
Pirate One Super Power Every Day (One Piece)

(With the same boat) If you do one every day, you can randomly get superpowers from people who enter the world of pirates, and if you join the main character group, what will happen as a result? Luffy: “Sugoi! Lam Bac, let us jump from the sky once again!” Coby: “Please definitely don’t!” Zoro: “Every day at 12 o’clock, I must leave Linbei’s room!” Nami: “This is a mess, let me meet you right away…” Akainu · Slap Kaz: “Bastard Lam Bac, turn me back into a man! The old lady uses her ability once, big auntie once!” bigmom: “Children, come to see your father!” Lam Bac: !!! This really doesn’t exist!!!

Big_Big_0235 · Anime & Comics
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322 Chs

Chapter 238

"Hey Brooke, where is your shadow, let's help you get it back."

Luffy said to Brooke with his straw hat

and Brook looked at the Kazunokoku samurai, Ryoma, who jumped down with him.

"right on him."

"Hey~ Is that him?"

Luffy raised his fist

"Yossi!" Just leave it to me to defeat him! "

"Bridge bean sack Luffy, this is my opponent."

Solon had been staring at the knife around Ryoma's waist since just now, and when he heard that he was going to fight Ryoma, he took the initiative to stand up.

"That knife around your waist, I want it!"

Ryoma looked at Solon

< p idx="11"> "Yo roar, roar, you mean to snatch this black knife Akisui from my waist?"

he didn't make a move just now, because he is the strongest in the entire Moria zombie army, if he is still alive, Moria is a pure brother in front of him, even in his heyday, he can't beat him.

so unlike other zombies, he is also controlled by shadows, but has a considerable degree of autonomy.

In the original plot, after being defeated by Solon, he actively spit out Brook's shadow.

Solon looked at the zombie Ryoma and smiled< p idx="16"> "It would be accurate to say that you should take the knife that fell next to your corpse."

"So it is, very daring, yo roar."

Lin Bei felt that Ryoma should have been a very serious swordsman before, but after being settled by Brook's shadow, he would always bring a roaring laugh when he spoke.

it seems that there is a kind of contrast.

Brooke, whose bones were cracked, whispered

"I think it's better not to provoke him, he is different from the zombies here, he must have been a very powerful swordsman when he was alive."

although it is reactivated because of my shadow, but the strength is not weak. "

Lin Bei nodded, and said

to Solon "Remember that black knife from Hawkeye?"

The so-called black knife is not a special skill during forging, but the user's powerful armed color domineering for many years, so the black knife is formed.

there are not many black knives so far, but this swordsman does.

which is enough to see that he and Hawkeye were supposed to be a rank swordsman. "

Solon's eyes widened suddenly

"29"> "is it a level with Hawkeye!?"

"Well, but it's a pity that he is dead, and the strength he can use now is very limited."

Solon pulled out his knife and said in a deep voice


I understand, no matter how powerful he was when he was alive, dead is dead, and the knife, only for living people to use."

"Yo roar, that's right, then take it from me."

As soon as fell, the two swordsmen fought together.

Solon has a great advantage over Ryoma that he can use domineering, while Ryoma is dead and cannot use domineering, only flying slashes.

so the battle between the two people was not suspenseful at all, and Lin Bei let Solon learn to be domineering in advance, which greatly strengthened Solon.

Although there is no superpower addition, Solon is still the main combatant of the Straw Hats!

was slashed out of the flames by Solon, and the burning Ryoma took the initiative to put down the autumn water in his hand.

after saying that you are qualified to use it, he spat out Brooke's soul and burned it up in blue flames.

the stalk of burning fruit, Lin Bei really said rotten….

Brooke looked at his shadow on the ground, crying bitterly, doing various movements while crying, seeing if his shadow was doing it with him, and then continued to cry.

"Too, so touching!"

Lin Bei patted him on the shoulder and said

with a smile "moved?"

< p idx="45"> Brooke nodded

again and again "Just moved, from today you will be sold to our ship Oh~"

> Brooke: Uh-huh, huh?

Nami gave Lin Bei a punch, apologetically

to Brooke "He's kidding you, by the way, do you like mopping and cleaning?"

Brook: Huh? Well? Well?

"I said, you guys are a little too laid-back!"

While everyone was happily welcoming Brooke to join, a guy covered in scales suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

Luffy scratched his head

"You, who?"

little giant with scales

"Lao Tzu is Moonlight Moria!!"


everyone looked at Moria's current appearance, and then looked at Lin Bei.

"What have you been through!"

Moria gritted his teeth and looked at Lin Bei

"What do you say I have gone through!"

I step on something wherever I go, and whenever I step on something, strange phenomena will appear on me!

first I felt my heart beat very fast, then I felt the pain of my kidney drill heart, and then scales grew on my body!

What the hell have you done to me and my ship!

Why do I step on something I can't even see no matter where I move! < p idx="66"> Moria is not kidding, his sights have basically degraded in the past ten years because of eating, sleeping and eating.

just because I stepped on a few mushrooms, the moment my blood pressure came up, I saw and smelled the color rapidly!

but even so, you can't find anything on the blank ground!

After switching several places in a row, Moria finally found that his territory was no longer his.

Moria, who was full of grief and indignation, thought that Lin Bei's bastard would definitely not make these things in his place that he couldn't find, so he had to return to a shadow warrior here.

he was forced back here!

just as Lin Bei was smiling and wanted to say something, the shadow suddenly flew to Luffy's feet.

Moria's eyes widened suddenly

"74"> "How is it possible, Ozhe!"

Luffy blinked, he paddled the whole time today, said that his shadow zombie is the strongest, why did the shadow come back inexplicably?

Lin Bei also wondered, you can use the radio waves to see and smell, good guy, miserable!

now the exploding mushroom basically covers the entire castle, except for the place where he is not located, and the rest of the place is full.

that's why Moria stepped on one foot and exploded one.

And what about Luffy's shadow, Majin Oz?

huge size, step on a foot, not to mention hundreds, dozens of mushrooms are there.

that is, dozens of negative states will appear on Majin Oz in an instant.

just now Lin Bei took a look, Maye ~

too cruel!

zombies are basically undead, but if the zombies are damaged too badly, like being eaten by cannibal flowers and completely corroded, the zombies will also die, and the shadow will return to the feet of the owner by itself.

and that Majin Oz, how to say, from today onwards, there will be no Majin Oz's body.

the bones are gone!

who would have thought that the first person in the world to step on a mushroom to death was a guy who was already dead~