
Pirate One Super Power Every Day (One Piece)

(With the same boat) If you do one every day, you can randomly get superpowers from people who enter the world of pirates, and if you join the main character group, what will happen as a result? Luffy: “Sugoi! Lam Bac, let us jump from the sky once again!” Coby: “Please definitely don’t!” Zoro: “Every day at 12 o’clock, I must leave Linbei’s room!” Nami: “This is a mess, let me meet you right away…” Akainu · Slap Kaz: “Bastard Lam Bac, turn me back into a man! The old lady uses her ability once, big auntie once!” bigmom: “Children, come to see your father!” Lam Bac: !!! This really doesn’t exist!!!

Big_Big_0235 · Anime & Comics
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322 Chs

Chapter 106

"no stroke~

not teasing ~

card holder~


Lin Bei picked up the phone bug that the rat gave him when he was in Rogue Town.

this is the first time a rat has called him when he enters the Great Voyage.

the voice of the mouse on the phone was very low, and Lin Bei could even make up the mouse in a dark small room, and the whole person was full of shadows.

"Yes, Lord Lin Bei?"

< p idx="7"> "um" "

Are you on your way to Alabastan?"

Lin Bei's eyebrows suddenly rose

when he heard this "The navy already knows?"

"Yes, Smog of Rogue Town went crazy and followed you into the Great Passage despite the order of the naval headquarters to garrison Rogue Town.

Just the other day, he caught a member of the Baroque Work Society and interrogated you about your destination in Alabastan, and now the Navy is waiting for the canola port in Alabastan.

be sure not to land in Canola Flower Port! "

it is good to have a naval informant, if he does not know the plot, he will step into the trap of the navy at this time.

"I see, you're doing great."

"serve adults, all as they should."

Sir, I have secretly reported Smogg's movements to the headquarters of the Navy.

Alabastan is the place of the Seven Warriors Sea Klockdar, and the Navy cannot be too presumptuous in this place.

it is even possible that the Navy headquarters will directly order Smog to be removed.

please pay attention to avoid Smogg, as long as it is not the first reason to give Smog a difficulty, there is no need to worry about the navy. "

Lin Bei was a little surprised, this guy seems to be too loyal to him.

but understandably, the rat is probably worried that he will expose himself if he is caught.

To put it bluntly, two people are interests.

hehe, the Navy has such good officers, why worry not to be washed away by pirates.

but if there is a mouse relationship, it may be able to help Xiao Feng….

"Rat, are you wanted for?"

as long as you open your mouth, I will send it to you. "

the mouse on the other side was

stunned "Ah, this, my lord, I don't have this idea."

I just want to serve adults. "

"32 million wanted criminals"

> "Yes!"

From now on, my mouse will be your most loyal lackey! "

32 million ah, a record greater than Aaron!

moreover, still alive!

"Then wait at the rape flower port, I'll be there soon."

mouse was moved

"Sir, you don't have to risk yourself for me to come to Rape Flower Port."

Smog is here with a large navy, just waiting for you, my lord.

this guy has gone crazy lately! As long as it is a pirate, I will never let it go.

killing is light, and sometimes even deliberately hit people's cows until they burst.

I really don't know if he has been so perverted all the time, or if he has been stimulated recently. "

Lin Bei: …

I may have a say in this.

Smogg was actually a jealous person before, and he has always been hostile to pirates.

but people were indeed not so perverted before, and generally did not put down a dead hand, they were stunned and imprisoned.


"I know what's going on, don't worry about me."

I will send you the wanted criminal, but remember that the wanted criminal I sent must be treated as warm as a relative.

and besides, you must send him to the prison, understand? "

"Yes!" My lord, I'll take him as my own father! The

phone hung up, and Lin Bei couldn't help but sigh, this guy is a talent.

although this guy was angry about what he did before, but with him, hey ~ suddenly became cute.

Lin Bei, who put away the phone worm, walked onto the deck.

at this time, Xiao Feng was playing happily with Luffy, and what they did looked very idiotic in the eyes of normal people.

Luffy had chopsticks in his nose and mouth, and Xiao Feng also turned into Luffy's appearance and put on chopsticks.

then the two Luffies just held hands and danced on the deck, and Usopp and Choiba and Sanji laughed with tears in their eyes.

"Hahaha, the two of them are so talented!"

the corners of Lin Bei's mouth twitched, only after getting on the boat, you can understand how broken Suo Da is on weekdays.

his own captain is an idiot, and he is infectious!

< p idx="61">"Hey, Xiao Feng~" Xiao Feng touched his face with his hand, changed back, and greeted Lin Bei happily

"Yo~Lin Beiboy~"


I found a way to send you to the big prison under the sea, do you want to go?"

the kind that will not suffer. "

"Really!?" Xiao Feng's eyes lit up

he was mentally prepared to suffer in order to see Evakov.

after all, he is a 32 million sea thief, even if he turns himself in, without being beaten, he is transported to the underwater prison This process, without giving food or water, no one has anything to say.

why is it so good for a pirate?

but now….

"Mr. Lin Bei!!!"

Xiaofeng burst into tears

"I will definitely remember your great kindness!"

"Don't get too excited, I'm sending you to jail, I always feel a little weird when you're so happy."

Lin Bei said, Xiao Feng's original boat and his men were actually marching together.

when he heard Lin Bei say this, he stood up excitedly and gave Xiao Feng a crazy look.

signal Lord von Kray to wake up! He himself is saying that he is sending you to prison.

why do you still have to be grateful to him!?

Xiao Feng: "Thank you~"

> Xiao Feng's men collectively dumped, finished the calf, and the adults were fooled and lame.

their future is also bleak.

isn't this the same as Song Jiang, not thinking about how to make the cottage bigger and stronger, thinking about Zhao'an?

but they are just small people and can't help Von Kray make decisions.

now they can only wait for the ship to land in the rape flower port, they took the opportunity to escape….

the Meli continued to sail for about half a day, accompanied by Joba's nose discomfort, and after several sneezes in succession, it indicated that the rape flower port had finally arrived.

"Choba, what's wrong with this?"

Weiwei: "Rape Flower Port is a well-known perfume production area, so the perfume here is very strong, and Qioba's nose is too sensitive, so it will be affected." "

Lin Bei thought for a moment when he heard this, and found Usopp to make a mask for Qioba.

After wearing the mask, although Joba is still very uncomfortable, he can already accept the strong perfume smell.

ship slowly approached the port, and Lin Bei, as a professional management deputy captain, divided several people into groups to facilitate subsequent actions.

Choiba and Sanji are a group, Luffy and Solon are a group, Usopp is temporarily a group with Vivi and Nami, and after Lin Bei gives Xiaofeng to the mouse, it will come back and be a group of Lin Bei and Nami.

pairing of two people can take care of each other.

especially Luffy, if he starts a madness, only Solon can hold it.

Solon Road is stupid, and can be pulled back by Luffy, which is a good match.