
Pirate One Super Power Every Day (One Piece)

(With the same boat) If you do one every day, you can randomly get superpowers from people who enter the world of pirates, and if you join the main character group, what will happen as a result? Luffy: “Sugoi! Lam Bac, let us jump from the sky once again!” Coby: “Please definitely don’t!” Zoro: “Every day at 12 o’clock, I must leave Linbei’s room!” Nami: “This is a mess, let me meet you right away…” Akainu · Slap Kaz: “Bastard Lam Bac, turn me back into a man! The old lady uses her ability once, big auntie once!” bigmom: “Children, come to see your father!” Lam Bac: !!! This really doesn’t exist!!!

Big_Big_0235 · Anime & Comics
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322 Chs

Chapter 52

Captain Luffy is still the same as before, he likes to fly over when he sees the door and wall, and he likes to hold a few combatants by his hand and fly in together.

Although Lin Bei really wanted to say that they had cannons and could blast open the gate, Luffy obviously didn't have time to listen to him, and flew in directly with Solon and Sanji.

Lin Bei, who was on the ship, looked helpless, and could only take Nami to the ship's mast lookout by himself.

This is where Solon often stays, the highest point of the entire ship.

Later, when the Sonny was changed, a large room was built in this place, which became Solon's exclusive training room.

Now, on the Little Melly, this place is still very small, just a lookout, which acts as a sniper point by the way.

Lin Bei took Nami up and commanded Usopp to set up a cannon, first blasting open the eye-catching gate, so as to facilitate the subsequent Usopp's fire support.

After all, this gun is just a flat-fire gun, not a projectile, and it is not easy to fight when there is a door.

Only to hear the boom, the gate was blasted open, and the howl of war sounded in Aaron's paradise.

A large number of fish-people rushed towards Luffy, Solon, and Sanji.

Among them, there are two more eye-catching fish people, one is Xiao Ba, and the other is a fish man who can spit, and this fish man is called Lin Bei can't remember.

Kohachi swung his knife and rushed towards Solon, and the goods that spat rushed towards Yamaji.

As for Luffy, he recoiled towards Aaron, who was sitting pretending.

There were a lot of trash fish on the road interfering with Luffy, so Lin Bei practiced his gun by the way, so that Luffy could go straight to Aaron.

After firing a few shots, Lin Bei felt that the corners of his clothes were tightly clenched.

It's Nami.

Maybe she didn't realize she was holding on to something.

She was so nervous, she was constantly worried that if she lost this time, not only would the village be destroyed by the angry fishmen, but even her own gang of accomplices who fought for her would also be killed.

She didn't want to see that scene, so she kept praying in her heart that she would win.

Seeing that she was so nervous, Lin Bei handed her a bottle of Coke.

When you have negative emotions, drinking something sweet can make you feel better.

"Don't be so nervous, although Luffy doesn't look reliable on weekdays, he doesn't hesitate to spare his life for the sake of his fancy accomplice.

Besides, and me, the deputy captain, what are you worried about? After

Nami drank Coke, someone chatted again, relaxed a lot, and gave Lin Bei a blank look.

"What role do you have, it's Luffy Solon and Yamaji who fight head-on."

Lin Bei supported his chin with his hand and leaned on the

lookout, "I admit that I am a combat waste."


"But my positioning itself is not a combatant, I am born to take care of the rest of the combat waste on board, which is the duty given to me by the captain."

Nami was stunned, and quickly reacted

, "Who do you say is waste!"

"Aren't you?" Lin Bei handed the gun to Nami,

"Then you go down and participate in the battle."

Nami was silent

, "I, I'm a navigator!" Which navigator also needs to fight!

"So, aren't you still fighting waste."

As a combat waste, it is already good to recognize your positioning, do not blindly send it, take it with you here, and provide the desperate combatants in front of you with assistance as much as you can.

Lin Bei put away the gun, ignored Nami, who was angry and had a bun face, and took out a short whistle.

First shouted at Usopp below to shell Area A2, followed by a whistle, a short whistle.

Then Nami saw Solon, who was fighting with Kohachi, look back impatiently, but still quickly faded back.

A large number of fish people did not understand why the other party suddenly retreated, but this did not prevent their wise brains from thinking that the other party was afraid, so under the leadership of Xiao Ba, they all stepped forward to pursue.

There were about a dozen fishmen, and they were blown up into the sky in the next moment.

Among the group of fishmen, only Xiaoba dodged this shot.

Nami looked at Lin Bei

in surprise, "This is coordinated by you?"

"Well, thinking about this battle for you, the number of enemy personnel must be large, and even the combat effectiveness of the basic minions is far more than ten times higher than that of normal human soldiers.

If you have fought the opponent's combat captain, but you are worn to death by the small soldiers, then you will be very unjust.

So you have to do some tactics!

The so-called A2 area is the first column and the second row of a nine-square grid.

As an artilleryman, how can you not divide the entire battlefield into several areas at the moment of contact with the battlefield.

With such a division, when the time comes, which area needs support, just say, and then Usopp can shoot with his eyes closed.

Don't look at it now, it seems to be a little fussy, just such a fart and a big place to divide the area, this is practice.

After that, Usopp developed a more powerful cannon that could hit farther.

Luffy is on the island, and Usopp doesn't need to land on the island, just listen to which area Luffy needs fire support, and fire directly.

As for that whistle, a brief sound represented Solon, prompting him to retreat.

It was also ordered temporarily, not so perfect, after all, it was just a Xiao battle, just let them know that they needed to dodge the shelling after the whistle sounded. "

Lin Bei is not a military expert, but he has read a little military novels, which is barely enough.

The straw hat regiment is good because there are few personnel, they are all elite, and they have strong cohesion.

The bad thing is that there are few personnel and there are many enemies, and it is often difficult to carry out.

With Lin Bei, a half-hanger, it was much better than the original straw hat regiment that scattered the sand during the battle, and even often ran away.

Nami even suspected that Lin Bei's previous identity was probably a navy.

Otherwise, how could it be so professional, and also carry out infantry artillery coordination!

Then Nami watched as Lin Bei helped Luffy and Sanji solve the problem of miscellaneous soldiers, and soon only the two cadres of the Evil Dragon Pirate Group and Captain Aaron were left on the field.

Most of the Miscellaneous Fish People were bombed with their arms and legs, only a few were still intact, but they did not dare to approach Sanji and Solon and Luffy.

They also found out that as long as they dared to join forces against this servant, they would be bombed!

And the brothers inexplicably have a hole in the head and the people are gone, they know that this is a sniper, and they know where the sniper is, but it is a pity that they are completely unable to carry out an effective counterattack.

Among the fish people, there are still relatively few who specialize in using guns, and they rely more on their own bodies.

Seeing that the combat process was basically only one-on-one cadre battle, Lin Bei put away his gun and began to watch the battle.

Fried chicken in one hand and Coke in the other, Nami is quite uncomfortable to watch.

Where is the handsome man who commanded the battle just now!

How could he switch between the decadent state of touching fish and the state of heroic command so freely!


"Aren't you nervous at all?"

What if Luffy can't beat Aaron, Aaron… Too strong!

Lin Bei was still very calm

: "Trust them, watch it."

Nami clenched her fists and stared at Lin Bei for a while, but finally looked at the battlefield.

She was already determined to die with her if the Straw Hats were defeated.

She had been working hard for Cocosia Village for the first half of her life, and only this time, she wanted to fight for this gang once.

Even if the price may be death, for her, it is worth it to hand over a group of people who are willing to fight for her before she dies!