
Pirates: Join Straw Hats in the Beginning

Monkey D. Raben travels to the world of one piece and becomes the older brother of Luffy. Because he didn't want to get into trouble, he simply joins straw hats in the beginning as the deputy captain. Doflamingo: He is the real incarnate of devil Sengoku: As long as you don't provoke him, comsider yourself lucky Garp: His fists hurt more than mine Kaido: He is the only one who can kill Lao Tzu It has no harem, watch how the adventure with Roben and his system leads him to dominate the whole world

SisamBhattarai · Others
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7 Chs

A mystery organization

Someplace, on the east sea, on an island stood a two storey building. A young boy with black hair and blue eyes was walking towards the building and opened the door and came to a side where an elevator was, he went inside the elevator and took the elevator underground. He went outside the elevator and entered a room. The room had a dark atmosphere and a big round table with 13 chair sorrounding it. There were already 12 people sitting on the table and the young boy went towards the front where a chair was left. He sat on the chair and faced those 12 people and said "How is the investigation going on?" On the first chair from the left side, a middle aged woman with glasses stood up and said "We have been searching for it and recently we got clue of it. It won't be much before we find it."

"I don't doubt your competence but my patience is running out. It shouldn't land on the hand of others." said the young boy. "Yes, my liege" replied the woman as she sat down. "How is the training going on. How much have you improved during this time. It won't be long before we need to act." facing those people, the young boy asked. "Right now, with the magnanimous assistance of my liege, your humble servant has been able to showcase the power on par with the four emperors." said another young man sitting on the fourth chair from the right. He had a facial structure of fanatism when talking to the young man. "Make that face again and I will break that face into thousand faces!!" said another middle aged man sitting on the fifth right chair. With a tic-tac-toe on the forehead, the young man took out a sword with a dark color and blade with a dragon engraved on it "Interrupting me when I am talking to the liege, you already deserve the punishment of death, you big baldy" saying this he wanted to attack. "Come, who is afraid of wh.." before he could talk, his movement stopped and only his eyes could move around. "Behave like this and there would only be 10 lords left to serve my liege." at this moment, a man with a slim body said while he controlled both the young man and middle aged man. "Valian, stop." said the young boy as only he could accept the man in front of him.

"Well, I have checked your strength. You are barely qualified to be called my subordinates. If there were more people, you wouldn't even be able to called lords. I am disappointed." said the young boy as all the other 12 were fallen to the ground as the boy didn't even feel his stamina lost. "Forgive us, my liege. We will double our training and meet your expectations from us lords." said Valian as all the twelve were kneeling and facing the young boy. The young boy started to leave but as if remembering something, when he reached near the elevator, he turned around and said "I give you out your first mission and I don't want any excuse. Clear all trade slaves in the world. Don't go on the killing rampage. Scare everyone to the point that none dares to ever start slave trade." said the young boy and entered the elevator. All 12 people in unison "Obey, my liege"

After coming out from the building, the boy stared towards the sea and sighed " Seems like I also have to go." said as he started flying towards the certain direction

One month later.

The navy headquarters, Marshall Sengoku was on his office and looking the documents with a headache. There were two things that he had headache with. First, the order from World Government to recruit Seven Warlords and another was the order from the World Government to stop a mystery organization that has been attacking all the slave trade house all over the world, freeing all the slaves so much so that all the slave traders around the world are now afraid to trade slaves. Although this is good thing but due to this incident, the dracos aren't able to get the slaves and that's why Five old stars are asking him to stop that organization. But the strange thing is that although there has been several attacks, no one knows who have attacked them so no bounty can be released.

"Hahahaha, warring states, seeing your face to be like this, I am so happy." came a burly man from the door picking his come. "Garp, don't come here to tease me when I have such a headache. Andd don't touch my senbei." said Sengoku finding that Garp has opened his cupboard and took his senbei. "Hahaha, warring states, take it if you can" said Garp throwing all the senbei on his mouth. "Garp, get outtt" said Sengoku with a tic-tac-toe on his forehead. "Okay, okay don't lose your temper. Today I have come here to apply for the vacation, I want to go and see my what my grandsons are doing." said Garp as he sat on the sofa. "There is no vacation, you aren't going anywhere for this whole year" said Sengoku as he was still in bad mood. "Whaaat, why can't I go? But who is gonna stop me." said Garp as he slipped from the door. "This guy is such a headache." said Sengoku as he knew that nobody on the navy headquarters can stop him.