
Play with a mad scientist!

Japan in the second half of the twenty-first century. There was this urban legend. A place called the Yukioka Research Institute, located in Gikkoucho, Anraku City, Tokyo. It is said that if you undergo a remodeling operation by a mad scientist there, you will gain power in the supernatural realm. However, in return for gaining power, it is necessary to become a mad scientist\'s test subject, so there is the risk of failing and losing one\'s life, or being turned into a monster. Those who need power clinging to straws, those who simply admire supernatural powers and want to peek into a new world out of curiosity. It just so happens that a suicidal person is in a desperate state--with various thoughts hidden in their hearts, test bench applicants visit Yukioka Research Institute today as well.

DaoistQFVZeF · Urban
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57 Chs

play in the back streets3

Much of the crime that takes place in the back alleys is business that is tolerated with one eye closed. The underworld of this country is tightly controlled.

Its existence is accepted to some extent because it has the aspect of reducing the crime rate on the main street through its contribution to industry and the isolation and management of people with criminal attributes.

This is because if there is no framework for the backstreets, the people who live there are in danger of falling outside the control of the invisible quarantine area and committing more indiscriminate heinous crimes.

"This is a fact that everyone knows in this day and age." However, from the point of view of the general society, the so-called residents of the main street, the existence of the back street was a faraway world that was completely different from the place where they were. Despite being in the same city, right next to each other.

Toya and Akira were about to step into the darkness right next to it.

Influenced by Akira, Toya actually had some interest in the back streets. For a long time, I often saw backstreet sites and bulletin boards on the Internet. Among them, Touya was particularly attracted to the rumors of the Yukioka Research Institute, which grants supernatural powers and grants wishes, but she forgot about its existence for a long time.

"Here it is. Upstairs here."

Akira brought Toya to a four-story multi-tenant building. It was built decades ago and looks like it hasn't been renovated in that time. Cracks can also be seen in the concrete.

There were signs on the 3rd and 4th floors, each of which looked like a sex shop. To be honest, just seeing that made Toya hesitate to enter.

However, there was no reason for Akira to hesitate, and he went inside. Ten nights will follow.

"Oh, nice to meet you."

The moment the two stood in front of the door on the second floor, as if they had completely sensed their visit, the poorly placed door opened with an annoying sound, and a thin man appeared from inside. Appeared and greeted amiably.

"Akira Kumozuka and Toya Shibatani? They are young.

The man was in his late thirties to early forties, and had a friendly face. No matter how you look at him, he doesn't look like a backstreet dweller. He's an ordinary old man.

"I've talked about it before I came here, so it's okay."

Seeing Toya's uneasy expression, Akira whispered in his ear. I heard that earlier, but it's unreasonable to say that I'm still uneasy.

From now on, he will live as a resident of darkness. I imagine what kind of days my life is waiting for.

"Then, can I get you to work immediately? First of all, I'll copy the documents. Then I'll go around the information sites specializing in the back alleys, pick up the necessary information, and maybe edit it. Oh, I'll introduce you to the information organization and freelance information brokers. Of course I have to clean the office.

Sitting on the sofa, Toya secretly let out a sigh at the man's words.

Now that I think about it, I'm strangely convinced that everyone in the world will be treated like this at first, and at the same time I'm relieved. The fantasies that had been in his head until then were blown away cleanly.

"No, no, no, I don't like that. I want to be a combatant. This is an organization for disposal, right?"

However, Akira is completely unafraid and does not flinch, appealing his dissatisfaction and requests. The man smiles amusingly at that overly dignified speech.

"You know. What do you think I'm living in the back alley for? It's for the sake of our livelihood.

Hearing the man's words, Akira showed an unusually dumbfounded expression, but it soon turned into something terrifying.

"Yeah, it's a regular pattern. Children of your age misunderstand something and try to join an organization in the backstreets. Do you yearn for the picaresque and gangsters you see in movies?" Did you imagine a noir where you fight every night and shoot guns? Well, there are conflicts here and there.Would you like to turn away from the boring reality and get drunk with yourself living in an outlaw world?It's a pity. You know, it's a boring and harsh real life here too.

The man spoke gently as if to persuade him, but he completely denied Akira's dream of longing for the back alley. The disappointment of Akira, who was by his side, was painfully felt in Toya.

"It's more profitable than the main street, and it's dangerous and stimulating, but it's more peaceful when it's not. If you don't do it, you can't do it. Huh? Are you disillusioned? This is the truth about the back streets Well, we're a tidying house, so the frequency of dangerous things is higher than other back jobs.

Toya peers into Akira's face next to him. He is flushed with a rage that is rarely seen. He was glaring at the man as if he was looking at his parents' enemies.

Akira's anger was contagious to Toya. No matter how far you go, reality is silly and boring, and you can't get what you want. Akira's frustration was also Toya's frustration.

"On the other hand, there is also a way of life that you guys want. If you become a freelancer, you won't be hungry for stimulation. But you know, only a very talented person can do that. You. Do they have that kind of power?"

"I understand. Thank you for your advice. Excuse me."

When he said that quickly, Akira bowed his head lightly and walked out with rough steps. Touya also bowed to the man and chased after him.

"Ahaha, I suddenly stumbled. Ahahaha, I'm dead."

Akira was smiling as usual, but his eyes weren't smiling.

"I'm not joking. I don't want to go into the back alleys to do chores or clerical work. Hah, that's great. Just like he said, we'll be the killer and the killer for the first time."

"No... can you do that?"

Touya worriedly asked Akira, who declared with a fearless expression.

"If you look it up, there are some teenagers who are bosses of the organization and skilled killers. Even Aizawa-senpai is treated as a top-notch killer, even in the back alleys. I borrowed money to buy guns, was introduced to the current organization, and spent money on even more dangerous things.

"Debt…you lent it well."

Toya guessed that it was probably a backstreet financier. But he wonders if he would lend such money to a junior high school student. In addition to that, I'm also curious about more dangerous things.

"Ah, this, this, this, this is collateral."

Akira opened the holographic display in the air. He peered into the screen floating in the air, and Toya was astonished. What was opened was the site of an organ trafficking organization called "Anshin Incision".

"If I don't return it within three months, I'll be dismantled and sold clean, including my heart, liver, bone marrow, skin, eyeballs, and hair.


Toya was at a loss for words when Akira spoke with a bright smile. I thought I knew that Akira was the type to do things without thinking about the future, but even so, this is beyond the limit.

"Why didn't you consult me before doing this!"

"Consult? It's my decision, so there's no need for that.In the first place, have I ever consulted you even once?"

With a smile on her face, Touya hung her head. It certainly has always been so. I just follow Akira's decision. I just go out with the play that Akira wants. It's been that way for eight years.

However, Toya suddenly had an idea. There is a way that might be able to save Akira.

"So, what exactly are you going to do? No... do you have a plan to do something?"

Touya bites with a defiant gaze and tone of voice. From Akira's point of view, it was the first time Touya had seen him like this.

"We've never had a single fight before." Touya, who had no independence, was always there to follow me, and she never bit me like I do now.

Although he was confused for a moment, Akira was happy to see that Touya made a decision.

"I was trying to think about it because I don't have it, but from what you're doing, do you have any good ideas?"

"Why do you think Aizawa-senpai became a successful assassin and became famous in the back streets?"

Akira asked with a smirk, but his smile disappeared when he heard Toya's retort without pause.

The perceptive Akira understood what Touya was trying to say.

"You know the rumors about Yukioka Research Institute, right?"

It was a rumor that Toya was once attracted to.

A rumor that is famous as an urban legend on the Internet. Rumor has it that Junko Yukioka, a mad scientist who is considered to be a living legend in the back alleys, will undergo remodeling surgery to meet her needs in exchange for coming forward as a material for human experiments.

It is said that some people were able to grant their wishes, while others failed and died miserably during the experimental stage.

"It is said that among those who gained power and fame in the back streets, there are many who went through Yukioka Research Institute. Aizawa-senpai is probably one of them."

"However, only those who survived the contract of ``I won't complain even if I die.''

Akira showed his disapproval by giving Toya a cold look.

"I tend to avoid gambling like that as much as possible.

Although Akira is a free-spirited person, this was seen as something that does not match Akira's principles. He is the type who carves his own destiny and takes responsibility for all bad consequences. Therefore, there is always a backlash against entrusting one's fate to something like this.

"But Akira will be killed if he's slowing down. Isn't it enough to gamble with the organ as collateral?

"Toya declares with determination." It was a bold statement that Touya had never seen before.

Akira always took the lead, and Toya just followed suit. The same goes for the story of falling into the back alley this time. A life-changing choice is also made in the form of being invited by Akira, and Akira is rushing to a place where he cannot turn back by himself.

"I don't want Akira to be the only dangerous bridge. Since we've decided to do it together, I'll bet my life on it too."

However, Toya wanted to convince herself that she had made the decision out of her own will, even if Akira was pulling her hand. If this happens, I don't want to just follow Akira anymore.

"That old man asked me if I wanted to get drunk, but I decided to pay the price of my life, and there's nothing I can do to get drunk. At least Akira did.


For Toya, who made a clear statement of intention for the first time in their long-standing relationship, Akira muttered in response with a terribly embarrassed expression.

Touya struggled to understand what Akira's reaction was. He even wonders if he wanted him to just follow him all along.

Speaking of her wishes, Touya wanted Akira to be a little more happy. Even so, Toya was dissatisfied with Akira's unflattering attitude.

On the other hand, Akira's thinking is simple.

He doesn't want Toya to risk his life for himself. That's all there is to it.

However, after luring him into a dangerous world and revealing his own circumstances, he was the one who set fire to Touya. Therefore, Akira could not completely oppose it, and Akira was in a complicated state of mind.

"Mad scientist Junko Yukioka, huh.

For Akira, Makoto Aizawa is someone he admires. He was constantly being talked about in front of Touya, and he was following his activities on alley-related sites.

"For now, I'll try to contact you and make an appointment. I heard that you can easily contact me from the official website of Yukioka Research Institute."

Touya spoke in a slightly nervous tone and projected a holographic display into the air.

Until now, he has left everything to Akira and only followed Akira, so he is timid when it comes to taking action on his own. Toya felt disgust at such a cowardly self.