
Playing with Mr. Billionaire

Chealse Adeline was forced not to return to Indonesia after graduating from college in Berlin, Germany. In order to pay off her parents' debt, she immediately looked for work in the city. One night drunk and frustrated by a job vacancy, Cheal is almost kidnapped by a strange man and Alden Dexter finds out. Alden immediately took Chealse away from the club and scolded him. "If you can't get drunk, you shouldn't drink!" "Do not talk too much! Quickly give me a job so I can pay off the debt!” Hearing Chealse's words, Alden decided to take the girl to his house. As morning approached, Chealse finally realized and was surprised to find his body no longer wearing the clothes she wore last night. "Where am I?" Suddenly Alden appeared from behind the door smiling triumphantly. "You said you needed a job? Right? Then this is your job!”

DevaDelia_22 · Urban
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6 Chs

Part 6 | Alden's Reason

"Already up?"

Chealse and Yasmin looked at the door at the same time, Alden's figure was already standing there with his arms folded in front of his chest. Chealse observed the man's appearance, more presentable than before despite only wearing a dark red shirt and dark silver pants.

"How do you feel?" Alden asked again as he walked closer.

Chealse's eyes suddenly widened. "W-what feeling?"

Yasmin who began to realize the situation was about to stand up but Alden spontaneously held it. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going out first, sir. Prepare something you asked for earlier."

Alden just nodded, then let Yasmin out of the room until finally only leaving Chealse and Alden alone. Chealse swallowed saliva, what should he answer? What feelings does Alden mean?

After Yasmin said that Alden would marry her, the girl seemed to lose her mind. Alden still approached Chealse and touched the girl's forehead, but Chealse spontaneously moved away. Alden was quite surprised by the response Chealse gave. "Did I hurt you?"

Chealse looked down and shook her head. "I'm just confused. No… I'm very confused."

Alden took a deep breath and put his hands in his pockets. "I don't know, what have you been through in the Club to make you like this. However, one thing you should know is that, as long as you are under my care, you will be safe."

Chealse watched Alden like a student watching her teacher. "Therefore, you should never be far away or even deliberately distance yourself from my sight." Alden took out one hand. "Just pretend that no one else will help you but me. I'll do everything I can so you don't act weird like this again."


Alden spontaneously looked at Chealse's quivering eyes. "What?"

Chealse moistened her lips, again his throat felt dry. "Why are you doing this? I mean, you're a foreigner who happens to be able to speak Indonesian and then suddenly helps me and seems to have rights over me."

Alden looked the other way and walked over to the window. "Why, why is an interrogative sentence that must include a reason, right? So if you ask me the reason why I brought you here was out of pity."

Chealse who was beating fast suddenly suffocated. It's like being flown into the sky and then slamming into the earth in one hit, painfully. "Pity?"

Alden looked back, looking at Chealse who was looking at him blankly. "Right, what do you think because?"

Suddenly Chealse's head hurt. "If Alden helped me out of pity, then why did Yasmin say that Alden helped me because he wanted to marry me?" Chealse muttered to herself.

"Then why do you think I helped you?" Alden is now looking at Chealse, with a distance of approximately 1.5 M, the man can already see the confused look on the black haired girl's face.

Chealse couldn't possibly ask Yasmin's statement earlier, the girl clenched her fists in the blanket. What should he do? Get out of here or stay and do what Alden says?

"I'm talking to you, Chealse." Alden's voice sounded higher than before, making the girl startled instantly.

"Because you want someone like me," Chealse answered loudly.

Alden spontaneously frowned. "Why is my reasoning so strange?"

"You know that I need a job, that's why you brought me because you need my strength to work for you. Isn't that a more reasonable excuse than just pity?"

Chealse started to gain her confidence again. The girl removed the blanket covering her body and stood up. "Okay, if that's what you want. I must always be under your supervision, must always be near you, therefore you must hire me and pay me. You have the right to my freedom, and I make money from it."

Alden gaped at Chealse's long speech. The man stifled a laugh and then looked away again. Chealse saw the change in Alden's expression and immediately frowned. "There is something funny?"

Alden finally laughed. "I don't know, I just wanted to laugh. How can you be so sure of the idea you put forward when I don't know the extent of your abilities."

"I can prove it!" Chealse puffed out his chest.

"In a way?" Alden raised an eyebrow.

Chealse was silent. Then the girl seemed to think for a moment until suddenly she raised a finger. "I can get to work right away."

"Working without a diploma?" Alden laughed again.

For a second, shame immediately silenced Chealse. The girl just remembered that her diploma was still in the suitcase in Patricia's apartment. The apartment was in Berlin and the distance from Berlin to Wolfsburg was two hours.

Chealse bit his lip then turned his head the other way. Alden was still laughing and then rubbed the top of Chealse's head in annoyance. "Strange, you weird girl."

"Then how can I get a job? You promised me a job this morning." Chealse protested, he realized that Alden had been playing with him all this time.

"I know. One more thing you should know, I don't want to hire sick people. Now look at you!" Alden reached forward, gesturing for Chealse to look in the mirror. "You're still sick, you better fix your condition first then we'll discuss the job desk about work."

Alden still chuckled and then walked ahead of Chealse. When he was right at the door, the man stopped. "If you want to know another reason, why I helped you and was willing to give you the job because…."

Chealse spontaneously looked back. "Because of what?"

Alden turned his back on Chealse, the man looked down and his fingers squeezed the doorknob, full of doubt. "Because so that I won't be lonely anymore."


"Do you like today's dinner menu, Miss?"

Chealse had just swallowed the ninth pill he had been taking since this afternoon. The girl nodded and smiled. "Love it, the food is really good. Thank you."

Yasmin smiled in satisfaction. "I'm happy if you like it. Because earlier, Mr. Alden advised me, if you feel uncomfortable, whether in terms of food or whatever, you can complain."

Chealse shook his head. "No, I've never been a picky eater. And again, to be honest, I'm too comfortable here."

Yasmin smiled again, very sweet. "Of course Miss should be comfortable here. Miss should be here to accompany Master Alden."

Chealse laughed. "It seems you misunderstood. I'm not the Alden family, I mean... I'm nobody. Me and Alden just happened to understand one language and then he helped me. He will also give me a job later. So I need to get well soon so I can get to work quickly and not be here anymore."

Yasmin's face, which was previously enthusiastic, suddenly changed. The servant girl looked incredulous. "Miss, don't lower yourself like that. We are very happy to have Mr. Alden with us. Miss, don't go anywhere, stay here."

Chealse smiled awkwardly. "How could it be?"

Yasmin lowered her head, like she was thinking about something big. Chealse was confused. "Did I say something wrong?"

Yasmin shook her head. "B-but, Mr. Alden doesn't talk like that."

Now it was Chealse's turn to be suddenly confused. "What did he say?"

Yasmin looks wet her lips. "I'm not sure what to say, Miss."

"Just say it!" Chealse grabbed Yasmin's hands and squeezed them gently. "Tell me whatever you know, it won't be a problem."

Yasmin looked into Chealse's eyes. "Master Alden said that if we have to take good care of Miss, Miss will also stay here, accompanying Master Alden, even for a long time. The lady here is not working, the lady is only here to accompany Mr. Alden."

Chealse frowned. "Just to accompany Alden?"

Yasmin nodded slowly. "That's why, we thought that Mr. Alden would soon marry Miss, not for work."

Chealse immediately looked the other way and began to doubt Alden's offer. What job requires him to accompany Alden at all times and places and for a long time?