
Chapter 2: First Attack

Ryan could feel the atmosphere change as soon as everything turned off. Girls that were still typing were shaking out of their skins. They immediately started screaming but luckily they had one of the best class leaders in their class to take care of such situations.

It took awhile for the people to calm down and wait for either the teacher to come or the phones to turn on. Just as everyone was calm, a bang was heard from outside the class. It came from the direction of the staff building.

Everyone stormed to the door despite being told otherwise by the class leader. Ryan and Wikkie were of the last to exit the classroom as they heard a girl scream. Ryan looked over to the staff building and saw a creature emerge from it.

The beast was attacking their PE and CAT teachers. The CAT teacher closed in on the creature with a stick but it only dazed the creature before it fought back. It slapped the CAT teacher into a nearby wall causing it to cave in on top of him.

The PE teacher tried to tackle the creature to the ground but he had his body punctured by the creature's claw like hand. It pulled out it's hand leaving a huge gaping hole inside the teacher. The girl next to Ryan vomited which spread a chain reaction.

The creature looked over to the girl and ran towards her with it's claw hand stretched out. Wikkie gave Ryan a squeeze on the shoulder before running towards the closest exit from the school building. Ryan didn't need another invitation and followed him.

Ryan didn't even take one step before the girl next to him pulled him towards her and pushed him at the creature that was approaching them. Ryan looked on as it's claw was about to reach him. He could already feel the claw entering his body.

Pure Dumb Luck. That's the only way to describe what happened next. As the girl pushed Ryan towards the creature, he tripped over a small rock and fell face flat on the ground. He could hear a piercing sound coming from above him but he only rolled away and ran.

Ryan finally reached the outside of the school building and ran to the gate. There were so many people trying to get out that the gate was blocked. People were being pushed, pulled and those that fell to ground were being stepped on.

Ryan slowed down after seeing this scene and looked around for an alternative way out. Just as Ryan tried looking around, he heard a noise from behind. The creature came from the school building followed by two others. They stood still, looked around before their eyes fell on Ryan.

"Wow they looked super pissed," a voice appeared next to Ryan. He looked to his left and saw Clifford, The AI and Willy. "You could say that again," another voice said. On his right was Vaughie, Dawg and Wikkie. Ryan looked back at the creatures.

Tension was high until the closest creature rushed forward. Clifford and The AI ran towards it. When they got close enough, they both threw out a punch which caused a cracking noise to rang through the air. The creature collapsed onto the ground with a grunt.

The second creature got angry at the result and rushed at Clifford and The Ai that was still beating up the first creature. Vaughie and Dawg went to intercept it. Vaughie ran to it first and circled around it. It watched Vaughie but then it felt Dawg coming from the front.

The creature roared at Dawg before it felt something behind it's legs. It looked back and saw Vaughie crouching behind it. Dawg came from the front and kicked the creature and it tumbled over Vaughie. Vaughie and Dawg began beating up the second one.

"Wikkie, you learned karate right?" Ryan asked a question to which Wikkie nodded. "Okay then," he said and ran to the last creature. It was also the one that nearly killed him. Willy was behind him followed by Wikkie.

The creature, seeing them approach, readied it's claw hands and aimed them at Ryan. Ryan and Willy split into different directions as they got to the creature. It didn't know what to do and then it saw Wikkie approach too.

As it looked at Wikkie, it felt something hang on it's left arm. It was Ryan and then something hanged on it's right arm too. It looked on as Wikkie's punch landed straight on it's forehead. The force travelled to the inside of it's brain and crushed it, leaving it braindead.

The creature fell over and all three collapsed from all the tension. Looking at the others, Ryan could see Vaughie had actually killed the one they were dealing with and Clifford was tying up their one. Ryan relaxed and waited for someone to say something.

Unfortunately, when they looked at the school grounds, there was nothing to be seen. There weren't any other people except them. They had no idea what happened to the people that were from the same place as them.

Ryan doesn't know when the phones turned on again but Willy's started blaring. He picked up and sat on the creature with phone in hand. Everyone looked at Willy since they had nothing to do but the phone suddenly fell from his hand.

Willy's eyes turned red as he got up and rushed at the only creature still living. He slapped the creature that Clifford tied up a couple of times before screaming, "Where is she!" The creature that got awoken after being knocked out started struggling but Willy slapped it again.

The creature screamed at him in a weird language but Willy slapped it again without stopping this time. Vaughie and Dawg pulled him back and asked him what happened but Willy started crying without care. He could barely say anything at all. All they could here was two small sentences.

"She is gone. They kidnapped my little sister and hurt my mother."