
Pirate One Super Power Every Day (One Piece)

(With the same boat) If you do one every day, you can randomly get superpowers from people who enter the world of pirates, and if you join the main character group, what will happen as a result? Luffy: “Sugoi! Lam Bac, let us jump from the sky once again!” Coby: “Please definitely don’t!” Zoro: “Every day at 12 o’clock, I must leave Linbei’s room!” Nami: “This is a mess, let me meet you right away…” Akainu · Slap Kaz: “Bastard Lam Bac, turn me back into a man! The old lady uses her ability once, big auntie once!” bigmom: “Children, come to see your father!” Lam Bac: !!! This really doesn’t exist!!!

Big_Big_0235 · Anime & Comics
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322 Chs

Chapter 261

Usopp opened a door on the wall of the Advance City, the thickness of which surprised everyone in the Straw Hats.

"so thick!"

Lin Bei shook his head

"This is not the thickest place, the further down, the thicker the wall should be, which is why there is no prisoner in history who can leave the underwater prison by punching a hole."

Nami let out a long breath

"It's thanks to Usopp, otherwise we don't know how to get in."

Robin took out a notebook, which was her record of the information about the advancing city based on what Xia Qi said.

"We are only one layer above the sea now, Xia Qi said that there are five layers known to outsiders in the city, but there is actually a sixth layer, which is also the layer that holds the kind of pirates who have been specially erased by the navy."

all the legendary pirates in history are imprisoned.

if nothing else, Ace is probably being held on the sixth floor.

It's worth noting that this prison is full of surveillance phone bugs, and we can be caught at any time. "

Lin Beiyi waved his hand

"Don't worry too much about this, we can walk Usopp's air space, Usopp punches holes in the ground of each layer, after penetration, we enter the next layer from air space, and then repeat the operation until the sixth layer."

Since his purpose is to save people, secretly his purpose is to complete the mission and kill ten LV.6 pirates.

then enter quietly first, shoot the drop do not.

like Luffy's original plot, although the show works very well, but if it weren't for the protagonist's halo, Luffy would have cooled a fart long ago.

of course, he can't help it, and he doesn't have a hang that can go directly to the last layer.

Now that there is a hanger of Usopp, it must be opened.

decided on the strategy, and Usopp got to work.

open the door on the ground, and everyone jumps into the next level in the airspace.

the first level of the official city, Red Lotus Hell.

prisoners in this layer have less serious crimes, and the strength of prisoners in captivity is very low.

There is a large forest-like area outside the prisoner's cell, and the tree is a sword tree with leaves as sharp as a blade.

grass is a needle grass that can pierce the human body like a needle, and the prisoners will run back and forth because of the pursuit of poisonous spiders and jailers, and finally be tortured by the blood cut by these leaves and grass.

Straw Hat Regiment fell in this forest.

Usopp opened the air door under his feet, and then went to open the door on this floor.

so that his appearance cannot be seen from the outside, but only that this place suddenly seems to open a door, and a passage has been opened.

it is worth mentioning that Lin Bei saw Bucky the Clown here.

That's right, Bucky the Clown wasn't even handcuffed, just plain handcuffed.

he was captured by Smogg, but later because Smog lost his cow, he didn't care about Bucky, so he let Bucky run.

after escaping to the Great Voyage, Bucky begins to search for the treasure of Captain John, the dead ghost of Moriana.

his treasure map, which is now being worn by Luffy as a decoration on his arm.

but Bucky didn't know, he was still looking all over the world, and he searched for it, and found the secret base of the Navy.

directly arrested!

but Bucky did not reveal that he was a Devil Fruit powerhouse, so he was not handcuffed at all, because of the low bounty, he was even locked up on the first floor of Advance City.

it can be said that Bucky's strategy of preserving strength has done a very good job.

If the Straw Hat does not come, it will be the most promising person to escape the Great Prison under the sea after the Golden Lion.

the moment Lin Bei saw him, Bucky also noticed that something was wrong here.

after all, Bucky is just hiding, not these garbage pirates on the first layer, he directly found that there is a problem with the ground over there!

enduring the tingling sensation of his foot stepping on the needle grass, Bucky walked to the downward door that Usopp opened.

Bucky's eyes widened, how could a door be opened here for no reason?

he didn't know, just in the airspace, the Straw Hat group was silently watching his surprised expression.

Bucky looked at the door underground, and suddenly had a flash of inspiration and looked up.

Sure enough, there is a door that has been opened on it!

what a godsend!

he Bucky waited so long in Advance City, just waiting for a chance to escape.

unexpectedly, this pie fell on his head like this.

I have to say that Bucky is definitely a bit lucky on his body.

Bucky tore his clothes with a beaming face, rubbed them into long ropes, and tied them to his feet.

his feet are flightless, so he plans to fly up after tearing his upper body apart, and then drag his feet up with a rope.

Bucky didn't know that his series of actions, like monkeys in a zoo, were watched by Lin Bei and others at super close.

Nami said: < p idx="52"> "leave him alone, our goal is not to rescue Ace, don't make trouble."

Kolinbei has a different idea

"Usopp, open a door behind him."

Usopp didn't know what Lin Bei wanted to do, but he didn't ask and carried out the order.

door opened, Lin Bei kicked on Bucky's butt, who was just ready to take off.

Bucky's eyes widened, shouted at me, and fell into the second level of the Advance City, the Beast Hell.

At the moment of falling, Bucky turned around, not knowing if it was his delusion, he seemed to see Lin Bei's bastard.

but before he could think more, he had already fallen to the second layer.

several fierce beasts suddenly surrounded him….

know that in the second layer, there are not only various beasts that feed on prisoners, but also a large number of telephone bugs.

and the arrangement of these phone bugs is almost without dead ends, as long as there is something wrong here, the monitoring room will find it as soon as possible and report it to Director Magellan.

It's okay in Red Lotus Hell, after all, this jungle is not suitable for monitoring phone worms, and there is no problem in opening a door on the ground.

if you want to open a door on the ground level on the second floor, the surveillance phone bug will definitely find it.

so Lin Bei planned to let Bucky go to the front to explore the road first.

after all, I saw it all, it's a pity not to use it.

Sure enough, as soon as Bucky appeared on the second floor, he was found with a hooded face, and the monitoring room instantly contacted the guards on the second floor and went to hunt Bucky.

Bucky also saw the ghost, who kicked him down?

Is it true that saw Lin Bei at the last moment?

for a moment Bucky's head thought about a lot of things, but in the end, he stopped thinking.

After all, who is chased and killed by so many fierce beasts can still have something to think about.

Bucky attracts the attention of everyone on the second floor!

At this time, a pair of hands grew out of thin air from the wall, and there was an eye in the palm of the hand.

After determining the location of the surveillance phone worm, several hands also grew near the phone worm, solving the surveillance phone worm.