
Playing PokeMMO In Another World

Imagine a Guy with barebone knowledge of Pokémon, gets transferred to a World where no one knows about Pokémon And the said World somehow gets connected to a World which is similar to Pokémon Games. Well, This Story is all about that Guy. Introducing Dipper, a normal teen who stumbled upon a game called PokeMMO while watching a short video. Dipper who is neither a Pokémon expert nor had he ever played a Pokémon game other than Pokémon Fire Red was intrigued by the game and chose to give it a try. While Dipper was immersed in the game, a powerful bolt of purple lightning struck his house's roof. Dipper didn't had time to react as he watched lightning tore through the roof of his house and struck him. Waking up after the strike, Dipper finds himself in a completely different world – a world almost identical to his original world. Almost, as nothing related to Pokémon exist in this World, be it Pokémon anime, Pokémon games, or even Pokémon cards. Thinking that this was just a normal world, Dipper went outside only to witness the most unimaginable thing in the sky he could have thought of. "Is that a bird...?" "No, it's a plane...?" "It's a giant Professor Oak." ------------------------------------------------------------ Warning - MC is a noob when it comes to Pokémon, So he will make some choices that you'll expect from someone who is new to Pokémon. ------------------------------------------------------------ Disclaimer - Pokémon and Characters related to Pokémon belongs to there rightful owners. I only own the Characters that I created. ------------------------------------------------------------ I am a new Author, and writing is something new to me. I am writing this fan fiction to gain experience, so please don't expect anything grand from this fan fiction. I am also a student, so updates will not be regular. As I write, I will try to improve the quality of my work. PS - English is not my first language. So please go easy on me. ------------------------------------------------------------ #PokeMMO #PokemonGame #PokemonFanfic #PokeFiction #PokeNovel #PokemonAdventures #PokeStory #PokemonWorlds #PokeJourney #PokemonUniverse #PokeFanFiction #PokemonBlack #PokemonWhite #PokemonPlatinum #PokémonDiamond #PokémonPearl #PokemonSoulSilver #PokemonHeartGold #PokemonEmerald #PokemonRuby #PokemonSapphire #PokemonLeafGreen #PokemonFireRed

DevilHanu · Video Games
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64 Chs

Ch. 08 - Nothing To Do

I only have about 4 minutes left in the Pokemon world. Rather than doing anything else, I choose to sit back and relax a bit since I have been running around and grinding nonstop, so I am a bit tired.

I sat there while watching other players come and go, and just like that my second day in the Pokemon world came to an end.

I wonder what will happen to my Pokemon who were still with Nurse Joy, waiting to be healed.

And just like that, I find myself back in my bed in the real world. Climbing down from the bed, I stretch my limbs.

Checking my phone for the time, it's 01:49 PM. I head to the kitchen to make some more instant noodles.

After eating the noodles, I changed my clothes and headed out to buy something decent to eat. Now that I have enough money, I sent the month's rent to my Land Owner's account and gave him a call to tell him to check his account for the money.

Walking on the street, I overhear people talking about Pokemon everywhere. Shortly after I was at a small restaurant enjoying a decent meal.

My stomach is full to the brim from all the food that I ate. After that, I made my way to the nearest part and sat down on a bench.

While sitting, I chose to surf the internet and sure enough, Pokemon was trending on every website on the internet. Searching for 'Kanto Region' on the internet, there were players who made it to 'Viridian Forest' but because of their Under Leveled Pokemon, they were not able to cross the 'Viridian Forest'.

Looking over the experience of some of the players, most players failed to cross 'Viridian Forest' due to Pokemon fainting from poison or losing battles forced by NPC trainers in the 'Viridian Forest'.

Ultimately no player was able to reach 'Pewter City'. It is impossible to tell for sure that no one has reached 'Pewter City' since the player who reaches 'Pewter City' might not have disclosed that he has crossed 'Viridian Forest' and reached 'Pewter City'.

However, I highly doubt that anyone actually reached 'Pewter City' this early because they will either need a strong Pokemon to sweep through the 'Viridian Forest' pokemon battles or they will need to make multiple trips to the Pokemon Center to get their Pokemon healed up after every battle.

Both of the options are very time-consuming and can't be done in 1 day. Since 'Route 1' was so much longer than what was in the game, I can say for certain that 'Viridian Forest' will be many times larger than what it was in the game.

Moving over to the news of other regions, the players in other regions were in a similar situation as the players didn't have strong enough Pokemon which caused them to have very little progress.

Overall, Most of the players spent their time making trips to the Pokemon Center. Even though the players were instantly teleported to the Pokemon Center in case all of their Pokemon faints, because of a large number of players coming after their defeat, the <Wait Time> for healing was very high.

A point to note is to buy as many revives as possible if I don't want to waste my time in the Pokemon Center.

Though I don't have to buy them right now since I will be able to get ahead of other players and reach the City before anyone else, So the <Wait Time> in the Pokemon Center of that City will be zero until other players start reaching that City.

Switching over to the 'Pokemon Union' website, I open their Public Information page and after looking at it I can say they are doing a very good job.

The page contains the information divided based on the starter region, each region's starter Pokemon, their types, where to go next after receiving the Pokemon, and many other information, including the locations of some of the NPCs that are related to the quests.

After looking at the information, I put my phone in my pocket and started heading to my apartment.

Surprisingly I had nothing to do other than wait for the 6 Hour limit to reset. So, I took my sweet time to reach my apartment.

On my way to my apartment, I received a call from the manager of my Part-time job. He was practically begging me to come to the job and even said to double my pay and the reason for that is similar to me, many others have left their jobs and started living as active players while receiving monthly funds from the 'Pokemon Union'.

After thinking for a while, I accepted his offer, since I had nothing else to do why not make some money?

I changed my destination from my apartment to my workplace.

I worked there till 8 PM and after receiving the pay of the day, I made my way to my apartment.

On the way to my apartment, I stop at one of the street-side food shops to buy something to eat. After eating I continued on my way to my apartment.

After reaching the apartment, I freshen up and lay down on my bed.

As I was lost in my thoughts, the sound of a notification on my phone woke me up.

Picking up the phone, it's a message from Lily.

[Lily - Hey Dipper, Where are you?]

[Me - I am at my appartement. Why? did something happen?]

[Lily - Nothing, I was just checking on you.]

[Lily - Did you go to the Pokemon world today???]

[Me - Yes]

[Lily - How was it?]

[Me - It was the most amazing thing that I have ever experienced. (>ᗜ<)]< p>

[Lily - I am sad, I wish I could go the Pokemon World too. (╥﹏╥)]

Since Lily is only 18, she can't go to the Pokemon world yet.

[Me - Don't be sad. When I can take out Pokemon, I will show them to you and even give you some as gifts.]

I continued talking to Lily for some time, and before I knew it, It was already 11 PM.

Choosing to say goodbye to Lily, I put my phone away and went to sleep.

Slowly over time, I drift into sleep.

At 7 O'clock in the morning, The alarm on my phone rang once again, waking me up from my sleep.

After turning off the alarm, I looked over the floating windows.

[The Daily 6 Hours Limit Has Been Reset.]

[Enter The Pokemon World?]

[<Yes > <No >]

Before entering the Pokemon world, I chose to freshen up and get something to eat.

By the time I returned, It was already 8 AM.

After lying down on the bed, I chose the <Yes > button and I was instantly transported to the world of Pokemon.

I was at the Pokemon Center in the 'Viridian City' where I left. I moved to Nurse Joy and asked about my Pokemon.

"Your Pokemon were stored in your PC box while you were away. You can retrieve them from your PC box."

"Use the PC at the back to access your PC box" said Nurse Joy.

After listening to Nurse Joy, I went to the PC at the back of the Pokemon Center and boot it up.

[Which function would you like to access?]

[Dipper's PC Box]

[Global Trade Link (LOCKED)]



Looking over the options, I select the first option [Dipper's PC Box] and the screen on the PC screen turns into a grid of empty slots with the first three being occupied by the miniature versions of my Pokemon.

Selecting the first Pokemon more options appear.


[Sell on Global Trade Link (LOCKED)]


[Move To Team]


[Change Box]

Looking over the options, Each option was self-explanatory.

I chose [Move To Team] and immediately a Poke Ball came out from the slot at the bottom of the PC. Doing the same for my other Pokemon, I had all my Pokemon back in the team.

After exiting the Pokemon Center, I started making my way to the north of 'Viridian City'. While on the way I saw a large building with a brown roof which should be the Pokemon Gym.

I know it will be closed so I didn't waste my time going there and asking NPCs about it.

After walking for some time, I was in front of yet another sign that reads:


<Viridian City - Pewter>

{Image Of Route 2}