
Place Of dragons

Contractor Local Hero: The local hero assigns the party a quest related to their adventures. Adventure Steal or Destroy Something: The party must steal or destroy an item, but the owner must have impeccable security. L Local Mansion or Estate: This residence and or was the home of a very wealthy person. Antagonist Wanted Villain: He has a reputation and is here to make sure the party remembers it. Plot Time limit: There is a deadline and the adventure needs to end in a certain time or something happens. Conflicts Economic damage: Because of the players' actions, many people will become poorer. People can lose their kingdom, their land or the very crops that sustain their fragile existence.

PlayerOliver · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs


shy about admitting your sexuality, either, which I admired greatly. And for you, that made accepting my confession easy. However, I could tell you felt uncomfortable talking about your sexual preferences, especially with people you weren't comfortable around. You kept telling me to forget about it, which I couldn't. Because we were friends, and I loved spending time with you. It was the perfect opportunity to tell you how I truly felt, except it turned out the wrong way around in the end...so I thought I'd let it go since I'd already forgiven you."Rantaro's voice cracked. After letting those words sink in, he glanced back over his shoulder with a wry smile on his face.***"Wow. It must be pretty difficult to be friends with you sometimes."**"Huh?"***"It's nothing, I suppose. Just making conversation."***"Is that so? How thoughtful of you!"***"I just figured it was something you wanted to avoid talking about, that's all. I hope you understand."***"Yes, of course I do. Thank you."**"Hey, don' d tell anyone about this. Not even Saihara or Ambrimgon," Rantaro said suddenly, pulling Mondo aside.Mondo furrowed his brows. "Tell who? We just ran into each other, right? What does he have to do with any of this?""I just need to ask you to keep your mouth shut about it for a bit."***"Alright."Mondo raised his hands in surrender."Good. Now, what I was meaning was, I'm not entirely sure if this guy is going to be interested in talking to you. But I'm pretty sure you can try to win his favor. After all, I did say that we'd help you afterall..."Rantaro trailed off, glancing back at where Shuichi had left.***"I know, but I wouldn't want him to feel obligated. Besides, if I can't convince him, how am I supposed to get rid of him? Besides, if you think about it, I have no chance with him anyway."Mondo sighed."Well, that's true. So how do you intend to get him to talk to you?"---"You'll see."Rantaro smiled and started heading towards Shuichi."Uh..Rantaro?" Mondo asked hesitantly.Rantaro stopped walking."Hmm? What is it? What's wrong?"---"Can't you leave me alone?"Mondo groaned, glaring at his own feet.Rantaro frowned at his sudden mood change."Maa, that's harsh. Don't be like that. We' re friends, you know, aren't we?"Rantaro replied, trying to sound upbeat as he patted Mondo's shoulder."Friends don't talk to their best friend behind their backs."Mondo huffed, folding his arms across his chest."Look. Can you stop being such a dick about this?"Rantaro rolled his eyes and began walking again."What's gotten into you, eh?"Mondo muttered under his breath as he trailed along beside him."Who knows," Rantaro replied with a shrug."I hate guys like you who are afraid to show their feelings, and I don't care who knows that. If he cares, he has a chance and that's all that matters. If he doesn't, well then he deserves it anyway. It's not his fault you can't handle your emotions."Mondo clenched his fists tight."Don't tell me what to do," he muttered, looking away. Rantaro stared at him."I'm just telling you what your heart wants to hear," he replied coolly, not bothering to hide his smug expression.As they walked, Mondo was starting to wonder how he'd managed to agree to this in the first place. What the hell was wrong with him?This whole thing had sounded crazy to begin with! Why did he even agree to this?"Come on, come on, come on..." Rantaro muttered under his breath."Where's this asshole now?"Mondo muttered, following Rantaro toward the school."Probably at home. He's been studying lately. We used to hang out together last year, remember? Maybe he'll wanna hang out again," Rantaro mused."Yeah, yeah, yeah..."Mondo grumbled under his breath again.Rantaro smiled fondly as he looked back at Mondo."He really misses you."---"He what?!" Mondo sputtered, turning red and glaring at Rantaro.Rantaro chuckled softly."He misses you a lot, actually."Mondo glared some more and kicked at the sidewalk."Shut up. I told you to leave me alone."--"But-""Please."---"Fine. Whatever."---Rantaro shook his head and rolled his eyes, turning back to watch Shuichi and Kaede.The two teenagers had already begun walking down the path back to the apartment complex."They seem close, don't they?"***"I guess. Why, though? You've known her longer than I have. Isn't she too young for you?"***Rantaro smirked faintly."I'm not sure," he responded. "She's cute, I guess.""Then why?"-"Maybe because it's fun. She seems to be very bright.""Right.""And very naive.""What?"""It might be fun for her, but she's too naive to get hurt.""So you think I'm naive?" Rantaro raised an eyebrow and grinned slightly, watching Mondo's reaction."Nah, I just meant that you're a little hard headed.""Oh. Well, I didn't choose to be," he said, laughing lightly.Mondo shrugged. He wasn't sure himself; he knew that he wasn't naive. It seemed as if there really was something about Shuichi that drew him in, however. The idea of leaving his life forever seemed impossible. It hadn't even occurred to him when Rantaro mentioned it. He had to admit that it would be lonely if he had to live without his friends for the rest of his life. But he doubted he'd miss Rantaro as much as he missed his friends. Besides, it wouldn't work out in the end. He wasn't stupid: the only reason Shuichi would consider dating him was because Rantaro was gay, and even if he wasn't, he wasn't gay like him. They were both different types of queer. There was no way he could be a couple with a guy. That's when it clicked for him, just what Rantaro had meant. It was funny.