
Place Of dragons

Contractor Local Hero: The local hero assigns the party a quest related to their adventures. Adventure Steal or Destroy Something: The party must steal or destroy an item, but the owner must have impeccable security. L Local Mansion or Estate: This residence and or was the home of a very wealthy person. Antagonist Wanted Villain: He has a reputation and is here to make sure the party remembers it. Plot Time limit: There is a deadline and the adventure needs to end in a certain time or something happens. Conflicts Economic damage: Because of the players' actions, many people will become poorer. People can lose their kingdom, their land or the very crops that sustain their fragile existence.

PlayerOliver · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs


hand down."DONT TOUCH ME! Geez, how many times am I gonna have to tell you not to-"Before he could finish his sentence, Rantaro pulled him close enough that their lips almost touched."I'm done. You can stop now." He said, releasing his grip on his wrists."W...Wait. You kissed me!"Mondo gasped as he tried to take a step backwards."Don't act surprised. I'm not going to kiss someone unless I want to." He huffed impatiently."But....you were angry when you found out that I had taken the blame. Why would you forgive me so easily?"He said quietly, lowering his head in defeat."Because I trust you. If I hadn't seen that stupid crack in that rock when I went to climb up the wall, we never would've gotten our asses kicked by the thieves."Rantaro paused for a moment, trying to remember what happened last night."Oh yeah, you were pretty pissed off. But it wasn't only about that. You also blamed yourself for losing your temper and punching me because that's what you normally do. And then you kept insisting that it was me who deserved it, even though I never did anything to deserve it. I didn't need to prove myself. In fact, it was kind of funny how stubborn you are even when you' re actually injured. But if you say so.""I'm not saying it's fun. I'm just stating the facts.""No, you idiot, I meant that you're stubborn. You're very persistent when you want something to happen. It's frustrating.""Oh. Right. Well....that makes sense."Mondo admitted awkwardly."Anyway, let's get out of here. You probably want to change before you get sick.""Yeah, yeah. Let's hurry it up."Rantaro mumbled before turning his attention back to the ground, taking a couple steps forward before pausing. Then he turned back to Mondo and grinned."You coming or what?"Mondo scoffed. "Are you fucking serious?!"Rantaro shrugged."It's a little late to say no, isn't it?"He smirked, crossing his arms. Mondo looked down, scowling deeply before he reluctantly followed him."Just don't complain about how long it takes, okay? Or whatever the fuck else. You gotta learn to put up with shit for a reason.""Whatever, asshat." He grumbled, walking slowly behind him."Oh, you've always been so rude. I see why you haven't dated anyone for a while."Rantaro continued to walk.Mondo stayed silent before speaking up again."So, where's this guy of yours anyways? Who' s he? And does he still live there?"Rantaro sighed tiredly. He'd rather not answer any questions like that."I can't really tell you that much. You might be able to find him later. But I know who he is. His name is Saihara Harukawa, and he's lived there for awhile now. He lives on the second floor.""So, how often does he come over? Is it every week?""Well, yeah. He usually comes by at least once a week.""How do you know?""We go to the same school. He's in our class.""And when do they visit?""Every couple of days. Usually during lunch."Rantaro answered monotonously."Do you think we might run into them today?"Mondo asked curiously."Of course not. It's Sunday. They don't come on Sundays.""I know.""So what? That doesn't answer my question.""I don't know. If we run into them again, maybe, but until then, we don't have to interact with them. We can just keep quiet and ignore them.""Okay. Thanks for answering my questions. That's good enough for me." Mondo smiled, happy with the answer.Rantaro smiled and laughed lightly before shrugging."If you say so."***"Ugh, this sucks. Do they ever get bored of coming here? Are they going to get bored eventually, so they end up moving away? No, that's impossible. This building isn't exactly small..."***"They probably won't move far away. Their families probably sent them here to study.""Maybe. Still, I wish it would just get over with already. Why couldn't the school accept a student from other schools for once?"***"There's no point complaining about something that hasn't even happened yet. They said they'll let it drop, and besides, you should be grateful that the teachers accepted you, instead of kicking you out.""Why would they kick me out? I'm their student. They need someone to teach them things, and I'm great at learning and teaching."**"That's not important. There's nothing wrong with wanting more. It's not worth getting expelled over."**"You're being awfully pessimistic.""That doesn't mean you should take it too seriously."**"But that means I shouldn't give a damn. They'll be gone sooner or later, anyways."***"I don't know about that."***"What do you mean you don't know?"****"When I came out as gay to you, I knew that you were one as well. You were completely open about everything. You weren'