
Chapter 0 prologue

It was dark outside, a plethora of stars illuminated the night sky as owls nearby hooted, keeping a lookout for a potential meal. Not too far away laid a small town. The towns people slept peacefully as the transition to morning would soon surface.

In the lighted up night there could only be seen a single bag entering the town, then soon a light flashed as there could be a person seen walking down the street outfitted in a cloak.

A far distance from the town in a rocky mountain there could be seen a cave with an ominous aura inside waiting for something or someone.

In this world there live 2 rulers, The ruler of darkness and the ruler of light, these 2 rulers have been at war with each other for countless years until they make an agreement to pull 2 people out from world 0 to their world. Which ever one is successful with their pick will be the ruler of all.