
Pirate One Super Power Every Day (One Piece)

(With the same boat) If you do one every day, you can randomly get superpowers from people who enter the world of pirates, and if you join the main character group, what will happen as a result? Luffy: “Sugoi! Lam Bac, let us jump from the sky once again!” Coby: “Please definitely don’t!” Zoro: “Every day at 12 o’clock, I must leave Linbei’s room!” Nami: “This is a mess, let me meet you right away…” Akainu · Slap Kaz: “Bastard Lam Bac, turn me back into a man! The old lady uses her ability once, big auntie once!” bigmom: “Children, come to see your father!” Lam Bac: !!! This really doesn’t exist!!!

Big_Big_0235 · Anime & Comics
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322 Chs

Chapter 259

then Luffy thought of the life card that Ace gave him, and when Laura gave Lin Bei Charlotte Lingling's life card, Ace's life card was taken out by him once.

Laura said at the time that the owner of this life card was in a bad situation.

Luffy didn't take it seriously, saying that if Ace saw him go to save him, he would be unhappy.

he has his own adventures.

Now seeing the news, Luffy regrets it.

Ace, this is going to be ah!

After a moment of silence, Luffy said

with a calm face "I'm going to save Ace, sorry guys, you may be staying in the Chambord Islands for a while."

Solon immediately shouted unpleasantly when he heard this

"Hey, what stupid thing are you talking about!"

Are you trying to save people alone?

What do you think of us? "

Luffy has always been the kind of person who will do anything for his partner, and the first thing his partner does when he gets on the ship is basically to solve problems for his partner.

Now that it's the captain's turn to be in trouble, are the buddies going to watch Luffy go on an adventure alone in the Chambord Islands?

if it is the same as the original plot, everyone is filmed and there is no way to help.

but everyone is gathered now, what stupid thing Luffy is talking about!

Lin Bei strangled Luffy's neck

"Want to be a hero alone?"

No way! "

"You worked hard for us before, this time, it's our turn."

Usopp, who has always been timid, did not hesitate this time.

Nami and Choiba are also full of determination.

Xia Qi supported her chin with her hand, leaning on the bar, with an inexplicable light in her eyes.

the atmosphere of this pirate group is really inexplicably similar to a pirate group she has seen.

the same captain is a fool, the deputy captain has eight hundred hearts, and the crew is united.


Luffy was very touched by everyone's statement, and he was not pretentious

"good!" Then let's go and rescue Ace! "


"Do you know where to help?"

Xia Qi suddenly interjected, causing everyone who shouted to suddenly fall silent.

Yes, where should I go to save it?"

Nami: "Just follow the direction indicated by the life card, right?" "

Xia Qi sighed, sure enough, it was very similar, a bunch of stupid people.

Xia Qi informed the Straw Hat of all the intelligence he had collected about Advance City.

everyone was a little stunned when they heard that Advance City was in the windless zone.

surrounded by the group of monsters of the windless zone, it is no wonder it is called the iron wall.

but Lin Bei was not very worried about this, they just drove the boat through the air door opened by Usopp, and the other parallel space would not be attacked by the sea kings.

When you arrive, let Usopp open a door on the wall of the Advance City, and you can sneak in perfectly.

I have to say that Bruno's fruit ability is too easy to use, the best assist!

so that the coating is temporarily unavailable.

Time is urgent, and everyone can't wait for the legendary Hades Rayleigh, so they quickly go to the port where the Melly and Sunshine dock, and Usopp opens the air door, and everyone enters it and travels in parallel space.

I have to say that this decision is really the right one!

because after going to sea, Lin Bei found that the navy had come a lot of people, looking like they were going to surround the Chambordi Islands.

and interestingly, the person who led the team this time was a red dog!

it seems that Lin Bei really angered the navy this time, otherwise the top war is imminent, how can it be possible to divide so many forces to surround the Chambord Islands.

the moment he saw the red dog, Lin Bei regretted it a little.

how to let the last Draco die so early, if only when the red dog came, let the three generals be laid off together.

Unfortunately, life has no ifs.

he can only tease the red dog a little, the point is that his superpower mission today is not yet completed.

playing two generals is too hi, they both forget what the task is.

After the two generals led people to run, they saw the red dog and remembered that they would bless a hundred lucky ones.

Fortunately, there were enough people brought by the red dog, and after completing a hundred blessings, Lin Bei's task today was completed.

After completing the task, Lin Bei ran away with the Straw Hat Pirates.

just because of these hundred lucky ones, there 'happens' to be red dogs.

this guy spat magma and destroyed a warship by the way.

which caused supernovae in the Chambord Islands to curse the streets.

some people will ask, why did Lin Bei do something, the unlucky one is the general red dog, and the supernova will scold the street?

First, they finally sent away two generals, and as a result, they ushered in a third general!

and the red dog may not have wanted to do anything when he came, but was ordered to block the Chambord Islands.

but after Lin Bei played directly bloody anger, he simply used iron and blood means!

even though he knew that Lin Bei must have run away, he still surrounded Chambord.

supernovae were finally able to come out and move, and now they can only continue to retract and hide.

can it be useful to hide?

the red dog who was played with blood by Lin Bei, can't catch Lin Bei, can't catch others to vent their anger?

Supernovae, danger!


< p idx="67"> 5 days later

because the road to Advance City was relatively long, so it was not until the fifth day that the Straw Hat Regiment arrived in Advance City.

Along the way, you can see news birds and crazy trips after trips!

Morgan really dared, he did everything he said before!

Morgans, kill crazy!

What yellow ape kicked two to death because he was dissatisfied with the Draco population.

What green pheasant because of dissatisfaction with the Draco population, the joint lieutenant general cruelly went to the head female Draco.

there are even some small stories about the yellow ape and Lin Bei, the deputy captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, who have to tell.

these reports came out, and the Navy was completely numb.

they were going to push this down.

after all, this Draco is dead, if not many people know, then the other Draco will not make any big moves, that is, normal accountability, and will never let the yellow ape and the green pheasant die.

but Morgans, the sixth, returned to headquarters overnight to send the news.

no one knows where Morgan is hiding now, only that his newsbirds work tirelessly.

which led to the fact that the Navy could not suppress this explosive news!

Draco's face is gone!

so be held accountable in the first place!

this is the same as Charros Animal seeing someone performing first aid and not kneeling to him.

Draco values the face the most!

so they mean, pheasants and yellow apes, must die!

regardless of whether someone framed or not, it is a fact that three Draco were killed.

if this is not dead, then where is the face of their Draco?

As for whether the world will change drastically because of the lack of two generals, Draco cares about this!

the pressure they give, the five old stars also have to compromise, even if the Warring States say that after executing Ace, he can remove his post to help the yellow ape and the green pheasant to blame the crime, it is useless, the yellow ape must die!

therefore, the battle at the top is directly missing a general.

yellow ape was imprisoned in the city, and then the yellow ape was executed live broadcast around the world.

Qingji because of the power of the Warring States, the five old stars do not want to see one less top combat power, so they just said to wait for Ace to be executed before deliberating.

after this news appeared, the world exploded again.