
Pirate One Super Power Every Day (One Piece)

(With the same boat) If you do one every day, you can randomly get superpowers from people who enter the world of pirates, and if you join the main character group, what will happen as a result? Luffy: “Sugoi! Lam Bac, let us jump from the sky once again!” Coby: “Please definitely don’t!” Zoro: “Every day at 12 o’clock, I must leave Linbei’s room!” Nami: “This is a mess, let me meet you right away…” Akainu · Slap Kaz: “Bastard Lam Bac, turn me back into a man! The old lady uses her ability once, big auntie once!” bigmom: “Children, come to see your father!” Lam Bac: !!! This really doesn’t exist!!!

Big_Big_0235 · Anime & Comics
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322 Chs

Chapter 222

the corners of Tichy's mouth grinned in an arrogant arc, of course he had a goal!

but he just laughed arrogantly, and then closed his mouth vigilantly.

turned his head to look, and sure enough, the spoon demon turned around in disappointment with the spoon and knocked on the back of his head.

Since he stabbed it once before, this spoon demon has been thinking about the little flying spoon ~

how could Tichy let him succeed!


that guy is a waste, and sitting in the position of Nanabukai is a waste.

Before , he came to challenge his father, and he was beaten badly.

after that time, he was interrupted by the heart of the strong, let him be our stepping stone! "

Lafitte nodded, also thinking that this goal was indeed good.

"Give Ace to the navy first, and we'll go and take Klockdar."

said, Lafitte called the Navy worm.

what the two people don't know is that after being taken away by Lin Bei.

Klockdar no longer sets his sights on the ethereal Hades, he realizes that only when he becomes stronger can he regain his heart!

just like in the original plot, after being defeated by Luffy, Klockdar made up his mind in advancing the city, and waited until the battle on the top to appear again, and the whole person was different.

is no longer overcast, but has a hint of boldness.

he immediately challenged Whitebeard, who had defeated him in the past!

think about why for so long Klockdar only dared to find some Hades in Alabastan, instead of going to fight back against Whitebeard.

Tichy is right, his strong heart has indeed been broken.

but the appearance of Lin Bei and the Straw Hat Group rekindled his idea of becoming stronger.

so in the original plot, the subsequent Klockdar can partner with Hawkeye.

Hawkeye admitted that he had equal status with himself in the Crusades, and also recognized the strength of Klockdar at the time.

The current Laosha no longer advances in the city, but he is still improving his strength every moment!

purpose is to one day snatch his heart back from Lin Bei's hands!

the big wrongdoer of the Blackbeard Pirates, completely unaware that he picked another iron plate.

they happily communicated with the navy and handed over the prisoner of Ace.

about two or three days passed, and the navy came.

led by Lieutenant General Squirrel, who recovered well, but he could not see the smile on his face, and his twitching eyebrows could be seen at all times.

When Tichy took Ace forward, the squirrel did not have a good face, and his face almost wrote that no one should enter.

Tichy doesn't know what's wrong with this, but it's normal for the Navy to hate pirates.

That's right, he actually thinks it's normal!

If the original Tichy, after encountering the squirrel treating him like this, he would definitely laugh in front of the people, and viciously swear that when he completed his plan, he would definitely kill this vice admiral!

But now….

I don't know what's wrong, but after listening to the laughter of the golden light man with a full head for two or three days, Tiqi's heart was a lot calmer.

even inexplicably felt that this old guy laughed quite reasonably.

he himself didn't understand why just listening to laughter made sense, but he just felt that it made sense.

specifically asked him to say something, he couldn't say it….

suddenly! Tichy saw the squirrel glance unconsciously to the upper right, and there was helplessness and impatience in his eyes.

Tichy was stunned, and then had a particularly bold idea!

"Lieutenant General of the squirrel, stay behind."

can you see someone smiling at you? "


the squirrel looked at Tichy particularly irritably, and on his upper right, there was indeed a golden-covered head laughing that no one else could see, and the mud horse had been laughing for two days without ventilation!

at the same time, he also knows that several other lieutenant generals, even Qingji and Marshal of the Warring States, also have such a thing!

At first, they thought that the Marshal of the Warring States had developed a new ability in the form of the Great Buddha, after all, the thing that laughed was too similar to what the Warring States looked like after transforming into the Great Buddha.

but after a day, the squirrel couldn't help it, and went straight to the Marshal of the Sengoku and asked the Warring States to stop this boring behavior.

as a result, Sengoku slapped the table

"You come and ask me, I ask who to go!"

Who got me such a thing!

I didn't stop sleeping at night, and when he laughed, I was awake and didn't fall asleep all night. "

At this time, several lieutenant generals and green pheasants learned that it was not the newly developed capabilities of the Warring States.

then the suspect is obvious!

"Lin Bei! I*you*! "

In the past two or three days, several lieutenant generals swept the islands near the capital of seven waters like crazy, but they could not find the figure of the Straw Hats.

where did they know that the Straw Hats took an unconventional path towards the Devil's Triangle.

this time, someone actually said this to the squirrel, the squirrel's eyes

widened "Can you see?"

No, you have it too!? "

Blackbeard Titch was suddenly moved, and he felt that he had found an organization.


appeared inexplicably three days ago, and the laughter has not stopped until now! "

the squirrel would have been impossible to say anything more to the pirate, but as soon as Titch said this, he suddenly felt a feeling of pity for the same illness.

"Me too!"

have you dealt with the Straw Hats before? "

Tichy was stunned

"yes, how do you know?"

"Then it's no wonder, this thing was done by Lin Bei's bastard."

you should have offended him, he was careful with his eyes. "

Tichy's eyes slowly widened, as if he had finally found the culprit that tortured him.

"Did anyone in your Navy see this man who hit me in the face with a spoon?!"

the squirrel glanced at the spoon demon

"I thought it was your crew, your special proclivities."

As far as I know, the Navy has not seen such a person. "

Tichy slumped

"This guy appeared before he met the Straw Hats, and it stands to reason that he couldn't have known me before."

Is it really the people of the Whitebeard Pirates? "

the squirrel was very emotional, originally he was very irritable.

because my Buddha's laughter makes people wake up, and I can't sleep at night, so I can only listen to him laugh all the time.

and it is impossible for a normal person not to sleep, so he and Tichy are in completely different states.

Titch does not need sleep, but several of them lieutenant generals, generals and marshals do not.

I didn't sleep for two days, and my temper was already grumpy.

but seeing that there are people worse than himself, the squirrel is inexplicably much relieved.

"Ace, I took it, and this is a big credit."

Marshal of the Warring States asked me to tell you to solve a Qibukai as soon as possible so that I could pull you up." "

originally this squirrel was too lazy to tell a pirate, for him, Qibu Hai is also a pirate, all garbage!

but after seeing Tichy, he felt a lot better, and this was said.

"I see, I'll fix it as soon as possible."

getting a slightly sad answer from Tichy, the squirrel nodded, turned and left.