
Pirate One Super Power Every Day (One Piece)

(With the same boat) If you do one every day, you can randomly get superpowers from people who enter the world of pirates, and if you join the main character group, what will happen as a result? Luffy: “Sugoi! Lam Bac, let us jump from the sky once again!” Coby: “Please definitely don’t!” Zoro: “Every day at 12 o’clock, I must leave Linbei’s room!” Nami: “This is a mess, let me meet you right away…” Akainu · Slap Kaz: “Bastard Lam Bac, turn me back into a man! The old lady uses her ability once, big auntie once!” bigmom: “Children, come to see your father!” Lam Bac: !!! This really doesn’t exist!!!

Big_Big_0235 · Anime & Comics
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322 Chs

Chapter 302

Lin Bei's eyebrows raised, and his expression became a little strange

: "You, optimistic about us?"

Jinping nodded very cautiously, and then heard Lin Bei laugh.

"It's so interesting, aren't you afraid that Fishman Island will be targeted by the navy after using our flag?"

Lin Bei had a pen in his heart, if the navy was to judge the most evil person in the world now, it should be the dragon.

But let the Navy now rate one of the most disgusting people in the world, that is no one else, it is he Lin Bei!

So far, almost all navies above the rank of vice admiral have dealt with him once, and most of them have called Zhang San, pulled their pants, and stepped on mushrooms.

With this deep hatred, Lin Bei was really afraid that the day before Fishman Island would hang the flag of the Straw Hat Regiment, and the day after the Navy would come to level Fishman Island as an adjunct of the Straw Hat Pirates.

But Jinping still said very seriously and seriously

, "No jokes below!"

With the strength shown by the Straw Hat Pirates in the top war, someone has already pushed the name of the Four Emperors to your heads after the Whitebeard Pirates disbanded.

Mr. Lin Bei alone can entangle three generals, and even add seven or eight lieutenant generals.

This achievement, even if the four emperors come, they can't do it.

The name of the most difficult person to kill has been transferred from Kaido's head to Mr. Lin Bei's head.

What's more, now that Mr. Lin Bei has also eaten the Shock Fruit, as long as it takes some time to precipitate his strength, soon his combat power will truly match the Four Emperors level.

Not to mention those who have great potential and strength should not be underestimated.

Now, with only a few pirate groups following you and a formal battle, the Straw Hat Regiment can completely declare you a four-emperor-level force!

The old man is willing to follow the Straw Hat Pirates and contribute to the Straw Hat Pirates to become the Four Emperors Pirates.

I only hope that after success, I can borrow the flag to shelter Fishman Island.

If you agree, the old man will take you to the Dragon Palace to meet King Neptune and discuss the matter together.

This made Jinping say as if something big was about to happen.

Usopp and Choba's breathing couldn't help but speed up by three points.

But Lin Bei had to say that Jinping's estimate was quite accurate, and it was really possible for the current Straw Hat Pirates to become the Four Emperors.

Usopp is now a proper emperor and deputy level combat power, and there is no need to say the three main combat forces in the future, that is not to the imperial deputy to go, that is to go to the emperor level combat power.

Sun God Luffy, you dare to believe it?

French, future Magneto + Gundam God.

In addition, there is the stall of Alabastan, the Baroque work society dominated by the old sand of the Nanabukai.

Now it is really using one country to raise the combat effectiveness of such a working society!

Looking at One Piece, only the Four Emperors and the Navy and the Revolutionary Army have such luxury.

According to Lao Sha's report, the first half of the current great route, at least the route of Alabastan, has completely become the sphere of influence of the Baroque Work Society.

With the addition of supernovas, I believe that the expansion of power will accelerate again!

The Shadow Queen after the personification of the Shadow Fruit also established the Kingdom of Shadows on another channel.

The Shadow Fruit ability is very special, Moria only knows to take away the shadow of the strong, but does not care about the strong himself, which is a great waste!

Xiaoyu is very smart, she not only wants shadows, people, she also wants!

Want to go back to the shadows? Then listen to her and work for her.

In this way, relying on plunder and enslavement, Xiaoyu's power developed rapidly, and it was unbelievable to believe!

It can only be said that the current Xiaoyu has been able to go head-to-head with the old sand that has been developed for a year.

The navy heard about Xiaoyu, and after Jinping broke away from the Qiwu Sea, it also planned to let Xiaoyu, a strong man, take over Jinping's seat in the Qiwu Sea.

In addition to the team saved before, now he has joined a former Qiwu Hai Jinping, and when the Qiwu Sea system is completely eliminated, the female emperor of the daughter country will definitely choose to join the Straw Hat Big Ship Group as long as he says it.

At that time, there will be four Seven Wuhai as the skeleton, then there will really be the frame of the four emperors!

Lin Bei began to think seriously about whether to listen to Jinping and do this.

This thing is big!

Don't forget who covered Fishman Island before, it was Whitebeard!

Now the Straw Hat Regiment is going to lend the flag to Fishman Island, so what the goal is, it goes without saying.

This thing is done, and smart people can see at a glance what the Straw Hat Pirates want to do.

Therefore, whether it is a person who wants to be the four emperors or a person who is already a fourth emperor, he will not want to see the strong rise of the Straw Hat Regiment, and there may be a scene where the navy and pirates join forces to suppress the Straw Hat Regiment.

After all, the Navy and pirates have joined forces, and this is not the first time it has appeared in the theatrical version….

Just as Lin Bei was thinking seriously, Luffy suddenly tilted his head and said

, "What Four Emperors?" I don't want to be, I want to be One Piece. Jinping

was stunned

, "Hey?

This is not a conflict.

Jinpei quickly came back to his senses, he didn't laugh at Luffy's unrealistic dream for others.

Because he felt that if anyone could become One Piece, it would be the Straw Hats.

"Hey? Isn't it conflicting?

Luffy asked with a cute wink, probably in his cognition, a person can only have one number.

If you become the Four Emperors, you can't be One Piece.

This tone made Jinping a little unconfident, and he felt that Luffy had forcibly lowered his IQ to the same level as Luffy.

"Really, conflict?"

Luffy quickly looked at the wise man Lin Bei, and asked with wise eyes

, "Is there a conflict?"

Lin Bei thought for a moment

, "Conflict!

One Piece can only be One Piece, which is the only title. Luffy


his palm with his fist

, "Soga!" That's right, Lin Bei! "

Jinping is numb, what does it matter?

"So," Lin Bei said

immediately, "so you become One Piece, and the Four Emperors will let me be a good one."

Luffy suddenly laughed and croaked out his teeth

, "Yes!

I think it's okay~

" Sanji silently lit a cigarette, gently turned Franky next to him and asked

in a low voice, "

You said that Lin Bei's grandson is fooling Luffy?"

French flicked his plane's head

, "super~ maybe!"

Lin Bei's eyes suddenly swept over, Sanji and Franky were clever, they immediately thought of the rumor that the deputy captain was cautious, and quickly closed their mouths.

Lin Bei then turned his head and looked at Jinping

with a smile: "We have discussed, my captain will be the One Piece, and I will be the Four Emperors."

However, there are too many four emperors, and it is still good to be a sea emperor in the future. Jinping's

pupils shrank sharply, this man's ambition was not inferior to Luffy who was shouting as One Piece over there!

There is only one emperor left on this sea, so what is the difference between that and One Piece?

Jinping slowly lowered his head

, "I will do my best."

Now please go down to the Dragon Palace, the matter of the banner still needs to be discussed with the king. Lin

Bei looked forward to it, can he see the white star now."

+1 achievement for coming to Pirate World!