
Pirate One Super Power Every Day (One Piece)

(With the same boat) If you do one every day, you can randomly get superpowers from people who enter the world of pirates, and if you join the main character group, what will happen as a result? Luffy: “Sugoi! Lam Bac, let us jump from the sky once again!” Coby: “Please definitely don’t!” Zoro: “Every day at 12 o’clock, I must leave Linbei’s room!” Nami: “This is a mess, let me meet you right away…” Akainu · Slap Kaz: “Bastard Lam Bac, turn me back into a man! The old lady uses her ability once, big auntie once!” bigmom: “Children, come to see your father!” Lam Bac: !!! This really doesn’t exist!!!

Big_Big_0235 · Anime & Comics
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322 Chs

Chapter 50

the next day, the cartilaginous fishman Croobi followed Nami to the village of Cocosia.

Nami at this time did not know that the Straw Hat Regiment followed behind her and chased her, after all, in her opinion, there was no one in the Straw Hat Regiment who knew how to sail, left her, and disappeared when she went to sea.

but she forgot, Lin Bei has a hanging.

so when she brought Croobi, that is, the fishman karate playing fishman and a few fishman to the port to watch the ship in the morning, Lin Bei and the others waited here early.

never underestimate the power of the masses of the people!

Lin Bei paid the villagers to keep a guard before going to bed last night, and as soon as he saw the traces of Yuren and Nami, he quickly returned to wake them up.

Although the villagers are afraid of the fish people to the bone, Lin Bei gives too much, and there will be brave men under the heavy reward, not to mention their own hatred of the fish people.

Hope that Lin Bei, a group of people who can moo in thirty minutes, can solve those damn fishmen!

boat, Lin Bei sat on the recliner that Usopp helped him build and hit a

hatchet "Nami, it's too slow."

"You guys!" Nami's eyes

widened "How did you guys catch up!"

Lin Bei's eyes opened

"Just watch you catch up~"


> Nami was anxious, she didn't want to see the only friend she had made in the first half of her life being killed by the fishman.

but he couldn't show it on his face, and he had to laugh and say to Lin Bei


I stole your boat, are you here to arrest me?"

Then you are wrong, these people around me are fishmen, the strength is more than ten times greater than normal humans, as long as you fight, you have no power to fight back! "

Nami warned Lin Bei and the others in a mocking tone, the strength of the fish people.

but Lin Bei, who was very smart in the past, seemed to have his brain pumped at this moment, and he couldn't understand the meaning of her words at all.

"You don't think these salted fish will stop me from grabbing you and hanging you on the ass, do you?"

Nami is shy and angry, when, this guy is still joking!

Nami was about to say two more words, but saw Croobi pull her aside with a black face.

"You just said, who is salted fish?"

Croobi stood in front of the boat, and several fishmen behind him also stood behind him, their faces full of cruelty.

Lin Bei did not answer because Luffy stood up.

Luffy had heard the villagers tell Nami's story last night, and his face was particularly gloomy.

"Nami, that's what they persecuted, right?"

Croobi: "Bastard, I'm talking to you!" "

"Just knock them down and take you away, right?"

Croobi: "Can you treat me as a person!" "

Boom! of a sound.

Croobi's chest suddenly burst into a cloud of blood, but he did not fall.

the physique of the fish people is indeed a strong batch, which is why the strong people on the great voyage are basically not shot.

without wrapping their armed colors, they cannot destroy their powerful bodies at all.

Croobi's blood-red eyes stared at Lin Bei, Lin Bei held the gun and only said

"Don't think you look like a person, you really think of yourself as a person."

didn't my captain hear it? "

Lin Bei is definitely not a racist, the mermaid Lin Bei admits to being a person, but if the fish man is a person, he is a person?

That's right, Lin Bei is not a racist, he is a beautyist.

a bunch of strange shapes, the animation looks good, the reality looks like the fish people who rush around and ba Polben, and they still treat themselves as people?

Croobi was completely angry, and a big jump rushed towards Lin Bei, and his blood-red eyes meant that this matter could not be done well today.

Nami widened her eyes and covered her mouth, doing the same as many horror movie heroines.

but the difference is that Croobi this shabi fishman jumped into the air and hit Lin Bei 11 shots!

When he stood on the boat, the whole person fell to his knees in blood.

Lin Bei really didn't understand

"why, why jump!"

you don't even have a chance to dodge in the air. "

fishman Croobi spat out a mouthful of blood

"vile human!" Don't think you're going to win!

we fishmen have an advantage that you can never match! "

said, and the gun-covered Croobi rolled backwards and fell into the sea.

the group of little brothers who followed him also jumped into the sea like dumplings.

Nami stopped acting, shouting loudly towards Lin Bei

"Be careful!" They will gouge through the bottom of the ship, drag you into the sea, drag you to the battlefield in their favor!

no one in the sea can beat a fishman! "

After Nami finished shouting, she saw that the people on the boat were still so calm, not only calm, but even everyone brought a cup of Coke and drank it, and the whole person was not good.

"When are you still drinking Coke!"

don't show, you're going to play smashed!" "

Nami felt that this gang was too big, obviously they were not like this before.

when Lin Bei severely injured Croobi with a few shots, Namede said that she did have hope that these people could take out the dragon.

But now, what's going on, are these people in their heads?

if the ship sinks, they will definitely not be able to beat the fishmen in the sea!

Nami is anxious on the shore, but Lin Bei on the ship is a comfortable batch.

even clinked glasses with Solon and Usopp before asking Sanji to bring fries and fried chicken that had been fried long ago.

this is the best thing to match with happy water!

Well, then the question is, first of all, the people on this broken island have problems even eating, where is the cola?

Secondly, why are Lin Bei and the Straw Hat Group so calm?

thanks to Lin Bei's superpower today:

[Have fun together!] ]

superpower's ability is that Lin Bei can turn everything inanimate in sight into liquid cola!

if this ability is given to Franky, Franky will take off directly!

but unfortunately, it is not yet touched, and it cannot be gifted.

but the task of retaining this ability can still be tried.

because the ability is not a special bug, the difficulty of the task is relatively low.

mission is: ask Aaron to drink Coke and support him.

Ah, isn't that easy!

After coming to see the task together this morning, Lin Bei was excited, and finally came to a slightly more serious looking ability.

if nothing else, after having this ability, at least there is no shortage of happy water to drink, moreover, this ability still has a certain combat ability, a proper superhuman fruit ability ah!

so now Lin Bei wants to ask a question:

"Fish people can breathe freely in the seawater, so can they breathe freely in the Coke Sea?"

In the next second, Nami on the shore saw the sea water under the hull of the Meli begin to boil and bubble continuously.

Nami thought it was the fishman about to dive, but after taking a closer look, she frowned again.

seawater, how did it turn black?