
Pirate One Super Power Every Day (One Piece)

(With the same boat) If you do one every day, you can randomly get superpowers from people who enter the world of pirates, and if you join the main character group, what will happen as a result? Luffy: “Sugoi! Lam Bac, let us jump from the sky once again!” Coby: “Please definitely don’t!” Zoro: “Every day at 12 o’clock, I must leave Linbei’s room!” Nami: “This is a mess, let me meet you right away…” Akainu · Slap Kaz: “Bastard Lam Bac, turn me back into a man! The old lady uses her ability once, big auntie once!” bigmom: “Children, come to see your father!” Lam Bac: !!! This really doesn’t exist!!!

Big_Big_0235 · Anime & Comics
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322 Chs

Chapter 191

Lin Bei did not expect Franky to agree immediately, to be honest, the current invitation is just expressing the meaning of the Straw Hats to Franky, and joking with him by the way.

how could Lin Bei really be such a ruthless capitalist!

but Nami is possible….

As a real top shipbuilder, Franky also has his own arrogance, and he can't just follow him for a mere 200 million.

and threaten him with the lives of his younger brothers?

just think about this kind of thing, it's good if people don't become mortal enemies, and really become your partner?

that is how cheap that is.

"Don't worry Franky, I was just kidding."

We sincerely want to invite you to join the Straw Hat Pirates, and we really see your talent.

you can use the 200 million as you like, but I guess you also buy wood to make a boat, right?

Since it is a boat, let's make our ship! "

Usopp was anxious when he heard this, and quickly pulled Lin Bei

"What about Melly!"

Lin Bei is strange

"Isn't Melly a partner?" To be precise, he is one of our crew members, but in a special form.

After I also plan to let you and Frankie continue to develop the Melly together and make him the strongest ship in the world!

surpasses Hades, one of the three ancient weapons! "

Franky's eyes are wrong when he hears the word Hades

"How do you know that kind of thing!"

No! And another question, how did you know I went to buy wood!? "

Lin Bei showed a mysterious smile

"First, I have a historian on board.

Secondly, regarding your second question, how do I know what you did, you just need to know that the whole island is under my watch.

so it's strange to know your whereabouts? "

French is very vigilant, this person knows Hades, could it also be for the design of Hades?!

Lin Bei looked at his expression….

Well, Franky, who was blown up into a steel skeleton, was expressionless.

then intuitively, Lin Bei could intuitively feel Franky's vigilance, so he bluntly said

"I know that Hades is very powerful, but it was hundreds of years ago."

If we make something hundreds of years from now that can't even compare to what we did hundreds of years ago, then what else to play?

Hmm~ no, no, no, Frankie, the top shipbuilder, doesn't think he can't build a ship that surpasses Hades, right? "

Hey! Frankie can't stand it!

this energy came up instantly!

"Who says I can't do it!"

my goal is to make the most powerful ship in the world!

I will definitely surpass Hades! "


Lin Bei stepped forward and held Franky's hand

"Then you must come to see our ship, after seeing it, you can decide whether to get on the ship or our partner."

that is, people in this world do not know the image of the real estate agent in Lin Bei's world, otherwise the current Nami will definitely be able to quickly combine the two images.

Frankie scratched his head

"Okay, but you'll have to wait, I'll go change skin."

these words made Lin Bei stunned for a while.

soon Franky came out of his house and became Super ~ Frankie again.

Lin Bei had a bold guess, could this guy dare to go out in his pants because he was all mechanical, saying that he was a pervert.

he is like showing the skin in the game, but his little brothers are really perverted!

shook his head, and Lin Bei took Franky to the place where the Melly was moored.

I went to look and found several people floating next to the Melly, all of them almost white.

That attire….

"Is French your little brother?"

Frankie scratched his head in embarrassment

"51"> "My business is to dismantle ships in this area and sell second-hand parts for money."


Lin Bei nodded, understood, if this is placed on land, this guy is the gang of unloading cars and stealing batteries.

"Then this is considered to be a flood of the Dragon King Temple, these brothers should be solved by Solon, and bring the people back when the tour is over."

Franky nodded repeatedly, somehow, now he had the feeling of Lin Bei's little brother…

"Melly~I'll find you a shipbuilder who can help you transform, transform into ~"


> Lin Bei shouted, and Melly immediately turned into a shipman and landed ashore.

accompanied by a falling sound and


Melly scratched his head and apologized embarrassedly to Solon who fell into the water

"I forgot…"

Solon swam ashore from the sea with a depressed face, he could not be angry with the child.

turning his head and looking, Solon spotted a guy who exceeded the current average height of the Straw Hats.

"Who is this?"

"New partner, it's a robot!" Luffy happily introduced

At this time, it stands to reason that Franky should shout that I haven't agreed, but he looked at the Merley and was stunned, completely stunned!

How could it be….

"This is not a robot, this is a real person!"

Franky yelled!

"You have given a ship real life!"

this is something only God can do! "

Lin Bei Dark Road is ah, so the difficulty of this task is not low.

but it still has to be superficially pressed and mysterious enough to attract Franky to join.

"Amazing, want to join us in researching?"

Frankie nodded without hesitation, and then reacted, but there was some hesitation.

Shipman Melly is indeed a field he has never set foot in!

"If I make a boat, can you help me become like this?"

Lin Bei smiled

slyly "This can only be told after you join."

Franky was silent for a while, and finally said

"I'll have to think again."

Lin Bei nodded in understanding.

in fact, the current state of Franky has shown that he is very moved, and there is no need to force him in particular, just give him some time.

after all, he also has a pervert, oh no, Franky House.

he has to give an explanation to his younger brothers.

even if you don't explain to your little brother, don't you have two girlfriends with square heads, you have to explain to them.

"Yes, when you think about it, you can come to me at any time."

Frankie glanced at Melly reluctantly, and finally dropped a sentence

"Who designed this ship, what rubbish."

whether it works or not, I'll help you redesign it in the end. "

Usopp was anxious on the spot, but was pulled by Lin Bei.

Lin Bei knew that Franky was not really cursing, but just expressing the pity of a top shipbuilder.

after all, Meli is a shipman, a rare breed that has never been seen before.

only he can design and manufacture it, only worthy of Melly!

even if his senior brother iceberg comes!

Franky left, Lin Bei patted Melly and laughed

"Wait, it will soon make you more perfect."

Melly nodded happily, and Usopp also went up like an old husband, full of hope for Jackie Chan touched, tears welled up in his eyes.

which may seem strange to others, but also a little warm.

but at this warm moment, Lin Bei's brows slowly frowned.

cp9, start getting things done….