
Please call me William III

The ordinary college student Chen Tian was inexplicably reborn in the German royal family before the beginning of the First World War. At the baptism, he was crowned the Prince of East Prussia by his great grandfather William I, making him an uncompromising "Princehood". After the rebirth, Chen Tian used his identity and his mind to transcend the concepts at that time, constantly searching for famous generals and discovering some buried talents. Hindenburg? Brother Mammoth, please come to be a teacher; Goodrian? Comrades, shall we work together; Rommel? Young people work hard, I think you are good. And he used his advanced military knowledge to arm his troops, build tanks, build aircraft carriers, and develop the air force, and began a brilliant road to rise. Under his company, his companions, lovers, and loved ones, Chen Tian gradually grew into a new leader of the German Empire, leading Germany to the road to dominate Europe. Of course, for an Asian island country, no one would mind the protagonist to repair it. of. . .

warriorX · History
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101 Chs

A Night of Heavy Rain

Chen Tian finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Renee breaking through the window and holding Tokugawa Kazunobu. your own strong brother is here, Nohara Shinnosuke, are you done! Humph! But the next scene brought the confidence he had just raised back to the bottom, because Tokugawa Kazunobuki came and threw Rennie out hard, and he murmured: " I can't help myself! I'm a black belt in karate!"

As a result, Chen Tian had to reluctantly bid farewell to Lisa, accompanied by Renee, and went to Japan for a short " visit".

In the cabin of the Japanese cruise ship Maple Leaf Maru, Renee was tied up like a winter melon and thrown aside. Chen Tian was treated well, and he was still free in the cabin. That wild principle stayed with him like a ghost all day, especially when he woke up in the middle of the night to see him sitting there staring at him, it made people shudder.

"Mr. Nohara, I want to know why you support the coup so firmly, even more resolutely than Mr. Tokugawa himself!" Chentian began to be a little curious about this guy who was monitoring him 24 hours and almost didn't even use the toilet.

"Our Nohara family was originally the ninja of Iga. We became the most loyal servants of the Tokugawa family more than a hundred years ago. The Tokugawa family was forced to go down the field more than 40 years ago. Before Mr. Tokugawa's grandfather died I told my grandfather to help his descendants revitalize the family, and before my grandfather died, he gave this important task to my father. In an operation ten years ago, my father tried to protect his young virtue. Mr. Chuan gave his life. Now, I will repay the Tokugawa family in the Nohara family!" When Nohara said these words, he changed his indifferent expression and looked unusually firm.

Ninja? No wonder it is so cold! Chentian felt that this time was really bad. If he didn't succeed, this guy might pull himself to bury him for the Tokugawa family, and he would suffer a lot! I have to defeat the Russians, British and French, and help the emperor win the First World War. If it hangs here, everything is over! But Renee is now tied up, and besides, he is not an opponent of Nohara at all, and he has no hope of escape.

"Mr. Nohara, forgive me for asking again, are you really sure to capture all the main generals of the army? You must know that they must be well guarded." Chen Tian felt that it was not too difficult to catch one or two generals. But now their target is dozens of military leaders.

"His Royal Highness, you don't need to worry about this!" Ye Yuan said coldly, his eyes hidden endless murderous intent.

A few days later, Maple Leaf Maru docked at Yokohama Port, and then Tokugawa and others took Tatsuten to their secret base in Yokohama, a large manor on the outskirts of Yokohama. The main building there was a castle from the Sengoku period, but it was already inside. After being refurbished, Chen tian was taken to a Japanese classically decorated room.

The door was closed gently, and there were four people including Tokugawa Kazunobu, Tatsuten, Nohara and translators in the entire room.

"His Royal Highness, I really wronged you! There is no way we can do it, I hope you don't mind!" Tokugawa Kazuno made a smile, but there was obviously not much apology in his tone.

"Mr. Tokugawa, I think you have done this too much! How can you treat a German prince like this? This is very unfavorable for our future cooperation!" Chentian did not give him much face, and now he needs more Consider how to avoid being dragged down by this guy. "One more thing, you must not hurt my entourage!"

"He is fine now!" Nohara accepted his words with a smile, "Your Highness, you will be safe, as long as you cooperate with us!"

"Okay! Let's talk about how I want to cooperate!" Chen Tian walked to the window, and a group of people on the open space outside were training. It seemed that it was Tokugawa's private army.

"His Royal Highness, you better stay away from the window, and don't let other people here see it!" Tokugawa motioned to Nohara to pull Tatsuten back from the window, "I don't want my subordinates to know that I work with foreigners. !"

"Since you don't want your troops to know about our cooperation, why did you arrest me here?" Chen Tian puzzled.

"Now the Japanese government and the British are very close, and after the coup d'etat, we will complain to His Majesty the incompetence of the Katsura cabinet and the shamelessness of the British. Coupled with the support of your German government, I think His Majesty will definitely Let the Tokugawa family come out to organize the new cabinet!" Tokugawa Ichinobu picked up the samurai sword at the back, and yanked the knife out. "This is the Yagi handed down by our Tokugawa family for generations. Now I want to make it heavy. Shine!"

"But do you think you can threaten the German government by arresting me?" Chen Tian felt more and more that this Tokugawa was a gambler, a crazy gambler.

"His Royal Highness, how can you say that? Haven't you promised to support our Tokugawa family regaining power?" Tokugawa took his Yagi and walked towards Chen tian step by step. After the coup, inform your government and let them announce their support for the Tokugawa family's coup. If you cannot fulfill your promise, hum! We Japanese are the most tolerant of cheating!"

Chen tian was speechless, it was not easy to convince the German government to support this crazy Tokugawa, and he seemed to overestimate his status in Germany. On the one hand, Tokugawa brandishing the damn Japanese sword, on the other hand, the German emperor who almost abolished himself, really embarrassed!

"Mr. Tokugawa, then I need to see our German ambassador to Japan first, because many things cannot be decided by myself, and I must first report to our emperor." Chen Tian can only plan to take one step at a time. It's better to find a chance to escape.

"No need! After the coup, we will inform the embassy of your country of your situation. If they do not announce their support for our coup, then Germany will lose a good prince!"

destroyed! Chen Tian sighed deeply. According to William II's character, he hated being threatened by others the most. Even if he can announce his support for the Tokugawa coup this time because of himself, he will inevitably be punished in the future. Compared to Tokugawa, he felt that he was too tender.

"Yehara, you send His Royal Highness back to his room first, and send someone to take care of him! Then we will start laying out our plans!"

On a rainy night, a group of army commanders gathered at the official residence of Chief of Staff Obogong for a reception after the regular meeting of the Japanese military. On the day, there were more than a dozen high-level commanders including Field Marshal Oyama Iwa, Field Marshal Yoshitomo Yamaxian, Army General Masaichi Terauchi, Army General Nogi Noki, Army General Kakiaki Kawamura, and other important generals were also invited to participate.

The singing and dancing in the mansion rose to peace, everyone talked loudly, and laughter broke out from time to time. No one knew that the danger was approaching at this moment. The guards of a company around the mansion and the guards brought by the generals have been lying quietly on the ground, and a group of dark shadows are flashing past their bodies.

Boom! Boom!

Suddenly a few smoke bombs exploded in the hall, and everyone suddenly became a mess. Many people felt that they had lost consciousness before they knew what was happening.

Five minutes later, the smoke cleared and Nohara Shinnosuke appeared in the lobby. After the commanders tied up the generals, a large number of bombs were installed in the mansion.

On the same evening, in the military camp in the southern suburbs of Tokyo, soldiers were ready to go in the rain. As the pointer pointed to 10 o'clock, the camp door slowly opened, and under the leadership of the officer they began to march towards the city. The barracks became empty, with only some officers tied to the kitchen who tried to resist. At this time, Tokugawa Kazunobu, armed with another group of about two thousand people, was waiting quietly near Honmonji in Tokyo.

once again english is not my first language so some times there will be grammer problems

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