
Chapter one: start up

It all started on one fateful school morning as one person got into class and sat down as the teacher came in and started to take attendance. Not long after the attendance was called the teacher called out to someone.

".. We have a new student with us I hope you treat her nicely"

Footsteps could be heard from the hallway outside, as they drew closer a figure stepped into the room. A young woman with a slim figure and jet black hair that fell to her shoulders was face to face with the class. The girl crossed her hands over each other before taking a bow and introducing herself.

"Hello my name is Remi Yukata I'm pleased to meet you all"

many of the guys looked at her blushing as the teacher closed the door and pointed to an empty seat next to a lone boy. She started to walk to the two person desk, as shallow footsteps could be heard the woman sat down next to the boy and said.

"Hello Kiyoshi do you remember our old adventures?"

The boy was surprised at this statement but before he could say anything everyone disappeared into a empty white void a two options appeared in front of them.

[The path of God]

[The deal with the Devil]

both options had very good value rewards like certain skills and resistances for each.

There were also negatives for each like not being allowed certain skills and not being able to touch certain items.

As Kiyoshi was thinking about what to pick he looked around and saw Remi smiling at him.

Soon he got transported to a plain room with a single old man and was confused as the old man said

"have you decided on who you want to choose as your path.

Kiyoshi thought long and hard until the screen infront of him went away as he looked around confused his body froze from fear when he saw the being and it's pure bloodlust oozing out.

"what...who..are you!?"

The thing said nothing as it tapped Kiyoshi's head and almost destroyed his soul with pure bloodlust.

Kiyoshi screamed as it felt like millions of years of pure pain and fear until he woke up and tried to look at his arm.

"Where is my arm!"

Kiyoshi looked around and noticed that he was a grocery bag inside a cave.


--->To be continued
