into the vast world to disperse the cold.

'It's that year, the water of the East China Sea pours back into Jingchu, Jiye, and nightmares come, and all the people are in a panic. '

'In the vast night, there is only one light. '

'"History of Chu"'

Suddenly, Luo Wei ignited himself, thinking that all the people!

Chapter Eleven of the New God

Feeling the power of thinning out of his body, Luo Wei couldn't help but smile.

To a certain extent, this is actually the reason why he chose to become the Emperor Donghua of the Divine Land—the god of the sun who is in charge of the sunrise is the personification of the concept of the sun, and in the eyes of the world, the so-called sun is also a matter of course. A selfless existence that burns itself to bring warmth to the world.

Such a concept allows Luo Wei to shine brightly in the sky and the earth at this moment, and this kind of power allows Luo Wei to leave his real name in the hearts of all souls.


Just one word to prove it.

For the sake of death, but not simply for death, seeing the suffering of the common people, Luo Wei even more extravagantly begged to save himself - not for justice, but to abide by the bottom line of being a human being.

As a human being, the empathy that sees people suffering.

Because he is not afraid of death, he sees injustice on the road, and even dares to divide his own strength to protect the people!

"Go on!" In the blazing fire, Luo Weiti's sword rose again, and the concept of pure yang appeared all over his body, and light, heat and fire rolled forward like a sea in an instant.

'The Ghost in the Six Days' is still eerie and silent, but even though it is surrounded by layers of sunlight, the dark eerie feeling remains undiminished.

It's just that even though the darkness is still deep, the bright light has brought endless hope to the people on the ground.

The king of Chu wept with joy, and Xiang Yan bowed to the sky.

In the soup valley, the light-white fingers raised, Tamamo shook her slightly plump thighs, and smiled: "Wei—is that right?"

"Fuxi consumes his blood to open the gossip, Nuwa weeps and thinks that Xuanhuang and Xuanyuan have done a hundred lives, and Shennong tastes a hundred herbs to die in a foreign land... He is obviously a god, a high-level existence, but he can always do this kind of thing, for the sake of That humble mortal..."

"Burning yourself thinks that it is all people, and it really is Chinese orthodoxy."

"But why, for us, it can't be like this!?"

The smile is mixed with resentment, and even more... if there is any admiration.

Admiration for those who used to be, those ancestors and gods.

On the ground, above a certain mountain, Concubine Yu, who was wearing a black dress fluttering, was also looking at the 'sun' that was fighting against the strangeness in the sky, and narrowed her vermilion eyes.

Sure enough... is that you?

At this moment, Yu Ji suddenly remembered that the ancient Chinese god who was in charge of marriage in Shenzhou said to her a long time ago that in the future, she will meet people who are extremely important to her.

That man has a body of steel, but he has a heart as warm as a human being.

In fact, the previous Yu Ji never thought of this sentence, because she had never felt lonely before, or she didn't know what it felt like to not be lonely before, and naturally she didn't know what loneliness was.

But now she understands that the words of the past, naturally emerged in her ears.

So Yu Ji suddenly became more convinced.

The gods on the ground have complex and different minds, but for Luo Wei, who is fighting against the weird in the sky, there is only one thought left.

That is--


Fight with it, fight with the 'Taiyi'.

It is more to fight with 'self'!

"Buzz..." A subtle buzzing sound appeared from the strange figure that turned into a black sun. It sounded like a low roar, but if you listened carefully, it seemed that you could hear endless babbling, endless babbling. Confused sound and color.

Luo Wei moved forward, facing the darkness, and also facing the invisible tentacles and tentacles in the darkness that came from all directions at this moment.

He swung his sword up, and his whole body was still blooming. Before the sword touched, the darkness collapsed in an instant.


The ravings changed, and the darkness skyrocketed at the same time.

At the same time, the six-day ghost transformed into the reverse side of Taiyi finally started to move. The dark and terrifying appearance moved forward and threw out his fist.

He, blocked the burning sword in Rowe's hand.

It also blocked the concept of the flaming 'sun' blooming all over Rowe.

"It's useless..." The raving gradually became clear, and Luo Wei heard the voice at the same time, and the next second, the fist slammed forward, pushing him an inch away.

Although it was only an inch, at this moment, Luo Wei really stepped back.

The burning light and heat are given to the world, and this body, whose strength is gradually depleted, seems to be unable to stop the strange appearance of the ghost from the past six days.

The creeping tentacles grew more and more and spread out, like a surging torrent.

So he made a cheerful voice.

"As expected of the weirdness transformed by the old gods-"

"But, today, I will not retire!"

Rowe moved forward under the pressure, but the tentacles spread from all directions at the same time.

Burn, burn, burn.

The surging power is always accumulating in the body.

Luo Wei was already preparing to burst out the last power in his body, burning the opponent with this power, and at the same time completely letting go of all his defenses at that moment.

Give the 'six days old ghost' a chance to kill himself!

So at this moment,

Thousands of miles across the land, bright and dark.

It was the manifestation of the struggle in the sky. People on the ground couldn't see the details, but they could infer the outcome of the battle from the changes in light and darkness, from the conditions of the blazing sun and darkness.

The sunlight was enveloped in darkness from all sides, and although the light was still bright, it was clear that the situation was no longer optimistic.

"The Emperor Donghua, is he going to lose..." In the palace of the king of Chu, the king of Chu was shivering.

The tall and strong Xiang Yan frowned: "I'm afraid... yes."

I am afraid?

In the eyes of many people, it is already inevitable.

"The emperor burned himself and drove out the darkness and the vast land for this land. There are too many places to care for, from the sky, the earth, to countless mountains and rivers..."

"He lost so much power that he could have won, but at this moment..."

"What at the moment!?" The King of Chu was anxious: "Is there any way?"

"There is a way, you can try it."


"Let the whole country believe in Emperor Donghua, and use the power of faith to make up for the loss of the emperor!"

"This... in a hurry, how can I do it?" King Chu was stunned.

Change customs, change beliefs.

Don't say whether he wants it or not, it's definitely not easy to implement.

Even in the period when the prestige of the King of Chu was at its peak, it would never have been possible to change the trust of the whole nation with a single piece of the king's decree.

But now there seems to be no other way.

"Never mind, it's nothing but a try!" The King of Chu breathed out without hesitation.

Xiang Yan received the order, and just wanted to go out to deliver the decree, but suddenly stopped.

"Why didn't Aiqing go?" The King of Chu was shocked, anxious and puzzled.

"Your Majesty...you don't have to go." Xiang Yan hesitated.

The King of Chu opened his mouth and wanted to say something. He wanted to ask why, but suddenly stopped speaking.

Because at this moment, 'smoke' suddenly floated over the sky of Chu State.

It is not the smoke filled with water vapor, not the wind and rain brought by the flooding of the Yangtze River from the East China Sea, but the fireworks of the world.

There is a shimmer of light in the fireworks.

It was the ashes of the burning embers.

That's... 'belief'.

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid, you don't need to issue an decree." Xiang Yan sighed: "Wanmin, you have already made your own choice!"