
Pirate One Super Power Every Day (One Piece)

(With the same boat) If you do one every day, you can randomly get superpowers from people who enter the world of pirates, and if you join the main character group, what will happen as a result? Luffy: “Sugoi! Lam Bac, let us jump from the sky once again!” Coby: “Please definitely don’t!” Zoro: “Every day at 12 o’clock, I must leave Linbei’s room!” Nami: “This is a mess, let me meet you right away…” Akainu · Slap Kaz: “Bastard Lam Bac, turn me back into a man! The old lady uses her ability once, big auntie once!” bigmom: “Children, come to see your father!” Lam Bac: !!! This really doesn’t exist!!!

Big_Big_0235 · Anime & Comics
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322 Chs

Chapter 4

In the afternoon, although he had a lot of fun, the wanton abuse of his superpowers did not consume his physical strength.

But a normal person, at this point, is also normal hungry.

Smelling the aroma of food coming from the restaurant, Lin Bei clearly distinguished the smell of beef, fish, and noodles.

Especially noodles, he really wants to ingest some carbs.

As the saying goes, carbs make people happy!

In this world, you don't even have to worry about eating fat, as long as you have Luffy's physique, even if you eat a ball, you will change back to your original appearance in three seconds.

Lin Bei looked at Luffy

, "Captain, do we have to go find a new partner today?"

Luffy's saliva had reached the corners of

his mouth, "There's no need to be in such a hurry…"

Meat! The

moment he saw a plate of fresh meat being brought out through the window glass, Lin Bei was sure that Luffy's body was no longer controlled by his brain and acted on his own.

Lin Bei followed him and went in together, directly ordered, and ate a big meal.

And Kebi also found that he had been nagging for a long time, and no one behind him replied, and when he turned around, he found that the person was gone.

Quickly turned back to look for it, only to find that the two people who were still talking about going to the naval base just now were now eating in a restaurant.

Kebido doesn't know what to say, what a fickle man!

And the key is,

"Why don't you call me when you eat!"

Lin Bei raised his head

, "Are you rich?"

This sentence asked the point, it's good that the little pink fat man is not ravaged by Arrita, how can there be a penny on him?

Yes, it is also Arrita's scoop.

"... No.

No, do you have money? Kebi

suddenly came to his senses, the two goods, one of which he watched come out of the barrel.

One fell from the sky and didn't see them carrying a bag.

I didn't drummed in my pocket, and I was able to hold two steel plutoniums.

Can there be money?

Lin Bei said

very calmly, "No, but I'm a crew member, and the account should be paid by the captain, right, captain."

Lin Bei turned his head, good guy, Luffy closed his eyes and ate while sleeping!

Lin Bei took the fork in front of Kebi and pierced the snot bubble on Luffy's nose.

"Captain, you remember to pay."

Luffy woke up and was also naked

, "No money."

At this moment, the lady of the restaurant happened to pass by with a plate, and when she heard the conversation at this table, her face suddenly had a few more black lines.

What about eating the overlord meal?

Lin Bei saw that it was the boss lady and realized that it shouldn't be so loud just now, but since he said it, then explain

the payment method: "Boss lady, we have no money, I will put the captain here to brush the plate to settle the account, and give this little pink fat man a plate of pasta."

Kebi roared

, "Don't give people nicknames!"

Lin Bei glanced at him

lightly, "Eat or not"

… Eat,"

Lin Bei turned his face and said to the lady

with a smile: "Wait for this little pink fat man to help you clean up the restaurant, trouble me with a bottle of red wine."

Kirby: ???

He wanted to object, but when he remembered Lin Bei's strength during the day, he immediately sank silently.

Anyway, Arrita's ship is also doing miscellaneous work, cleaning the deck, and there is no money on hand, so if you want to eat, you have to work.

He wasn't afraid of Lin Bei!

The proprietress looked at Luffy, then at Kebi, and seeing that these two people did not object, she turned around and went to the kitchen to get a plate of pasta and a bottle of red wine and put it on Lin Bei's table.

With Luffy there, the three of them directly drained the restaurant's inventory.

Lin Bei himself also discovered something, he seemed to eat a little unexpectedly, which was a few plates less meat than Luffy ate.

There is a problem with his body!

Could it be automatically transformed into the rice bucket physique of the pirate world?

In that case, if he wants to exercise to become stronger, he should be able to achieve the average level of this world.

After eating, I looked at the time, and there were still five or six hours to go until 12 o'clock.

Hurriedly beckoned the hostess over

: "Quick, my captain and this little pink fat man will help you wash the dishes and sweep the floor, let's see how far you have to do to pay for this meal."

The trouble is better to end before twelve, leave me one, no, half an hour, we still have business. "

Half an hour should be enough for him to solve the gang of navy and axe king Monka in the naval base and rescue Solon.

The lady looked at Luffy, then at Kebi, the little pink fat man, and sighed.

"Forget it, it's still children, this meal will be when I invite you to eat, no need to clean."

Luffy laughed, he had no psychological pressure to eat the Overlord meal.

But when the lady said that he was exempt, he was a little embarrassed.

"Boss lady, you are such a good person~"

Lin Bei rubbed his chin, this is the first time in his life to eat the overlord meal, not letting the captain and the little pink fat man work to pay off a debt, he always feels uneasy about eating.

Kebi: Listen to me and thank you~

"Boss lady, although we are pirates, it is not good to eat your food in vain, we are also very principled."

As soon as the two words of pirate came out, the restaurant was directly quiet.

The proprietress also trembled, these three children, are they pirates!?

After all, this is a world where monsters are rampant, and Charlotte Lingling can overturn the country of giants when she is a child, so no one really doubts the fact that the three children say that they are pirates.

Even, no one would doubt the strength of Lin Bei's three.

Lin Bei slapped the table

, "So be it!" Boss lady, how about I help you with one thing, take out Colonel Monka in the base on the island? During

the meal, many people in the restaurant whispered about Monka, saying that it would be nice if Monka was transferred away from their island.

That's just right, anyway, to save Solon, I simply paid Monka as a meal.

However, after the word pirate just now frightened the audience, Lin Bei once again said such words as killing Monka, so that the diners in the audience directly slapped the money on the table, didn't even eat, and ran away directly!

The people on this island are afraid of two things, one is pirates, the other is Monka, and Lin Bei exploded two thunders this time.

The proprietress all obeyed

: "Please, you really don't have to give the meal fee, you guys leave quickly, if you let the colonel of the base know what you say, it will definitely kill you."

The hostess is very kind, although these children say that they are pirates, but they can't watch these 'principled' children being eliminated by Monka like this.

Luffy wore a straw hat and showed that familiar smile

, "Don't worry, I'm strong, I'm a man who wants to be One Piece!"

The hostess's legs began to shake, please, stop talking!

"Monka, I'll help you solve him!"

Hostess: ...

Tired, destroy, love it.

The proprietress sat on the chair with her butt, and her eyes were a little dull as she watched the three boys in front of her stand up and walk towards the outside of the store.

As if he really wanted to kill the monka, who ruled the island like a tyrant.

Good words are hard to persuade damned ghosts….