
Pirate One Super Power Every Day (One Piece)

(With the same boat) If you do one every day, you can randomly get superpowers from people who enter the world of pirates, and if you join the main character group, what will happen as a result? Luffy: “Sugoi! Lam Bac, let us jump from the sky once again!” Coby: “Please definitely don’t!” Zoro: “Every day at 12 o’clock, I must leave Linbei’s room!” Nami: “This is a mess, let me meet you right away…” Akainu · Slap Kaz: “Bastard Lam Bac, turn me back into a man! The old lady uses her ability once, big auntie once!” bigmom: “Children, come to see your father!” Lam Bac: !!! This really doesn’t exist!!!

Big_Big_0235 · Anime & Comics
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322 Chs

Chapter 101

when Lin Bei turned around, he found that Usopp seemed to have stopped his feet off the ground early.

he was lovingly directing the 'obedient' Valpo with a gun to make all kinds of parts he wanted.

seeing Lin Bei open his eyes and look at him, he quickly asked Lin Bei for a lot of special gunpowder.

these gunpowders are also kneaded into squares and placed in Lin Bei's backpack on weekdays, otherwise Lin Bei would not dare to put such a large amount of gunpowder in the cabin.

if a naval battle is hit one day, all the men go to heaven.

"The kind of gun loaded from behind, you have an idea?"

Usopp nodded, indicating that as soon as he sat down just now, the aura almost pierced his brain.

Under the buff of comprehension and IQ, Usopp quickly constructed the drawing in his head.

in fact, the pirate world is not without rear-loading guns, but it is all in the Navy.

the kind of bow guns on naval fleet ships, as well as coastal defense guns, are loaded from behind.

I have never seen anyone suddenly run out of the fortress from the front gun and shoot at Whitebeard during the top war.

When I saw the Millennium Dragon before, there were not many naval warships surrounding them, and as a result, Lin Bei summoned the sea king class to play.

Later, when the sea level rose, some broken ships were topped.

Usopp was working on this at the time, but he had never seen that kind of rear-loading gun, so he never made progress.

It wasn't until he saw the Navy's rear-loading guns that Usopp got inspired.

Until now, inspiration exploded and completely came up with a carrier-based gun suitable for the Melly.

before Lin Bei could open his eyes, he asked Valpo to help him produce the artillery parts he had imagined in his head.

don't say, the parts produced by Valpo are really good, the precision is extremely high, and even the rifling is done for you, it is simply a personal lathe.

Now that all kinds of parts have been made, it is bad gunpowder.

just now Usopp saw that Lin Bei was still having an epiphany, and it was not easy to bother, now it's no problem.

the huge guns were assembled and the gunpowder was filled with pointed cylindrical shells.

Usopp trembled and loaded the shell into the first cannon he invented, and then, under Lin Bei's gaze, fired the first shot!

Apparently Usopp built a cannon, with a very large muzzle velocity and a relatively low and flat angle of fire, which is very suitable for flat fire in naval battles.

the key is, the distance is far!

this rifled rear-loading gun, directly throw that front-loading smoothbore gun a few streets!

one shot knocked out the mountain next door in an avalanche.

There are a large number of rabbits in these snowy mountains in the magnetic drum kingdom, and these rabbits only listen to a roar and then avalanche.

is also a cursing 'thanks' to Usopp.

"Awesome! Usopp!

but are you still a sniper? "

Usopp glared

"Why doesn't it count!" You see! < p idx="32"> Usopp pulled a pair of mirrors he was wearing on his head in front of his eyes and adjusted the focus.

"Now, the weapon I have in my hand, large caliber, powerful, and has a sniper scope to aim.

you dare to say that this is not a sniper?

is a sniper, then I am a sniper! "

Lin Bei clapped, cow ~ Usopp!

worthy of being the man who wants to become the sniper king in the future!

Usopp's big movement quarreled with Solon and Sanji, but the two were not impatient, just helplessly opened their eyes.

Obviously, they, like Lin Bei, are greedy and want to comprehend more and become stronger!

they find that their bodies can't keep up with what they've comprehended, and they're still experiencing too little.

as long as they can go through fierce battles later, they can quickly adapt to what they have realized today and quickly become stronger.

is considered to be reasonable.

However, in addition to these imaginary things, Solon and Sanji still have something practical.

for example, Yamaji directly performed a wave of jumping off a cliff and then jumping back in the air.

For example, Yamaji threw his leg and threw a slash!

Solon blushed at the sight, he a swordsman let one with his legs to educate?

Solon also quickly performed a wave of flying slashes, feeling that it was not enough, and after seeing Usopp's cannon, he came up again to perform a wave of cutting the realm of steel.

this time, he didn't use armed color domineering to wrap around the knife, it was purely a breakthrough in the realm of a swordsman!

Then, let Usopp point his nose and scold, not eating oil cakes.

he just built the cannon, let him cut the barrel as a sushi like this?

this time, from the confrontation between Solon and Yamaji, it became the mutual spray of three people.


By the time Lin Bei returned to their supplies with people all the way noisily, Nami had woken up.

not surprisingly Lin Bei, Qioba, who was afraid of people before, has now begun to play with Luffy.

Luffy this guy has a very good ability to make friends!

should be counted as domineering.

or, the charismatic fruit ability.