
Pirate: I’ve Loaded the Game Interface

海贼:我加载了游戏面板 ||| 八挂海 Carrying a system interface, descending into the world of One Piece. If it weren’t for the system reminding that the game’s public beta would begin in three years, Adrian would have thought this was just another standalone transmigration story! In the Sea Round calendar year 1498, Pirate King Gol D. Roger bid farewell to this world, ushering in the Great Age of Pirate, along with the legendary Fourth Calamity... Hey, wait a minute, why don’t these players know anything about the plot?

Sigmarc · Anime & Comics
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215 Chs

Chapter 165: The Reason for Death

Caught off guard, Adrian's abdomen was pierced by Cracker's sword, Pretzel. However, before Cracker could revel in his victory, Adrian, sporting a sinister grin, suddenly emitted a misty white light around his body.

"A fake? When?"

Sensing unease through his Kenbunshoku Haki, Cracker quickly created a hard biscuit shield to protect himself. The fake Adrian's body suddenly swelled and transformed back into a Peacemaker, exploding with a loud bang.


Cracker took another massive ghost to the face, causing him to stagger backward.

This time, Adrian didn't let him leave so easily.

Instantly entering his ghostly state, Adrian sped forward. With a soft shout, he forcefully swung his arm, unleashing Yubashiri, which was coated in Armament Haki.

Flying in the air, with his center of gravity unstable, Cracker struggled to control his body, raised the sword Pretzel, and blocked it in front of his body.


Yubashiri clashed with Pretzel, creating a shower of sparks and a crisp metallic sound where their blades met.

Cracker, who had already been unable to maintain his figure due to the bombing of the Peacemaker, was sent flying even faster.

Adrian took advantage of the situation and continued to swing his sword.

At this moment, Cracker had already flown back to the middle of a group of biscuit soldiers.

He urgently ordered them to form a protective barrier around White Ghost, granting him a moment to recover.

"Biscuit soldiers! Block him!"

The biscuit soldiers raised their swords as instructed by their creator, attempting to intercept Adrian.

But in his ghostly state, Adrian moved too swiftly. Before the soldiers could encircle him, he broke through their ranks. Even if they had blocked him, it would be ineffective.

In a mere instant, Adrian was once again right in front of Cracker.

However, this brief respite worked to Cracker's advantage.

"Hard Biscuit: Fortress Wall!"

Cracker slammed his palm several times, conjuring biscuit walls with remarkable hardness and speckled hollow patterns. These walls stood resolute beside him, blocking Adrian's horizontal strike.

Yet, the Armed Color Haki infused with Ryūō and Black Jade properties wasn't so easily thwarted.

As Adrian exerted force, the incredibly hard biscuit fortress wall shattered under his blade!

{Just a Step Forward Slash}

Adrian's explosive footwork propelled him forward, increasing his speed. Yubashiri traced a lightning-fast white arc in the air as he swung it down heavily toward Cracker!

However, the time gained from creating the biscuit fortress wall had allowed Cracker to recover from the explosion's aftermath. He steadied himself and successfully parried Yubashiri's attack.

"White Ghost!" Cracker's anger flared, blood trickling from his mouth and nose—wounds inflicted by the Peacemaker. "Are you really going against Mother?"

Adrian extended his left hand, and a dozen withered heart-piercing mini-ghosts sped toward Cracker.

Cracker's Color of Observation Haki sensed danger like needles. He swiftly activated his biscuit ability, infusing it with Armed Color Haki to fend off the mini-ghosts' assault.

"She's just the queen of your Charlotte family!!" Adrian's assault didn't end there. He gripped Yubashiri with his right hand, launching a relentless wave of attacks at Cracker.

"And honestly, the young Charlotte Linlin might have been one of the few top-tier beauties with both looks and strength on these seas. But have you seen what she looks like now? Don't you have any idea?" Adrian taunted.

Despite successfully blocking each of Adrian's strikes, Cracker's own Armed Color Haki and stamina were rapidly depleting.

At this rate, he wouldn't last much longer!

But when Adrian insulted BIG MOM, Cracker's strength surged once more. He swung the sword Pretzel, forcing Adrian to retreat.

With a grim expression, Cracker's voice turned icy. "White Ghost! Although Mother holds you in high regard, I won't let you disrespect her!"

"Won't let me? Who do you think you are to change my thinking?" Adrian paused his attacks. That relentless barrage of sword strikes just now had already vented all his annoyance over BIG MOM sending him a mating request.

But Cracker's words still amused him somewhat.

"What a ludicrous age we live in. Can pirates not even casually curse others now? Moreover, we're enemies already!"

"Weren't you just fighting me with the intent to kill earlier, you little biscuit?"

"Bold words!" Cracker roared. "Wave: Pretzel!"

Cracker wielded his sword, its blade swirling with intense spiraling energy, thrusting once more at Adrian's form.

"Forget it, I'm starting to get bored with this level of fighting."

Adrian sheathed his sword, and at the same time, relying on the extreme speed of his ghost body, avoided Cracker's attack.

Then he clasped his palms together, suddenly pulling them apart to reveal a blue phantom sword formed from ghost energy!

"A light sword? What ability is this?!"

Cracker widened his eyes, astonished, as he stared at White Ghost.

Adrian gripped the energy sword with his right hand and said in a melodious tone, "Keep it up, Cracker, you shit covered biscuit lover. I'm going to use my new power. Don't die on me now!"

Cracker's hands tightened around Pretzel's hilt, ready to pierce White Ghost. But suddenly, a blurry illusion flashed before his eyes.

White Ghost now resembled a soul-reaping hellish demon. Dark and thick hellish aura emanated from him, accompanied by an eerie, mind-enticing melody. Cracker even caught a whiff of pungent sulfur from the phantom scent of molten lava.

In that moment, Cracker's vision, hearing, and sense of smell were all manipulated.

"Killing Blade: Night Demon!"

Adrian advanced slowly, and the ethereal blue sword struck Cracker's chest without warning.

A fountain-like spray of blood erupted, leaving a bone-deep gash on Cracker's chest.


Cracker, who was instantly in a serious state of injury, woke up, and this sentence suddenly appeared in his mind.

Then he saw White Ghost swing his sword again, the energy sword brimming with a chilling murderous intent, already close to his neck.

Cracker keenly sensed death's shroud enveloping him. Eyes bloodshot and bulging wide, his heavily injured and powerless state left him completely unable to resist at all.

Just then, an immense slash – calm as flowing water yet surging like a tidal wave – came cleaving through the air.

"White Ghost!"

'Demon Lady' Amande launched a crucial attack, aiming to interrupt Adrian's killing spree.

"Katakuri is rushing over here. If you dare kill Cracker, Katakuri won't spare you!"

"Is that so?"

Adrian discarded the energy sword, allowing it to clash with Amande's strike, dissipating its power.

The energy sword disintegrated into particles, and a glimmer of anticipation flickered in Amande's eyes.


Yubashiri suddenly soared high!

"One Sword Style: Drawing technique: Red Leaf Cut!"


The wet noise of a blade carving through flesh resounded…

Blood sprayed violently as Cracker's head was separated from his shoulders. That silly antenna-like noggin rolled ludicrously through the dirt while the decapitated corpse toppled over, still convulsing erratically.

Adrian's tone was devoid of any emotion.

"Why don't you, as a pirate, understand the meaning of death?"

"Instead of worrying about this, you might as well think about how to find a new biscuit brother."

"If you can, do it while you still have time!"