
Pirates: The Revenge of the Family, Kill All the Tianlong People! 

When he woke up, Rono traveled to the world of pirates. I thought that I could live happily and in peace. But the appearance of the Tianlong people broke this situation! Rono, watching his parents being shot dead by the people of Tianlong! Under extreme anger, Rono woke up the system and vowed to kill all the people of Tianlong! Thereafter, an [Extremely Evil] who specialized in hunting Tianlong people was born! Wherever Rono went, the people of Tianlong trembled! Admiral? Two more and I'll kill all of you trash! Karp: The Evil One? It is a monster created by the Tianlong people, and one day the Tianlong people will pay for it! Roger: 【One Piece】? Compared to [The Evil One], he is nothing but a cloud! Whitebeard: [World's Strongest Man]? No no, Rono is the strongest! Rocks: In terms of killing Tianlong people, Rono is first, I am second, everyone else is trash!

Khem_Raj_Chaudhary · Anime & Comics
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159 Chs

Chapter 6

At this time, the atmosphere of the transport fleet has solidified.

The rest of the navy didn't dare to let out the atmosphere, and some timid navy even closed their eyes in fear, for fear that CP0 would point their fingers at them.

"That's the consequence of disobeying the order."

"Remember, your navy is just the face of the outer layer of the world government, and God is the master who rules this world."

Looking at the rest of the navy soldiers who were scared and stupid, CP0's tone was very contemptuous.

"What we need is a loyal navy. Immediately inform the navy headquarters that Lieutenant General Hank disobeys the military order and will be imprisoned in the deep sea prison from now on."

"Let the Admiral redeploy a lieutenant general to be the commander of the East China Sea branch."

"If the Navy has any complaints, let them come to Mary Joa to find me."

The person in charge of CP0 said slowly, his tone full of disdain for the Navy.

In his opinion, the navy is the dog of the Tianlong people, and this dog might as well get close to the Tianlong people.

After all, he is a straight dog, and his status is higher than that of the dogs in the Navy.

After a disagreement, the Vice Admiral of the branch was replaced, and Vice Admiral Hank was imprisoned in the Deep Sea Prison. The rest of the Navy was even more stunned by the monstrous power of CP0!

Can the Navy really represent justice?

Or, it's all just an appearance!

The navy is really just the lackey of the world government?

Many navies have doubts in their hearts.

One of the young sailors gritted his teeth even more, feeling that his worldview had collapsed.

At this time, CP0 turned to face the navy on the side: "What are you doing? I don't want to repeat it a second time for sinking that ship."

"Yes Yes!"

With the previous scene, the navy present knew that CP0 was not something they could afford, so they quickly organized.

Four or five warships quickly aimed their guns at the Vengeance.

"Everyone listens."



Boom boom boom!

Dozens of cannons shot out, all aimed at the Vengeance.

If all these dozen shells were hit, the Vengeance would definitely be wiped out.

"CP0 actually attacked the navy, aren't they partners?"

Roger said in amazement as he looked at the flying shells.

"Hehe, isn't this the usual style of the world government?" Rono said mockingly.

In the scene just now, both Rono and Roger had already noticed everything.

Taking a shot at the Vice Admiral and slaughtering naval recruits unscrupulously, these Tianlong people's lackeys are no different from the Tianlong people.

Sure enough, what kind of owner has what kind of dog.

"CP0, what a bunch of cold-blooded bastards."

Although the navy and himself are two different positions, Roger simply thinks that people who take action on their partners are assholes.

While speaking, the cannonball had already slammed into the front of the two of them.


An invisible force spread with Rono at the center, pushing all these cannons a few dozen meters away before detonating.

"Damn, you were the first!" Roger regretted his slow start.


Without answering Roger, Rono's figure had disappeared on the deck of the Vengeance.

"Report... report, cannon... shell... did not hit the target!"

Meanwhile, on the transport fleet, a navy stuttered to report to CP0.

"A bunch of trash, can't even fight a boat? Keep fighting."

CP0's expression could not be clearly seen under the mask, but he could clearly hear the jokes about the Navy from his tone.


The navy put the shells into the ballistics tremblingly, but the expected sound of the guns did not sound.

"What are these **** navies doing? Can't they even shoot artillery?"

The people of CP0 are a little angry.

"No... not right!"

The next moment, another CP0 noticed that something was wrong.

"This... what's the matter?"


"When exactly is it!"

Soon, several CP0s present reacted, and then they were all stunned!

I don't know when, on the deck of Nuoda's transport fleet, the navy and some accompanying crew members were lying on the deck!

All of these people's eyes turned white, and they fainted with foaming at the mouth.

"I did it silently under my eyelids, is the overlord arrogant?"

The leading CP0 felt a chill on the back of his neck.

"In this East China Sea, there is still a guy with a domineering look?"

The other CP0s also felt a pressure.

They also know that the domineering and domineering of the king is powerful, and people with such domineering are born with the aptitude of a king!

Don't be kidding, this is gold in the sky, once someone is kidnapped, the lives of these people may not be guaranteed.

If they can die happily, they are lucky. The scary thing is that as members of CP0, they know very well how the Tianlong people use torture to torture their colleagues who are not doing well.

It's not an exaggeration to describe it as **** on earth.

However, these people are also CP0s anyway. The first time they learned that they were attacked by the enemy, they immediately took a fighting stance.

The four of them were back-to-back with each other to prevent them from being attacked, and at the same time they were constantly observing the figure of the offender.


Soon CP0 found a figure standing on the deck.

Mainly now that everyone is down, the only figure standing is particularly outstanding.

"Actually...actually a kid!"

After seeing who was coming, the four CP0s were also stunned.

After all, Rono is only 16 or 17 years old now, and he is not as tall as giants or special races, only about 1.9 meters.

Has such a kid already awakened his arrogance?

"The lackeys of the Tianlong people, tell me now, where are the Tianlong people in the East China Sea, I can consider spare your life."

Rono asked with red eyes, completely different from everyday life.

Seeing CP0, Rono remembered the death of his parents, and his anger couldn't stop rushing to his forehead.

The Tianlongren, the murderer of his parents, would not run too far even if he left the East China Sea.


At the same time, Roger, who was coming, also noticed the change in Rono.

Why does this guy seem to be a different person, does he have anything to do with these CP0s?

"Untouchables! Are you also worthy of inquiring about the whereabouts of God?"

"Kneel down obediently and be captured. If you go to the Holy Land to be a slave for a few years, you will be able to wash away your sins."

Hearing Rono calling Tianlongren, the leader of CP0 said angrily, raising his hand and shooting a finger gun at Rono.


These two words stabbed Rono, turning Rono into a beast in an instant!


A flash came to the man.

"Armed Color · Coiled!"

Wrap the high-level armament color domineering around his arm and smash the leader of CP0 fiercely.

"Iron and Steel!"

The person being targeted immediately activated the iron block.

"Go to hell!"

Unreservedly pour all the strength and domineering into the arm!


The next moment, the leader of CP0 was hit and flew out, his entire chest was dented, and the sound of broken bones was clearly audible.

Feeling the excruciating pain from the constant displacement of the internal organs in the body, the CP0 who was knocked into the air spat out a mouthful of blood and died on the spot!

Seeing this scene, the other three only felt their scalps go numb!

Chapter 8 God-Level Seeing and Seeing - Listening to the Voice of All Things

"Carter, actually... was killed in seconds!"

Seeing the death of their colleagues, the other three CP0s only felt their heads buzzing.

The person just now, but the most powerful person among the four of them, at least has the strength of a lieutenant general!

Just got killed like that?

In fact, after Roger's "guidance", Rono now has the same power as Roger, with an all-out attack of high-level armament and domineering, which can't be stopped without the strength of Qiwuhai.

Lieutenant generals, unless they are at the level of Garp or Crane, the rest of the lieutenant generals, even the elite lieutenant generals of the navy headquarters, are not even close to Qiwuhai.

The weakest East China Sea, why is there such a strong guy?

Not right, quite wrong!

And looking at the momentum of the other party, it is obviously aimed at the Tianlong people!

At a young age, he has the strength to kill a lieutenant general with one punch, and he even came to the Tianlong people. Such news must be reported to Mary Joa!

"What about you, do you want the same fate as him? Or, tell me where the Tianlong people are now?"

Rono said word by word, his tone full of threats.

"Hehe, pariah, don't even think about it!"

Although the three CP0s were afraid, it was impossible to reveal the whereabouts of the Tianlong people.

These CP0s have been orphans since childhood. After being selected by the World ZF, they are brainwashed every day.

Even if the Tianlong people let them commit suicide, these people will immediately commit suicide on the spot, and it is impossible to betray the Tianlong people.

Speaking of which, such a dog can also be called a "loyal dog".

"Then go to hell!"

Rono snorted coldly and attacked CP0.

"Run separately, don't let him catch up!"