
Please call me William III

The ordinary college student Chen Tian was inexplicably reborn in the German royal family before the beginning of the First World War. At the baptism, he was crowned the Prince of East Prussia by his great grandfather William I, making him an uncompromising "Princehood". After the rebirth, Chen Tian used his identity and his mind to transcend the concepts at that time, constantly searching for famous generals and discovering some buried talents. Hindenburg? Brother Mammoth, please come to be a teacher; Goodrian? Comrades, shall we work together; Rommel? Young people work hard, I think you are good. And he used his advanced military knowledge to arm his troops, build tanks, build aircraft carriers, and develop the air force, and began a brilliant road to rise. Under his company, his companions, lovers, and loved ones, Chen Tian gradually grew into a new leader of the German Empire, leading Germany to the road to dominate Europe. Of course, for an Asian island country, no one would mind the protagonist to repair it. of. . .

warriorX · History
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101 Chs

Visiting of Old People

There was a misty drizzle outside the window, and the late autumn in Qingdao seemed a bit cold. Chentian sat at his desk, watching the report that Oli had sent from Turkey. He is happy and worried about the war there. What is happy is that after Kemal occupied Thessaloniki, after a period of time to consolidate his turf and reorganize his troops, he began to march to Istanbul a month ago. At this time, the main force of the Turkish government forces was fighting fiercely with the army of the Young Turkish Party in the central part of Asia Minor, so Kemal's forces quickly occupied a large area of ​​territory. They are currently confronting part of the Turkish government forces that are returning to aid 300 miles west of Istanbul. . The worry is the funding issue. As the war in Turkey intensifies, Kemal's troops consume more and more arms and military expenses. In addition, I have to pay a large sum of pensions for the killed soldiers of the mercenary regiment every month. Fortunately, the submarine troops The goods that were robbed in those few times were also considered expensive, and how much subsidized my own losses.

Just as Chentian's thoughts drifted thousands of miles away, the guards came in and reported that several people outside asked to see him, one of whom claimed to be an old Japanese.

Old Japanese? Chentian recalled his old Japanese. It seemed that he had only been there once in early 1900 to "grab" money, but the specific operations were done by the housekeeper Zach. Could it be...

"Invite them in!"

But soon there was a noise from the door of the office. He walked to the door strangely, only to see Renee standing in the middle of the corridor, blocking the way of the Japanese people. Only then did he remember that Renee was to the Japanese. Hate it.

"Rennie!" He yelled in a low voice, and Renee turned his body aside and let out the corridor, but he could see that his eyes were full of hatred.

"His Royal Highness!" As expected, the leading Japanese was the Tokugawa Kazunobu that Chen Tian met last time in Japan. After 9 years, he has not changed much, but only has a mustache.

After they entered the office, Chentian walked to Rennie and said in a low voice: "Lennie, I'll explain to you later, you'd better stay obediently for me now!"

Renee walked away aggrievedly.

When Chentian returned to the office, the Japanese had already consciously sat down on the sofa.

"Mr. Tokugawa, what's the matter?" He felt a little strange, because these Japanese had always been in contact with Zac, and Zac then conveyed their meaning to himself.

"Yes, there is a very important thing for us this time!" Tokugawa Yixin stood up, walked to the front of Chentian table, and stared at him with a strange look.

"We are ready to launch a coup and hope to get the full support of your government!"

"What? Are you crazy?" Chentian jumped up. At the beginning, his cooperation with this Tokugawa Ichishin was entirely to use them for business operations in Japan. Helping them to seize power was just a cover. I didn't expect them to be true. Preparations for a coup d'état.

"What? Your Royal Highness, didn't you agree to me?" Tokugawa Kazuki looked at his reaction in surprise.

"Uh...I mean I didn't expect you to prepare to launch a coup so soon. Now your strength is not very strong. Isn't it too crazy to launch a coup like this? Isn't it, hahaha!" Chentian didn't want to let it. Tokugawa Kazunobu suspected that he was not sincerely helping him, not only because he still had some investments under the name of Tokugawa, but also because he saw a sharp flash in the eyes of a Japanese brought by Tokugawa. The light seems to be a powerful character. He regretted not bringing Rennie in.

"Since 1868, our Tokugawa family has been waiting for 41 years! From the moment you promised to help us, we have been fighting for 9 years! I firmly believe that we now have enough strength, we have a group The officers who are loyal to us, have a group of well-trained armed forces, and have placed a lot of our eyes and ears in the government. Our people are waiting for us to raise our arms and we want to reproduce the glory of the Tokugawa family!" While talking excitedly while waving their fists, the eyes of the Japanese people behind them also kept flickering, as if they had already seen the arrival of their time.

Chen Tian suddenly felt that this guy was simply the Hitler of the East, with the same thin body and similar speech movements, but he didn't know if he had the talent of the head of state.

"Well, Mr. Tokugawa, tell us about your coup plan!"

"His Royal Highness, we have officers loyal to us in the army near Tokyo. First, they will lead the troops from the barracks, and then join our own troops, so that we have a total of more than 5,000 soldiers, and then we will occupy the prime minister's residence and The residence of the Minister of the Interior, and then occupy the Metropolitan Police Department and news agencies, destroy the substation, and block the entire Tokyo. Finally, we petition to His Majesty the Emperor, and the Tokugawa family will organize a new cabinet! I hope that during our control of Tokyo, you Germany can announce Support our coup!"

Chentian didn't say anything. He felt that the possibility of the success of this plan was really very small. Not to mention whether the soldiers led by the officers they placed would support them. Even if they really controlled Tokyo, the Japanese army would quickly counterattack. Unless they really dare to hold the emperor, but for the Japanese, the emperor is their god, and the emperor is absolutely sacred and inviolable.

"Mr. Tokugawa, with all due respect, I am not optimistic about your plan! After the Sino-Japanese War and the Russo-Japanese War, the status of the army in the hearts of your people should not be lower than that of the prime minister and cabinet! There is no support from the majority of the army. I think your coup is very difficult to succeed! You should wait some more time to develop your power in the army and government!"

Without Chentian's support, Tokugawa Kazunobu sat back down on the sofa dejectedly.

"As long as we hold the lives of the main military generals in our hands, the army will not dare to move, so that our coup can be successful!" The guy with the glaring eyes suddenly stood up, and his words silenced everyone present. .

What a cruel person! Chentian couldn't help admiring his coldness, and he did not hesitate to use generals as hostages in order to seize power. If those generals had accidents, the Japanese army would be over.

"Then His Royal Highness and Germany should be able to support us!" The guy appeared silently to the left of Chentian, who was clearly on the sofa 4 to 5 meters away.

Chen Tian felt that guy exudes a cold breath, closing the pores all over his body.

"I haven't consulted this one..."

"Retainer of Tokugawa, Shinnosuke Nohara!"


Chentian fell to the ground all of a sudden, this guy was called by this name, no wonder he was so tough.

"His Royal Highness, be careful!" Ye Yuan helped Chentian up, and Chen Tian suddenly felt that his strength was drained instantly, and he was actually held by this guy.

"I think His Royal Highness has agreed to our plan, and he will go to Japan with us, so that the German government will definitely support us!" Nohara laughed coldly, "I'm not wrong! Prince Your Highness!"

To Japan? Chen Tian was shocked, was he tied to their chariot just like this? This, this is most likely a road of no return!

"His Royal Highness, ask your people to come in and make arrangements! It's better not to play tricks, if you don't want to have trouble with yourself!"

At this moment, Ollie slammed through the window, grabbed Tokugawa Kazunobu, and yelled: "Nothing is allowed to move, this place is already surrounded!"