
Pirate One Super Power Every Day (One Piece)

(With the same boat) If you do one every day, you can randomly get superpowers from people who enter the world of pirates, and if you join the main character group, what will happen as a result? Luffy: “Sugoi! Lam Bac, let us jump from the sky once again!” Coby: “Please definitely don’t!” Zoro: “Every day at 12 o’clock, I must leave Linbei’s room!” Nami: “This is a mess, let me meet you right away…” Akainu · Slap Kaz: “Bastard Lam Bac, turn me back into a man! The old lady uses her ability once, big auntie once!” bigmom: “Children, come to see your father!” Lam Bac: !!! This really doesn’t exist!!!

Big_Big_0235 · Anime & Comics
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322 Chs

Chapter 256

Lin Bei pressed Charulia's head

"Mr. Yellow Ape~

The rescue operation has reached the third stage, how do you plan to kill this woman?

what pose you want, I'll help you set it up~

" yellow ape clenched his fists

"5"> "despicable!"

"baby? Mr. Yellow Ape, I'm a kidnapper, you're rescuing hostages now, can you be serious.

we will talk about this private matter in private~" IDX="8″> Yellow Ape: ...

in fact, this is Lin Bei playing tricks and joking.

but Morgan was even more excited, and wrote directly in the press release:


The story that the extrajudicial madman Lin Bei and the general Yellow Ape have to tell!"

he wants to wait for the heat of the general to kill Draco to pass, and then just a wave of subsequent heat.

few normal people will take it seriously, and it will be regarded as a joke at dinner.

But, Charulia, take it seriously!

she wondered why the general they raised suddenly bit the master?

Hey! It must be that this yellow ape and Lin Bei themselves are in the same group, and have an unexplained relationship.

If the two people unite, it must be a retaliatory action against their Draco.

So, the wise Charulia Gong, felt that she had seen through the truth.

in fact, the real identity of this yellow ape is from the pirate!

the wise Charulia felt that her current situation had become very bad, and she suspected that Lin Bei's sentence just now that you came over was a code word.

he is signaling the yellow ape to move!

if nothing else, this Lin Bei will definitely say this sentence next.

Sure enough!

Lin Bei opened the door through which one person passed, and then shouted loudly


before the words were finished, the wise Charulia made an active self-help action.

Although she was very disgusted with untouchables, and even stepped on the soles of her feet every day was a routine operation, but at this moment, in order to survive, she could only turn her head and stunned Lin Bei's mouth.

this woman, after making a roundabout, found an accurate way to prevent her death on the spot.

Lin Bei didn't finish speaking, and the yellow ape didn't rush over.

Lin Bei frowned, squeezed the woman's head, and fell on the air door frame.

although he is an LSP, LSP also has a bottom line.

a woman like Charulia, he definitely doesn't want it!

it's better to kill quickly!

but when he turned his head and looked at the yellow ape, he found that this old brother didn't know when he ran away.

This is not because he killed the two Draco, but because the yellow ape realized that as long as he was here, he would definitely continue to be disturbed by Lin Bei's ability and continue to kill the last Draco.

and to avoid it, you have to stay away.

he was fast, taking advantage of Lin Bei's stunned time, he withdrew at the speed of light.

Lin Bei was very upset, and he couldn't open three times.

but soon he looked at the Navy soldiers present, and in their words, it was not impossible.

but the naval soldiers saw Lin Bei's eyes, a stirring spirit, and ran away.

What does ?

Draco has not been rescued?


are almost killed by their own generals, is this a special rescue operation or retaliation?

what can they do with this lowly word?

follow up and stab twice?

I didn't see that the generals were withdrawn, this is the signal, and they quickly withdrew.

but can Lin Bei let them leave so easily?

"You guys, come here!!"

brush, all the naval soldiers stopped leaving, turned around, and rushed towards Lin Bei one by one like that berserker… Charulia in front of her.

nah, that's not a big deal.

a large number of naval soldiers stepped on the ground and rushed towards his sister.

Charulia closed her eyes in despair


This gang of navy and that general are also in the same group!"

just as the tragedy was about to happen again, a voice sounded


frozen moment!"

At this moment, the noisy world was pressed the mute button, and Charulia carefully opened her eyes, only to see an ice blade stopped in front of her eyes, close at hand!

her side, surrounded on all sides by naval soldiers frozen after impulse.

not far away, a man in a white suit and a justice coat lowered his hand with a serious face.

"How did this become here…"

, the >person who came was a green pheasant, followed by several vice admirals who had been persecuted by Lin Bei before.

this time they brought all their pants, just to be able to stuff it into Lin Bei's mouth.

but when I first arrived, I found that the naval soldiers here were so crazy that they actually made a move against Draco!

And the most terrifying thing is that there is already a mindless Draco corpse on the ground.

there is still a place of plasma, and I don't know what happened.

the situation is urgent, and the pheasant can only freeze all naval soldiers.

wait until you figure out what's going on before unfreezing.

Charulia cried out in surprise when she saw that it was a pheasant.

"Save me!" Save me!

these navies are crazy, they are going to kill me!

and Admiral Yellow Ape also defected, he killed my father and brother! "

the pheasant and several lieutenant generals felt their brains buzzing, and they were in a trance.

this, the amount of information is so big!

Yellow ape mutinied?

also killed Draco?!

the first reaction of several people was of course impossible, and then when they saw Lin Bei, they nodded and said

"Lin Bei

did it!"

"This bastard's means have been upgraded again!"

"This scourge, he must die here!"

"General Pheasant, do it!"

the pheasant nodded solemnly, and then heard

"> "Don't go near him!"

the green pheasant turned their heads and saw that it was a yellow ape, which was quite far away.

the yellow ape beckoned a few people

"85"> "Hurry up!" Do you want to kill Draco too! "

Qing Pheasant and several lieutenant generals looked at each other, and sure enough, this was what Lin Bei did.

but just as he was about to reply, he heard Charulia Gong shouting hysterically

"88"> "What are you still stunned for, kill him!"

kill the yellow ape!

kill this traitor! "

several people looked at each other for a while, and finally the green pheasant stood up to Charulia Gongdao

"There must be some misunderstanding, all this"


done by yellow apes!"

Lin Bei's voice sounded.

he was a little surprised by the arrival of the pheasants and lieutenant generals, but after seeing that they were all victims of the Battle of the Capital of Seven Waters, he didn't feel much surprised.

In order to show his apologies to them, Lin Bei planned to let them also kill Draco in the first place.

but when he heard Charulia's words, he suddenly had a new idea.

he wants to see the pheasant fight the yellow ape!

so, he spoke, and said in the ear of Charulia's palace

"100"> "Is it forgivable to kill your father and brother and leave you alone in your family?"

forgive or Draco?

a general and several lieutenant generals, you can definitely beat a general, right?

I'm not arching the fire, just saying so. "