
Pirate One Super Power Every Day (One Piece)

(With the same boat) If you do one every day, you can randomly get superpowers from people who enter the world of pirates, and if you join the main character group, what will happen as a result? Luffy: “Sugoi! Lam Bac, let us jump from the sky once again!” Coby: “Please definitely don’t!” Zoro: “Every day at 12 o’clock, I must leave Linbei’s room!” Nami: “This is a mess, let me meet you right away…” Akainu · Slap Kaz: “Bastard Lam Bac, turn me back into a man! The old lady uses her ability once, big auntie once!” bigmom: “Children, come to see your father!” Lam Bac: !!! This really doesn’t exist!!!

Big_Big_0235 · Anime & Comics
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322 Chs

Chapter 248

The Chambord Islands are made up of huge Yarchiman mangroves, of which 0-29 are pirate-controlled three-sided zones.

30-39 is an amusement park, 40-49 is a place to buy souvenirs, 50-59 is a factory that coats ships, 60-69 is a navy-controlled zone, and 70-79 is a commercial street.

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the location of the landing of the Straw Hat Regiment is located in the sightseeing area of 40-49, and there are no pirates and chaos after landing, a very prosperous scene.

can carry the tough bubbles that people float up is also very interesting, and Franky plans to make a little of these bubbles and make a special boat.

Unfortunately, the bubbles here will lose their usefulness as long as they leave the Chambord Islands, and only the special climate here can make the bubbles work.

but there is a special process that can make the bubble last for long, which is the coating process, and it is also a necessary process for everyone to go to Mermaid Island.

but the gang of the Straw Hats are so fun-loving, how can it be so simple to go directly to Mermaid Island, even if Sanji is anxious to see the mermaid, he also wants to play on this Chambordi Islands.

because of the different places they want to go, everyone naturally divided into two teams.

one is a pragmatic team, formed by Robin, Sanji, Franky, and Brook, who will make all kinds of item purchases.

After the purchase, the coating factory will also be found to coat the ship.

the other is the entertainment team, consisting of Lin Bei, Nami, Luffy, Solon, as well as Chopba and Usopp.

purpose is one word, play!

Originally, Lin Bei wanted to ask Nami to go to another team and let her manage the distribution of money, so that he and Luffy could have more fun.

Konami would not even manage money, just to follow them.

then there is no way, you can only go along.

Linbei's team is from the sightseeing area to the amusement park area.

I also rented a few bubble bikes along the way, lying comfortably in the bubbles and pedaling forward.

Lin Bei felt that this place was really comfortable, if it weren't for the fact that this broken place gathered all the supernova, and the Draco would come from time to time, this place was really the perfect resort.

but speaking of Draco, Lin Bei's smile gradually changed.

today's ability, it can be said that it is specially designed for Draco!

[Today's Superpower: Blessing and Vomit Star]

[Ability introduction: It can fire a point of light every minute, blessing the target with the power of vomiting, lasting 10 minutes.

Note: This ability is equally effective for non-living organisms! ]

[Today's Mission: Let 100 lucky people be blessed~]

This ability is actually not much different from the jet aura, except that the position of the entrance and exit is not the same.

for normal people, that is spit.

ten minutes, at most, it is a little more severe and uncomfortable, and it will not hurt much, unless it is continued.

however, for Draco, it is different.

they brought a bubble hood!

they don't want to breathe the same air as the untouchables, so they have to spit and digest it themselves.

see how much they have eaten, eat, and vomit, all of which will be displayed in the bubble mask.

then either eat it again and die or choke to death.

In addition to this, this ability has one of the most interesting points, and it is also different from the Jet Aura in that it also has an effect on non-living bodies!

Linbei Road is desperate to see how non-living bodies vomit, like stones.

so he casually used the vomit star on a building on the side of the road, and soon he saw the door of the house suddenly open, and the owner of the house with a face full of coercion face, along with the furniture, tables, chairs, benches and other furniture inside the house, gushing out.

When the furniture is sprayed, start spraying wall ash and bricks.

ten minutes later, a two-story house becomes a one-storey.

the owner of this house stood outside the house with a face full of confusion and watched his two-story building become a bungalow.

although I am very sorry for the owner, but, it is really interesting!

the corners of Lin Bei's mouth gradually rose, and he began to look forward to meeting Draco on the road later.

reality did not disappoint, on the way towards the amusement park, the originally lively crowd on this sightseeing street suddenly quieted, and then spontaneously retreated to the sides, and all knelt on the ground.

this scene is similar to the emperor's tour, but the emperors of ancient China did not dare to see any common people who did not kneel, so they shot at the pia.

such tyrants generally eat date pills.

but Draco did more than that!

two doctors and a nurse are carrying a patient with heavy bleeding on the road, the hospital is in front, as long as the patient is carried in, it takes two steps to save you.

the result was seen by this fat pig-like Draco, Charros Animal.

Charros Animal was angry, jumped off the human slave he was sitting on, pointed a gun at the doctor and asked


See me, why don't you kneel to me!"

the doctor quickly explained

"Please forgive me, this person is bleeding heavily, he must be treated as soon as possible, otherwise he will die!"

"Oh~ so, so what are you waiting for."

Luffy, who was standing watching this scene, heard this and said

"What, these guys are not bad."

the next second, I saw Charros Animal kick over the stretcher

"Then what are you waiting for, let him die!"

damn untouchables, is the life of the untouchables important, or is my etiquette more important! "

the rat on the side quickly said

"Of course, it is more important for your etiquette!"

Luffy's face went black on the spot!

the doctors and nurses knelt on the ground, not daring to say a word, daring to be angry.

As for the rest of the people, kneel to the side and dare not look.

they have long been accustomed to putting their knees soft.

Seeing that the doctors and nurses were so obedient, Charros Animal was very satisfied, and just about to leave, the dead fat pig suddenly glimpsed that the nurse's sister was quite good-looking.

with that greasy, snotty face, he looked closer, and finally said to Rat Shita


I fancy her, let her be my wife."

"Yes, I will immediately go through the formalities for your thirteenth wife to settle in the Holy Land."

a handsome guy on the side suddenly stood up

"Please, please wait a minute, this is my fiancée!"

Charros Animal looked at the guy who stood up, and said unpleasantly

"Another pariah, there is no Draco, where is the good life for you people."

yours is mine, mine is mine! "

said and turned the muzzle and fired a shot at this guy!

and this must have been shot, at the moment when it was about to hit the guy, it was hit by a bullet and bounced off.

Charros Animal tilted his head, looking sophisticated, with a slear look of imperfect cerebellum

"Why didn't it hit?"