
Pirate One Super Power Every Day (One Piece)

(With the same boat) If you do one every day, you can randomly get superpowers from people who enter the world of pirates, and if you join the main character group, what will happen as a result? Luffy: “Sugoi! Lam Bac, let us jump from the sky once again!” Coby: “Please definitely don’t!” Zoro: “Every day at 12 o’clock, I must leave Linbei’s room!” Nami: “This is a mess, let me meet you right away…” Akainu · Slap Kaz: “Bastard Lam Bac, turn me back into a man! The old lady uses her ability once, big auntie once!” bigmom: “Children, come to see your father!” Lam Bac: !!! This really doesn’t exist!!!

Big_Big_0235 · Anime & Comics
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322 Chs

Chapter 116

because Ace's personality is really good, Lin Bei quickly became friends with Ace.

mainly because Ace saw that Lin Bei was willing to use his ability to help these water-scarce people, and did not ask for anything in return.

Lin Bei is very kind, and he is also humorous, and can play with Ace.

the two of them have a good relationship, which makes Luffy very happy.

after the process of wanting to die as if the seven aunts and eight aunts were exposed, Luffy was still very willing to see his co-captain and his best brother as friends.

chatting and chatting, Lin Bei suddenly mentioned that he wanted to see Ace's ability, the burnt fruit that was said to be eaten by dogs.

Ace is happy to show, just said

"The display without an opponent is somewhat boring, do you want to talk a little."

in fact, Ace wanted to see the strength of Lin Bei, the deputy captain.

As a pet brother mad demon, you have to estimate the strength of your brother's crew to see if he can survive the previous voyage.

he also wants to solve Blackbeard's problem so that his brother can be seen in the new world.

but Lin Bei is notoriously not good at fighting.

Solon immediately said

"I can fight you."

Lin Bei was a little moved, Solon is worthy of being the first person to protect the calf, as long as it is a person on the boat, no one can move.

but this time he wanted to try it himself.

in fact, if he is a crooked way, as soon as he cries, Ace will instantly be loyal to him.

this time I mainly want to see what level of hard power he has reached, and see how much worse he is from Ace, who is at least a lieutenant general.

"It's okay Solon, let me try it."

theory has been achieved, and it must be matched with the corresponding combat experience. "

said, Lin Bei turned to Ace and made a starting gesture.

"Wing Chun Cheung Tin Chie


> I don't know when this method of preparing for the battle of Secondary II was retained by Lin Bei.

Seeing this, Ace smiled slightly, and also made a starting

="24″> "Whitebeard Pirate Group Second Team Captain Ace"< P IDX="25"> The words landed, and Lin Bei instantly disappeared in place!

Ace was slightly stunned when he saw this, this seems to be the sixth style of the Navy, this guy will even do it.


Ace's body burned with fire, which means that he has begun to enter elementalization.

normal state, ordinary physical attacks are useless against Ace.

(Let's determine the setting in this book, because the setting of the armed color fighting nature system is really repeated horizontal jumps.)

In this book, as long as the natural ability is not completely elementalized, that is, the whole becomes flame, sand, smoke, and the place where there is still a human state, it can be hit by the armed color domineering!

if all the elements are turned into flame giants, sandmen and the like, even if there is armed color domineering, it will not be hit.

If it is different from what readers think, please refer to the settings of this book.

When reading other books, please refer to the settings of other books. < p idx="35"> Ace's eyeballs are constantly moving, as a pirate in the New World, especially the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates, he can arm and see colors.

the reason why the comic did not show it in the early stage is also because there was no concept of domineering in the early days.

which is why Lin Bei has always been wary of Klockdar.

Ace is like this, but what about Klockdar?

the next second, Ace's eyes locked on Lin Bei's position, right in front of him!

Lin Bei's fist arrived, and Ace's sight and smell realized it, and he could dodge it, but he didn't hide.

he also learned about domineering after entering the new world, so he didn't think that his stupid brother and his pirate group members would be domineering in the early stage.



Ace's body was covered by Lin Bei's armed color domineering fist, and he hammered into the shape of a < and flew out. Ace was surprised that his brother's crew was armed with colors, and depending on that level, he was still very proficient! more importantly, he hurts so much! it is clear that Lin Bei's strength is not great, at least in the eyes of Ace, who is accustomed to seeing battles between pirates in the New World, Lin Bei's strength can even be described as weak. but it hurts! That's right, this time, Lin Bei aimed at the acupoint hammer. After the armed color domineering enough to cover the fist, Lin Bei did not save and only used his fingertips. I really failed to practice the finger gun skills in the six styles, and my fingers were poking no matter how I practiced, even when I improved my epiphany ability in the Magnetic Drum Kingdom. In order not to poke his fingers with a headache, Lin Bei could only use his fists instead. With the help of the white eyes, Lin Bei, who could see the acupuncture points, hammered a punch on the acupuncture points on Ace's abdomen. that acupuncture point Lin Bei had tested with members of the Baroque before, and there was no other special effect, that is, pain! very painful! the kind of pain of torn abs! Ace covered his stomach and grinned with pain. "You can be domineering?" Lin Bei shrugged "As a deputy captain, I would be a little domineering and reasonable, right." Ace nodded "Then did you teach my brother?" "Actually, I have taught the whole ship, and my teaching method is not bad, so far three people on the ship have learned and reached the point of mastery. which includes, Luffy. That, as a deputy captain, I have a strong teaching ability, which is understandable, right~" > said, Luffy smirked and covered his fists with armed colors to show Ace.

Solon also held the knife, and the armed color domineering came to wave winding.

Ace was dumbfounded

< p idx="69"> "It's really reasonable… What a fart!

you've only been at sea for a few months!?

your teaching ability as a deputy captain is very unreasonable! < p idx="72"> Lin Bei shrugged, indicating that this was all the basis of a deputy captain.

after being surprised, Ace released his hand

covering his stomach "Since I know that you will be domineering, then I don't have to be so careful."

come on!

musket! "

Ace made a pistol-like shape with both hands, aiming at Lin Bei for a sudden burst, and his fingers continued to shoot out flame-like bullets.

this shooting speed clearance line is no problem, but in Lin Bei, who has learned to shave, how to describe it, let him push his grandmother's wheelchair can pass.

shaved one after another, quickly shifted behind Ace, and then aimed at the acupuncture point on Ace's waist, and then punched down again.

this time Ace dodged, turned that part into flames in advance, let Lin Bei pierce it, and then the whole person turned into flames to open the distance, and a Yang Yan threw it over.

the so-called Yangyan is a pillar of fire, and the power is not bad.

that is, the speed is relatively slow, when Lin Bei shaved away again, he found that the landing point of his shaving this time actually had some green light spots.

Lin Bei's shaving brakes could not stop the car, and directly broke into those green points of light.

Ace smiled slightly

"> "Firefly Fire Dharma!"
