
Play with a mad scientist!

Japan in the second half of the twenty-first century. There was this urban legend. A place called the Yukioka Research Institute, located in Gikkoucho, Anraku City, Tokyo. It is said that if you undergo a remodeling operation by a mad scientist there, you will gain power in the supernatural realm. However, in return for gaining power, it is necessary to become a mad scientist\'s test subject, so there is the risk of failing and losing one\'s life, or being turned into a monster. Those who need power clinging to straws, those who simply admire supernatural powers and want to peek into a new world out of curiosity. It just so happens that a suicidal person is in a desperate state--with various thoughts hidden in their hearts, test bench applicants visit Yukioka Research Institute today as well.

DaoistQFVZeF · Urban
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57 Chs

play in the back streets2

Makoto stared at Junko. She's expressionless, but she's clearly blaming.

"No, I didn't say that."

"But you mean it. You're really good at annoying me."

Speaking in a slightly sarcastic tone, Makoto leaves his seat and leaves the room.

"I'm trying to train him so that he won't get irritated by small things."

Junko muttered so unapologetically with a smile on her face.


When Toya hears about other people's misfortunes, she feels pity and at the same time, she feels like she's going to have to wait.

Conversely, when she sees a happy person, she spitts at her to fall into the abyss of unhappiness, and she strongly wishes for the unhappy person to be happy.

Toya is aware that this is absurd and contradictory thinking. comparison of yourself with others. Happiness and unhappiness. Which one is up or down? I am just conscious of them.

"I am living under that father." She always cares about gazes, fears violence, and trembles with unreasonable anger and frustration. Therefore, Toya believes that she has gone crazy like this. The source of all her unhappiness is his father.

(When should I rebel? When should I get angry? When should I kill?)

After becoming a junior high school student, Toya wasn't just frightened and grief-stricken, she began to question herself.

She's already grown up to some extent. Not only is he being unilaterally abused, but I think it's okay to take some action.

(When should I kill him?)

Repeating only those words in his chest, he pulled the trigger.

Because Touya has thin lines and an androgynous and quiet appearance, people around her often say that she seems to be kind, but she herself thinks the opposite. He describes himself as having a deadly poison in his heart.

he is not normal Normally, he would never have such dark feelings. I am humbled by thinking so. he hates himself.

The impact that ran up his arms and echoed through his soul, and the sound that echoed softly because of his ear guard, dragged Touya's consciousness out of the vortex of dark passions.

"Oooh, amazing! You went right in the middle. It's your first time and it's sudden."

Akira cheered when he saw that the bullet Toya shot through the center of the target.

Toya was brought to the shooting range by Akira and fired with a definite murderous intent. Even in Japan in the latter half of the 21st century, guns are not commercially available, and there are no shooting ranges that allow unlicensed people to shoot.

This is a backstreet facility in Anraku City. Akira found this place as well after researching it beforehand, and brought Touya along, saying that he should learn how to shoot a gun first.

After receiving a general explanation from the staff at the shooting range, the two continued to fire their guns for about ten minutes.

"You're a good girl. Is it really your first time?"

A tall woman with long hair, who was shooting a gun next to her, called out to Toya when she took off her ear guards to take a break.

She is around twenty years old. She wears a black short jacket, a black chiffon blouse, and black slacks, all in black, with a cross pendant entwined with snakes. Her features are long-faced, and even if she's called an actress, she's well-groomed to the point of convincing her.

The woman had a coquettish smile, and she looked down at Touya curiously.

"Eh, yeah"

Toya answered embarrassedly because the other person was quite beautiful. Her face isn't the only thing she's good at. She had outstanding proportions, protruding and receding, and she was also tall, so I got the impression that Toya was beautiful and cool.

She said, "When she shot, she was letting out a tremendous amount of murderous intent, but is there someone you want to kill that much?"

Toya's heart thumped loudly at the teasing words of the woman in black.

She could easily guess that this woman must be a backstreet dweller. Toya understands that this is why she is in a place like this, and that she must have seen through her murderous intent at a glance.

"It's no good. When you assassinate, you have to suppress your murderous intent as much as possible. Enjoy the satisfaction of killing to your heart's content after killing. It's fine when you kill each other while recognizing each other from the front. Well, Actually, killing each other in the back alleys, rather than assassination, it's more of a head-on fight.

The woman in black smiles affably and mutters her words that confirm her thoughts on Touya.

"Then, do your best to kill him."

She said that in a tone that was neither joking nor serious, and the woman left the shooting range.

(You can even kill him with this...)

Staring intently at the gun in her hand, her wicked desire raises her neck again.

A black flame swirling in Toya. She just burns her heart with it, and there's an indescribable comfort to it.

She can't help but wonder how it would feel if the flames could be released from the inside to the outside. After all, she now has the tools to do it.

(I don't care what happens in the future, so I think I'll kill the guy who caused me so much pain first.)

In return for her father, who had been unreasonably tormenting her since she was young, I want to go and deliver her an outstanding gift. Immediately after thinking so――

"Hey, what are you doing in a daze?"

When Akira calls out, Touya comes to her senses and feels disgust at herself for having a terrifying imagination.

"Well, now that you've improved your gun skills, let's go sell us to the backstreet organization."

With a lively smile, Akira tries to pull Toya out of the shooting range.

"No, no, you improved... you just shot a little. Besides, if you suddenly went to such an organization to sell it, wouldn't you get kicked out of the door?"

"Are you thinking I'm so random? I'm surprised. I told you to make an appointment in advance. I got a referral fee, but that's why I can trust you." That's the point."

Akira replied with a smile to Toya's anxious question.

I'm impressed with Akira's ingenuity in this area, but even so, I don't think he's improved his shooting skills with just enough practice. He's probably better than never having shot, but he's not really good enough to shoot guns.

"What the hell am I doing?" He's quitting school and trying to get into the dangerous world of backstreets.

But no matter what he thought, in the end he would just follow Akira. That's all there is to do at Touya.