
Play with a mad scientist!

Japan in the second half of the twenty-first century. There was this urban legend. A place called the Yukioka Research Institute, located in Gikkoucho, Anraku City, Tokyo. It is said that if you undergo a remodeling operation by a mad scientist there, you will gain power in the supernatural realm. However, in return for gaining power, it is necessary to become a mad scientist\'s test subject, so there is the risk of failing and losing one\'s life, or being turned into a monster. Those who need power clinging to straws, those who simply admire supernatural powers and want to peek into a new world out of curiosity. It just so happens that a suicidal person is in a desperate state--with various thoughts hidden in their hearts, test bench applicants visit Yukioka Research Institute today as well.

DaoistQFVZeF · Urban
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57 Chs

play with magic school clan -3

The impact shakes the vehicle. Next, there was an unpleasant sound and vibration. Another light truck hit the guardrail.

Makoto Aizawa, who was sitting in the front passenger seat, staring down at the book without wearing a seatbelt, remained expressionless as he imagined himself with a blatant disgust in his mind.

"Yukioka, do you have a driver's license?"

Makoto asked with his voice lacking in intonation, his eyes fixed on the book.

"Hmm, I have it.

Junko Yukioka, who is driving a light truck, answers with her desperate expression and cold sweat.

"How many times have you hit me since a while ago? I'm starting to feel sick."

"Isn't it disgusting to read a book while riding a vehicle?"

"Obviously it's your fault."

Recently, Junko has been going to the amusement park with Makoto every other day or two. She takes several trains from Anrakuichi to the city center, and even walks a fair distance, so when Makoto said, "Isn't it possible to go by car?" Driving extremely violently.

"I'll ask you to take a taxi next time. So, they won't attack you at all. Is there any point in me accompanying you?"

Saying this in a calm voice, Makoto imagines himself in his head, lying down with his hands behind his head and sighing in boredom.

"I'm completely aware of their movements, though. It looks like they're taking some time to prepare. Nonetheless, there are signs that they're about to attack. good luck"

"It's probably a thinning out rather than an outright payment."

Makoto corrects Junko's words.

"If there are too many, there is a limit to what I can do on my own, but have you already arranged for some mice?"


"It was a conversation that only the two of us could understand." However, someone who knew Junko Yukioka and had good instincts might have guessed what she was referring to.

"If the product is damaged in the middle of the presentation, it's putting the cart before the horse.

"Make an effort"

Makoto has a completely poker face, but in her head she imagines herself with a disgusted look on her face. While he is not good at showing his emotions, he has a habit of imagining himself doing so.

When the car stopped at the traffic light, Makoto took out his mobile phone.

"It looks like I'll be indebted soon... Yeah, I'm begging you."

When I exchanged words with the other person on the phone, a smile appeared on Makoto's lips for a moment. After a short exchange, she immediately hangs up.

"Nfufufu, girlfriend?"

"Noisy. It has nothing to do with you."

Junko, who had a keen eye for it, said teasingly, but Makoto spoke in a sullen mood. It wasn't just in her head, it was on her face.

"Why is this car like this?"

She asks when the car is running again.

"Hmm, this is the only car I have. I bought it to carry research materials. I haven't used it much. I don't have any sex appeal or shyness for driving."

"I guess it's the same with everything that's sex appeal and chatty."


Junko groaned as she was truly told that in a matter-of-fact voice.

"The car stops." On the outskirts of the downtown area, there was a familiar building that I had been passing by recently.

Makoto and Junko got out of the car and entered the building. It was already getting dark.


A hall that could comfortably accommodate more than 1,000 people. Intricate orange and black patterns are painted on the walls, floor and ceiling, creating a garish contrast.

The light sources are hundreds or even thousands of candles. A suspicious group of strangely designed black kimonos, lined up at even intervals and chanting spells. It seems to be close to fifty people.

Just by looking at it, you can tell it's either a religious cult or an actual magic group.

Aside from the spell, moans and sobs filled with resentment and despair leaked out from all over the hall. There is also laughter, which is probably maddening. Both voices are young.

Naked children were lying on their backs on the floor at regular intervals, just like the group in black kimono. Both are between six and ten years old.

There were boys and girls, surrounded by candles, looking up at the gaudy patterned ceiling, sobbing, smiling hollowly, laughing madly, all the emotions. There are various states, such as being vague as if dead. The number will exceed 100 or be close to it.

"I wasn't restrained." There is no need for that. Without a single exception, all of their limbs had been severed from the base.

The floor of the hall was shaped like a mortar, and was dented toward the center.

There is an altar in the center, and an old man wearing a black kimono with a more extravagant design than the others stands calmly.

At first glance, he seems to be the head of this group, judging from his standing position, clothes and atmosphere. From the countless wrinkles deeply carved into his dark skin, his thin body like a dead tree, and his wrinkled face, he looks like he's over 100 years old, but his waist has grown upright and his eyes have a strong will. Light dwells, and the expression is tightened.

"What a beautiful sight"

Two women approached the old man and called out to him.

Both of them were wearing black kimonos, but the woman who called out had a more extravagant design than the old man's costume, suggesting that she had a higher status than the others. Even though she is in a ponytail, her hair is down to the back of her knees. She was young and had a dignified face, but in his eyes there was an ominous light that ordinary people didn't have.

The other is still a young girl, and she is in a position to follow the ponytailed beauty. She is fair-skinned and has a bobbed hair, giving her the impression of a doll.

"Exactly, Ayumi-sama."

The old man answered the ponytailed woman by bowing her head respectfully.

"I never thought that I would be able to have another chance to realize the secret of the 700-year-old mysteries of Charcoal-style sorcery, the method of using high-quality life spirits, while I am still alive. And this secret. I am truly humbled to have been entrusted with the important role of managing it."

The old man's name is Hayato Koike. He is an elder who has been in the clan of charcoal magic for over 100 years, and is the highest rank of sorcerer.

"The right person in the right place. The only people who can become the core of this mystery are me and the old man."

Ayumi Hoshizumi, the young head of the magic school Hoshitan-ryu magic, narrowed her eyes and smiled.

"With this secret alone, most of the opponents will be killed, but after all, it's Junko Yukioka. We can never let our guard down. We must do everything possible and use the full power of Star Coal Flow Magic. "

"Exactly, Ayumi-sama."

"But even so, it's a wonderful sight. Let's burn this sight into our eyes. It may not be possible to perform this secret technique again in our lifetime."

With an enchanted expression, Ayumi looked around at all the 108 naked children whose limbs had been amputated.

"The purer the soul, the more pure it is, and the higher the quality of the soul.

Koike spoke in a sonorous tone.

"Recently, spirits and paranormal phenomena have been recognized as having a scientific basis, and even ancient magicians around the world are being recognized by the world as explorers who tried to unravel that system. This is a very happy thing for us too.My family also created the current form of Star Coal Flow magic after all kinds of trial and error, and with that secret art, even though it is a shadowy person, it is for the sake of the kingdom. has been useful for

Ayumi's eyes turned stern when Koike said that much.

"However, that abominable waste organization and its founder, Junko Yukioka, pushed us aside and ingratiated themselves with the nation."

Ayumi said in her angry voice, as if she was following Koike's words.

"For hundreds of years, we have served this country. We have supported and protected this country from the shadows. It is an inevitable trend."

Koike scolded him with a solemn expression.

"However, we are not silently following the flow."

A girl with a bobbed hair standing beside Ayumi let out a unique voice that sounded like she was inside out.

"That's right, Masako. In order to prove that we are truly worthy of protecting this country, and to those who have brought shame on us, we will use the 700-year-old wisdom and secrets of Star Coal-style magic. I'll show you all of the


Looking at Masako Egawa, the girl beside her, Ayumi narrowed her eyes and Masako raised her voice with plenty of enthusiasm.

"The ritual continues after that."