
Play with a mad scientist!

Japan in the second half of the twenty-first century. There was this urban legend. A place called the Yukioka Research Institute, located in Gikkoucho, Anraku City, Tokyo. It is said that if you undergo a remodeling operation by a mad scientist there, you will gain power in the supernatural realm. However, in return for gaining power, it is necessary to become a mad scientist\'s test subject, so there is the risk of failing and losing one\'s life, or being turned into a monster. Those who need power clinging to straws, those who simply admire supernatural powers and want to peek into a new world out of curiosity. It just so happens that a suicidal person is in a desperate state--with various thoughts hidden in their hearts, test bench applicants visit Yukioka Research Institute today as well.

DaoistQFVZeF · Urban
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57 Chs

play with magic school clan -4

Thanks to being under Junko's control, the three Mihos are treated much better than the rest of the garbage organization. Compared to other experimental subjects, they have relatively loose restrictions on their movements, and even researchers and supervisors don't try to get involved with them more than necessary.

"That doesn't mean life here is paradise." It's much better than before, but there's no change in being a person without freedom. There is also something to do.

"Ah, were you in training?"

In one room of the facility, Miho wears a headgear for measuring brain waves and improving spiritual power, and strives to further strengthen her awakened supernatural powers. In front of her, Takeo opened the door to her room without even knocking and spoke the usual words while smiling.

"You know you came in and it's always been that way. I don't want to be disturbed."

Miho also smiled at her and took off her headgear while jokingly complaining back to her.

"You're serious, Miho. Junko says she'll let you out of here, so you don't have to be so hard on her."

Takero called out in a light tone.

"It's Junko's order to help us?  Even if you say you have Junko's protection, if you don't do anything and just sit around, the people here will find you more and more."

Miho knew that there were quite a few engineers here who didn't like the fact that they were being treated specially. It's not uncommon for people to blatantly frown when they see them.

"I don't know the meaning of the word higo, but somehow I understand what you want to say."

"It's not just researchers. People who are in the same position as us, who are being trained or tortured here, can't see it well."

"Hmm, you're thinking and caring. As expected of the eldest daughter of a large family."

At Takeo's teasing words, Miho's face turned slightly sullen.

To be honest, she doesn't want me to touch her family too much. She doesn't hold a grudge against her family, and although she wanted to do it herself, she's also aware that she came here to sacrifice herself for her family, so it's complicated.

"Besides, the time will come when our power will be needed for us, so Junko told us to brush up on our power until that time comes."

"I know that, but I think Miho should let her breathe a little more."

Takeo always exudes a gentle mood, but now Miho feels that this stands out. This boy has an air of kindness and calmness that makes anyone feel at ease just by being by his side.

Thinking about it again, I feel like Takeo saved Miho many times.

"Well, I really want you to pay more attention to us.

"Is that so... did it look like that?"

In this white world, Miho thought that Takeo and Kunio were important friends and companions, so she held back for a while.

"She felt like Miho was the leader of the four of us, but I wondered if she's been spending more time alone lately."

Currently there are three, Miho, Takeo, and Kunio, but there used to be four. The other, who is now gone, met a tragic end due to her researcher's failure before Junko took charge. The horrifying sight of one of her companions going mad and tearing off his own carotid artery is burned into the minds of the three of them.

"No, you might say that I'm spoiled for you, but yeah… No, I'm embarrassed to say things like this to your face. I don't know what to do... I can't say it well, haha"

I see――and hearing Takeo's story, Miho became aware of one more thing she had learned. She reflects that if she's stubbornly burdened by herself, she doesn't seem to have a very good influence on those around her.

"Okay, okay. If you say more than that, I'll be embarrassed too."

Miho stood up, left the room, shoulder to shoulder with Takeo, and headed to the place where everyone usually hangs out.

"Oh, you guys. That's not you."

A guard in a white uniform stopped them while toying with a baton.

"Mr. Yukioka is here again, so go see him."


After returning the reply, Miho and Takeo looked at each other with a serious face.

Junko visits here often, but not every day. She didn't come the day after she visited, she came after a day or two. But she came yesterday and she came again today...

"Is there something wrong?"

"Maybe. Maybe today is X Day."

Expectations and anxieties flooded in between the two of them. Nodding to each other with their eyes, Miho and Takeo hurriedly walked to meet Junko.


The destination seems to be on the outskirts of the downtown area. It wasn't a bad choice for camouflage, but Anne vaguely thought that it would be difficult to clean up after an accident.

"It's quite a big building, isn't it? It seems that the site area including the garden is large. It must be expensive."

Said Reimi, who was looking at the building through her binoculars from inside the coffee shop.

"The Recycle Agency is a secret facility created by the Japanese government that is only known to a few in the back alleys.

"I see. I want you to use blood tax for more meaningful things."

Hearing Anzu's words, Reimi gave a sarcastic smile.

"Most countries have secretly had paranormal national defense agencies for a long time, but few people have supernatural powers, so let's artificially awaken the paranormal realm. A research facility was created for that purpose.

Anzu said while comparing the building projected on the display in the air with the building at the end of the road.

"I think the choice to build such a facility itself is a real one. A choice and means to seek more power for the security of the nation."

"Well, I don't know what paranormal national defense means."

"It seems that the war includes cursing and killing important figures in an enemy country, or an imaginary enemy country, and vice versa. Another invisible war, I guess. Isn't there a variety of uses, such as being used as a secret agent? Even those with supernatural powers in the back alleys are doing much better than normal people.」

"I don't like it, that kind of thing. Isn't it a foul from the perspective of someone who doesn't have supernatural powers?"

"Reimi's face became disgusted." Even though realms such as spirits and the underworld are publicly recognized, those who can see spirits are still rare and many disbelieve. So are supernatural powers.

In addition, it's not uncommon for people like Reimi to avoid such things.

"I understand that feeling. I don't think that being there is necessarily an advantage over us who don't have that kind of power."

"That's right, but... I understand the reasoning, but it seems that the people who killed my family were also a group of that kind..."

With those words, I understood why Reimi was unusually in a bad mood. Thinking that it would be better not to say any more, An went on.

"Recently, Junko Yukioka, who I've been looking for, has been coming to this garbage organization quite often.

"So, why are we here?"

Reimi, who had been brought in without any detailed information about her beforehand, only now asked her why she had come here.

As for Junko Yukioka, she had said that she would conduct negotiations after carefully researching her in advance. It was.

"Among the information organizations that Junko Yukioka is on good terms with, there is an information organization called 'Frozen Sun' that I am also on good terms with. It seems that he is busy and finds it difficult to find time.' It seems that he frequently visits this facility, so I decided to use his free time over there to make contact with him near the garbage facility. I don't know if I can definitely make contact with him."

"Well, if the other person is so busy, it shouldn't be a problem. I have to be grateful just to see you."

Reimi said in a joking tone to Kyou who was explaining her situation.

"But I'm making a site like this. I'm sure they'll listen to me."

she flipped the display that Reimi opened in front of her and showed it to her Anzu. It is the top of the official website of the Yukioka Laboratory.

The site was famous in the form of an urban legend even on the main street. Of course I know Anzu.

It seems that there are quite a few people who actually visit Yukioka Research Institute through this site. Many of them are said to be used by desperate people, such as those who want to commit suicide or seek revenge. Anko thinks that's right. Unless you're a suicidal person or someone who's mentally deranged, there's no way you'd want to be subjected to human experimentation by a mad scientist.

"Nahaha, if negotiations fail, it might be better to see it as a partner on the spot."

Immediately after Reimi said jokingly, a tremendous explosion resounded.

The same building that was shown on Anzu's display was collapsing while clouds of smoke were spreading.

"Far from Sudon, it came Dokkan..."

Even Reimi almost dropped her cigarette without realizing it, and she smiled wryly as she watched the crumbling building.