
Pirates: Doflamingo Stands In the Sky

The villain does not need to be cleansed, all he needs is stronger power. To win again and again. Prove who is on the right track. Achievements achieved Punch the Momanosuke Kindergarten and kick the Golden Lion Nursing Home.

Maxis_Ark · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs


Then there is only one possibility.

This town kingdom that was not joined by the world government was destroyed.

After all, countries that are not members of the world government are not counted as people.

No wonder the old boy Kuzan was not held accountable by the Warring States Period for letting Robin go.

It turned out to be the beginning of the Warring States Period.

Originally, he planned to occupy this country, and slowly screened and killed them.

Now I only find out the family that has been chased and killed in the nearby memory.

For the rest, if the world government is willing to let them survive, they are lucky.

As for whether the guess was correct, Doflamingo planned to run away.

It is not a fake thing that the Warring States appeared in Beihai. He has not left the island yet, so there are not so many butterfly effects.

If you are really caught by the Warring States Period, you can only play GG in advance, and you will become the king of the advancing city.

Go back to the room, take out the newly collected Pirate Diary, and start studying.

Ever since I discovered that practicing against Virgo and the others can be considered a skill.

Doflamingo began to consciously collect Pirate Diaries.

And called Torrebol and other four people to start studying.

Especially the two of Diamanti.

Doflamingo's presupposition for the two of them is not to say that they are alone, but at least they have to know the route.

Although most of the Pirate Diary is about burning, killing, and looting, Uncle Huang, there are still descriptions of the sailing weather.

After several months of study, he found that the panel has added a new skill of navigation [First glimpse].

Probably, it is possible to predict the weather on the island tomorrow, and the weather changes within 1km of the sea.

Basically, it is almost the same as nothing, but he is quite satisfied, and he can continue to learn slowly in the future.

Doflamingo's expectations for navigation were at least advanced.

After all, he will be a man who flies into the sky alone in the future. If he doesn't know the sky, he will fly into the storm clouds.

After becoming the Golden Lion II, I sent it.

Although Golden Lion hasn't done a new hairstyle yet.


\"elder brother.\"


Rosindi, covered in blood, missed the threshold and hit his head on the ground.

Seeing this slightly funny scene, the corners of Doflamingo's mouth twitched.

'This should be because Rossi and himself were beaten for two years when they were garbage guys, and the vestibular system, visual system, and proprioception system that maintained balance were broken.

It shouldn't be me who arranges Rossi's training experience, and I won't bear it if I do.

I can only wait for Luo, and help Pika cure his throat by the way, otherwise this baby will always be autistic. '

\"Toad hahaha, nah, Dover, Rosindy is so stupid.\"

"Yo ha ha ha."


The smiles of the three of Diamanti interrupted Doflamingo's thoughts.

He raised his hand and shot out a soft thin line to lift Rosindi up from the head down, and dragged him to the reserved seat next to him.

Touching the small brain of cheap brother, he pulled a copy of Pirate Diary with silk thread and put it in Rosindi's hands.

Leaving aside the mature and stable Virgo, Doflamingo stared at the three laughing with a calm face.

Feeling the cold gaze, the three of them came back to their senses and looked at his calm face, their smiles stopped abruptly.

The room slowly fell into a strange calm.

Opening up the arrogance and arrogance of knowledge and knowledge draws Pika's inferiority complex and anger when she is ridiculed, and slowly spreads this emotion to everyone.

As for why it didn't draw on Rossindi's emotions.

After all, the cheap brother is also a real brother.

Pika is family.

There is a difference between intimacy and distance.

Feeling the similar emotions brewing, Doflamingo spoke with borrowed indignation.

"Pika, how did you make the sound of the enemy laughing at you?"

Pica, with an honest and simple face, revealed a fierce expression, and spoke in a sharp voice.

"Smash them into a pulp."

"Then why are you mocking Rossi? Isn't Rossi my family? Isn't it your family!"

Torrebol, Diamanti, and Pica felt the dissatisfaction and anger brought about by forced empathy. Looking at the silent Rossindi, his mouth moved slightly.


Raising his hand to interrupt the words of the three, he looked at the shame and guilt on the faces of the three. Doflamingo spoke coldly.

"Those who bully their family members will be destroyed with all their strength!"

If you can't beat it, say something else.

"Yes, Dover!"

"Yes, brother."


Navy Headquarters.

Marin Fando, who has not yet been visited by the demolition captain No. 1 Golden Lion.

Watching Gang Gukong put down the phone bug that was talking to Wulaoxing.

Tekken Garp, with his booger in his mouth, chewed on a senbei stolen from Sengoku, and spoke vaguely to Sora with a serious face.

"Well, empty, what are the five old fellows of Wu Laoxing going to do again? Call the old man back from the new world. The old man is going to catch Roger soon!"

"Karp, don't question the government's judgment, and put down my senbei."

The veins of the Warring States were violent, and for Garp, an old friend of many years, the Warring States had nothing but helplessness in his heart.

Sora looked at the three people in front of him.

Garp has never had a good impression of the government, otherwise he would not have refused to be promoted to general. He traveled back and forth between the New World and the East China Sea for a long time just to avoid contact with the Tianlong people. It is a rare sense of responsibility to come back and stick to Marin Fenduo.

Zefa is an upright person, but it is difficult for him to merge with the government. And Navy training camp couldn't do without him.

Sengoku firmly believes in the government's orders, and even his companions will be targeted for those who doubt the government.

It is appropriate to deal with this matter.

The steel bone opening ended the daily life of the two old rascals.

"Okay, the world government has issued a mission, and the location is Eskimo, a non-world government affiliated country at the northernmost end of the North Sea.

Warring States is up to you! Garp, don't go to the new world for now, stay in the headquarters.

Now the situation at sea is getting more and more complicated. "

"What, what happened on that island?"

"Dragon man!"

"The new world has just produced another descendant of the devil, these Tianlong people can't..."

Eskimo port town.

The weather is sunny and sunny.

A small and medium-sized sailboat with a pink flamingo head, which looks somewhat dreamy, is docked at the port.

One by one, the numb gangsters with dull eyes were tirelessly carrying supplies.

Looking carefully, there is a tiny thread on each of these people's heads, like a sapling rooted in their brains.

Although it was not the first time for the four of Torrebol to see such a situation, they were still in awe of this devilish scene. The figure looking forward showed reverence.

"I said, I said~ Dover, he has developed something new!"

"Oh ha ha ha, this is a born king!"

And Doflamingo standing on the deck.

Looking at his move in the underworld, he showed a satisfied smile.

'Although I can't achieve the mandatory control of the original parasitic line for the time being, mine is not bad. '

Originally, he was using the environmental protection idea of ​​waste utilization.

I feel that killing these enemies directly is a waste.

Used to practice parasitic lines.

But these people saw that those who had participated in the hunt for the Doflamingo brothers were all dead.

His emotions were agitated, which caused a little trouble to his cultivation.

It just so happened that Rossindi fell in front of him.

Reminds him of a special operation he saw in a mental hospital.

[Frontal lobotomy]

This operation is also very simple, even using an awl to stir a few times from the eyes to the brain is considered a success.

To put it bluntly, the principle is to use physical means to make the small half of the patient's brain below the forehead into a paste.

What's more, his silk thread is sharp and sharp, which is much easier to use than a hammer.

Plus the Otohime version of knowledgeable color.

Tool Man Edition Parasitic Line was a great success.

He can even retain part of his consciousness and taste the deepest pain.

Watching the deck full of supplies, Doflamingo passed the divine link.

Manipulate a gangster with no remaining value to jump into the sea.

\"Numantia Flamingo version 1.0 departs.\"

Shouting words that the five people behind him didn't understand, the Don Quixote family officially went to sea.



Pica's huge body hit the mast.

\"Come on Rosie, it's your turn.\"

Panting, Rosindi struggled to get up, swallowed, raised his fist and rushed towards his brother.
