
Pirate One Super Power Every Day (One Piece)

(With the same boat) If you do one every day, you can randomly get superpowers from people who enter the world of pirates, and if you join the main character group, what will happen as a result? Luffy: “Sugoi! Lam Bac, let us jump from the sky once again!” Coby: “Please definitely don’t!” Zoro: “Every day at 12 o’clock, I must leave Linbei’s room!” Nami: “This is a mess, let me meet you right away…” Akainu · Slap Kaz: “Bastard Lam Bac, turn me back into a man! The old lady uses her ability once, big auntie once!” bigmom: “Children, come to see your father!” Lam Bac: !!! This really doesn’t exist!!!

Big_Big_0235 · Anime & Comics
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322 Chs

Chapter 184

On the same day, the Admiral ordered that the bounty of the Straw Hats be updated.

Luffy, 100 million Bailey.

Solon, eighty million.

Yamaji, sixty million.

Robin, 79 million Bailey.

Lin Bei, 150 million Bailey!

just with the thunder fruit on this guy and the perfect escape from under a general, he is worth the price.

definitely not a marshal careful eye!

After the bounty was released, 10 million Bailey jumped directly to 150 million, I don't know how many people fell through the glasses.

Lin Bei, the old sixth, is finally famous.

but for now, Lin Bei does not know about it.

because it was already a few days after he escaped from the pheasant.

it is said that on the day he escaped the pheasant, he used the Meli to travel quickly in the sky.

about a few hours later, when the Melly woke up almost like everyone, everyone's first reaction was to be alert.

their memories are still stuck in the moment when the whole ship of the Straw Hat Regiment was casually held by the green pheasant, but when they came back to their senses, they found that they were in the sky.

"Have we escaped?"

Nami sat on the deck in shock and asked

Lin Bei nodded

"Forget it, I also gave the general a little surprise."

Solon kept a calm face, as if he couldn't believe that he had lost again.

you must know that when he was defeated by Hawkeye, he swore that he would never fail again!


at the same time, he couldn't believe that Lin Bei was so strong!

"You defeated the general?"

"No, I can't hurt him at all, but fortunately, I hung up a lot, so he forced him to pass out, so I can take you guys to run."

said, Lin Bei sat on the deck and rested.

Melly is no longer asleep, and he can safely leave the voyage to it.

seeing that he had flown over the frozen sea, Melly simply returned to the sea to save power.

Solon held the knife and said

in a deep voice "It's not strong enough, the feeling of powerlessness in the face of the general… It's not what I want! < p idx="30"> everyone is aware of the seriousness of the problem, especially Robin said that there are two more like the pheasant!

they don't know that there are more than two like the pheasant, and almost all of them can get it right.

"It's useless to think so much, just try to become stronger."

There are many more people who can easily kill us in this sea. "

Lin Bei said flatly, he was not panicked at all.

one of the benefits of following the group, you always know how the plot develops.

Solon would not be able to defeat him when he was worried about encountering the next enemy, but Lin Bei just wanted to see how Spandam died next.

but Lin Bei's words still activated everyone's desire to become stronger again, and everyone began to cultivate.

Meli ascended to heaven again, and Lin Bei's comprehension enhancement aura turned on around the clock! All the staff began to practice and become stronger.

you know, after defeating Lao Sha and Anilu, they have been slacking off for a while, and when they are okay every day, they either eat or play.

everyone except Solon, like a donkey, the pheasant gave them a whip in the back, and they remembered to run.

practice lasted until ten o'clock in the evening, when the boat fell back to the sea.

everyone plans to rest for the night and continue practicing tomorrow.

This time, Lin Bei slept at the request of the 'crew' after seeing the ability.

No way, Lin Bei is not sure of his superpower, they really dare not sleep.

this morning's collective jetting incident, no one wants to experience it again.

but he can't really let Lin Bei sleep in the sea, and they will come back to pick him up the next day, so staying up late is the best choice.

finally reached zero, and Lin Bei was already sleepy.

there is really nothing to entertain in the pirate world, and the people here can rush at night, and it is only a few minutes.

Lin Bei has no place to rush this time, so he can only pull Sanji and Usopp to play cards.

"Finally switched, let me see what it is…" < P IDX="51"> everyone looked at Lin Bei nervously, for fear of some undisciplined superpower today.

Fortunately, Lin Bei waved his hand and said

"Don't worry, there will be no accidents today."

everyone went to sleep with peace of mind.

and Lin Bei, who was still shouting about Kun just now, is now sitting motionless on the bed checking his

superpower [Today's superpower

: Captain Timo is lacking virtue~]

[Super power introduction: You can plant an invisible explosive mushroom every five minutes, and the power of the mushroom explosion is equivalent to a normal firecracker, However, after each mushroom explodes, a negative state will be randomly sent to the lucky winner in the step, and the negative state lasts for 10 minutes.

Note: Explosive mushrooms have a certain explosion range, and if there are many people in the range, they will also send everyone a different negative state, and everything is random. ]

[Today's mission: Please let 100 lucky people experience the fun of stepping on mushrooms together.] < p idx="60"> Lin Bei frowned, how could a decent gentleman like him do such a thing that lacks morality!

Ke, why does the corners of the mouth unconsciously rise!

that night, Lin Bei slept with a smile….

the next morning came, and everyone went up to the deck to wash.

Yamaji brushed his teeth and asked curiously


Lin Bei, what superpowers did you draw last night?"

Lin Bei originally had no idea, but Sanji asked!

Lin Beiyi raised his eyebrows

"Do you want to see it?"

"Think ah~" IDX="70″

> because this is a daily performance, so everyone gathered together.

It's just strange that Lin Bei didn't show it at the first time, but < several people > "1, two, three…"

"Hey Lin Bei, what are you counting?"

Lin Beisunshine laughed

"It's nothing, if it's all there, then I'll start oh~"

the crew who knew nothing shouted excitedly

"Let's go~"


I can see

Lin Bei's performance again, it's awesome~" I saw Lin Bei throwing it casually towards a few people, and then it said


Okay, the performance

is over."

question marks appeared in everyone's heads

"82"> "What?"

"You didn't perform anything."

"that is, obviously made a move to throw something at us"

> When everyone complained, suddenly, Luffy stepped forward and heard a small explosion, and several people felt a purple mist covering them.

[Current task completion: (7/100)]

"87"> In the next second, Luffy felt like he had been hit by a sluggish light, and his speech, movements and even his brain were ten times slower!

the whole person looks as if he has entered slow motion, like a sloth.

and Solon, beside him, covered his stomach with a strange face, and a few drops of cold sweat flowed on his forehead.

"Lin Bei, you bastard, what have you done to me again!"

sooner or later I will cut you! "