
Pirate One Super Power Every Day (One Piece)

(With the same boat) If you do one every day, you can randomly get superpowers from people who enter the world of pirates, and if you join the main character group, what will happen as a result? Luffy: “Sugoi! Lam Bac, let us jump from the sky once again!” Coby: “Please definitely don’t!” Zoro: “Every day at 12 o’clock, I must leave Linbei’s room!” Nami: “This is a mess, let me meet you right away…” Akainu · Slap Kaz: “Bastard Lam Bac, turn me back into a man! The old lady uses her ability once, big auntie once!” bigmom: “Children, come to see your father!” Lam Bac: !!! This really doesn’t exist!!!

Big_Big_0235 · Anime & Comics
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322 Chs

Chapter 186

Soon, Sanji made a choice.

It was his favorite kitchen knife, and it was said to be the first kitchen knife that Old Man Jepp gave him, and it meant a lot to him.

Because there was a situation where the Melly turned into a boy, Lin Bei reminded Yamaji

vigorously, "It's possible to become a boy, are you sure you don't want to change it?"

After all, this is your most precious knife, if you become a man, do you use it or not, throw it or not?

Sanji said

firmly, "Heaven will definitely take care of me!"

The old man will definitely bless me too!

Lin Bei sighed

, "Well, it's your own choice."


Sanji excitedly placed the knife on the ground, and then prayed sincerely.

"It must be a beautiful beauty!"

In the next second, Yamaji's knife began to deform.

Everyone is watching this scene that can go down in history!

What has become of Yamaji, the knife sent by Zhepu!?

Finally, the transformation was over, and Sanji did not dare to open his eyes.

"Hey, how about it, it must be a beautiful cook, right?"

Everyone was silent for a while, a deathly silence!

Sanji's heart twitched, wouldn't it….

Sanji trembled and slowly opened his eyelids, and when he opened his eyes, it was a critical attack!

"Old man! What are you doing here!!! "

That's right, standing in front of Sanji is Old Man Zhepu!

As Sanji prayed, Old Man Jepp really came to bless him….

This kitchen knife also seems to have inherited Jepp's stinky temper, and kicked Yamaji in the face

"Bastard! Do you think the old man will become a mother, are you insulting the old man! "

It turns out that not all knives call the user the master.

There are also those who directly treat the user as a son….

After Yamaji was kicked, he fell to the ground like a salted fish that had lost his dream, with tears in the corners of his eyes.

"How could it be…" The

most murderous thing was that at this time, Solon rarely made Fumiko look like a human being.

It seems that Fumiko is going to comfort Yamaji.

Actually, murderous heart!

After seeing Fumiko comfort him twice, Yamaji quickly threw himself into Solon's arms.

Yamaji, who was originally a salted fish, suddenly turned into a salted fish that fluttered excitedly.

Zhepu couldn't stand it, and kicked Yamaji's ass

: "Mother-in-law's, the old man didn't teach you this!"

Sanji roared

, "You're not an old man, you're just a knife!"

Zhepu was silent for a while, then sighed and said

, "I'm sorry, it's just that I have followed you since you were a child, when you started learning to cook, until now."

I thought…"

Sanji was stunned for a moment and stood up

, "I'm sorry, I'm a little too emotional.

Although you have not become the beauty I imagined, it is good that I can see the old man again. Jep's

knife was obviously a little more sentimental than Jepp himself, more old fatherly, and he cried when he hugged Sanji.

Lin Bei looked at it on the side and sighed

with some emotion: "Although it is not what Sanji wants, this result is not bad."

Qioba also nodded cutely

, "It looks so warm~

" Solon's words broke the gong

, "Didn't he call a daddy, hahaha."

The scene was quiet, Sanji turned his head, and the murderous heart was gone.

Lin Bei hurriedly said

, "Shanzhi, don't worry, I promise you to help you personify again."

This time, you must find a beautiful woman to give you a kitchen knife.

Yamaji regained his emotion and nodded his head fiercely!

After this, the ship also completely arrived in the capital of seven waters.

Because it was a pirate ship that was not always good at stopping at a regular dock, he went to a relatively desolate place behind the capital of seven waters under the calm guidance of the locals.

"Then I'll give out everyone's pocket money first, anyway, Granny Coco said to stay in the capital of seven waters for a week, and the record pointer can be remembered, so let's have fun."

Lin Bei, as the big housekeeper on the ship, immediately divided the cash on the ship.

1 million Bailey per person.

No way, now Lin Bei is so rich, but there is a whole Alabastan behind him, and he himself has a lot of gold.

So the shot is much more generous than the original Rina hairdressing pocket money.

But with this point, there is no cash on board.

It is not convenient to use gold only, so the gold exchange group naturally appears.

Lin Bei wanted to exchange a large amount of gold on his body for Bailey.

Nami followed Lin Bei with her thigh and joined the gold exchange group.

Luffy simply wants to go to the island to play, while Usopp is looking for a reliable shipbuilder to help upgrade the Melly.

After all, he is not a professional, what he is good at now is in weapons.

So the four people formed a gold exchange group + shipbuilder group, and there was no conflict on the route.

After the money is exchanged, it must be necessary to find a professional shipbuilder to upgrade the Melly.

The rest, Solon did not want to move, so he chose to stay on the ship.

Sanji took Old Jepp out to go shopping, and by the way to see if there were any beautiful women selling kitchenware.

Robin and Joba went to the island's library, both of whom loved to read.

One reads medical books, and the other likes to read anything.

And just like that, the grouping is over.

The four of Lin Bei entered the city first, took a transportation called Blue here, and went to the bank.

Under Nami's favorable negotiations, Lin Bei took out part of the gold in exchange for 300 million Bailey.

The 300 million Baileys, Lin Bei threw to Nami, asking her to take Luffy and Usopp to find a shipbuilder to upgrade the Melly, and he went to Robin's location.

That's right, at the moment of landing on the island, Lin Bei had already seen and heard radio waves all over the island, and easily found all the CP9 members.

One of his clearest memories of Pirates is the plot of the Capital of Seven Waters and the Island of Justice.

If memory serves, shortly after Robin went to the island, he met the members of CP9.

So, after Joba entered the bookstore to read the book, he left directly with the CP9 people.

CP9 threatens her on the condition that if she disobeys, she will destroy the Straw Hats.

Robin, this stupid girl, doesn't want to think about what kind of people the Straw Hats are.

Get on the thief's ship and still want to leave?

Not long ago, the Straw Hat Regiment was still tough for her and the general!

Of course, that's what Robin might be afraid of.

The Straw Hats were different from all the organizations she had stayed in, and here she felt the friendship and happiness between friends who had been lost for a long time.

Even a little sand sculpture has been assimilated.

So beautiful, she didn't want to see the Straw Hat Group because she was destroyed, so she chose to go with someone.

Can this Lin Bei let Robin and people go?

Lin Bei directly chose to let the CP people not meet Robin!

They thought they knew the city, but they didn't know that someone had turned on a satellite nav and knew exactly where each of them was.

Lin Bei quickly locked onto the masked CP9 member closest to Robin, who was now still a block away from Robin.

Lin Bei turned into a thunder and lightning and instantly came to the vicinity of that CP9 member.

And on his way, he planted mushrooms …