
Pirate Hunter in Roger's Era(With Bodily Refinement Bead)

In a world ruled by pirates, Jack stands out as a fearsome warrior who only seeks two things: battles and women. He is a man who enjoys the thrill of the fight and the passion of the flesh, and he wanders the world in search of both. With the Bodily Refinement Bead, a powerful tool that enhances his strength and agility, he takes on any opponent who crosses his path. Starting his journey from the West Blue, Jack encounters a variety of challenges and obstacles, each one more difficult than the last. He faces off against other pirates, marauding sea creatures, and even mythical beasts from ancient legends. But despite the dangers he faces, he remains fearless and undaunted, always ready for the next challenge. Along the way, he meets many women who are drawn to his strength and his charisma. Some of them are pirates, while others are innocent civilians caught in the crossfire of his battles. But no matter who they are, they all fall for his rugged charm and his unbridled passion. Despite his love of battle and women, Jack still has a heart. He cares deeply for his family, especially his beloved daughter, who he adores above all else. And while he seeks the thrill of the fight, he is never cruel or malicious, always treating his opponents with respect and dignity. As he travels the seas, Jack encounters many legendary figures from the age of pirates, including the likes of Garp, Roger, and Xebec. But he does not see them as enemies, only as worthy opponents who he would love to fight someday. And with each battle he wins, he grows stronger, more skilled, and more determined to live life to the fullest. In the end, Jack's journey is one of adventure, passion, and excitement. He is a man who lives for the moment, never afraid to take risks or face danger head-on. And whether he is battling pirates on the high seas or seducing women in exotic locales, he does so with a zest for life that is truly inspiring. **I am currently writing three novels simultaneously - One Piece with Bodily Refinement Bead, Bleach with Soul Cube, and Naruto with Divine Purple Card. I allocate 40% of my imagination to One Piece and another 40% to Bleach, with the remaining 20% dedicated to Naruto. By subscribing to my Patreon, you can gain access to advanced chapters of all three novels.**

IWriteFanfic · Anime & Comics
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159 Chs

Black Wolf

"I am Kael, the vice-captain of Captain Blackfang's crew," the man announced, his voice cold and menacing. "You've made a grave mistake coming here, fool. You may have defeated these weaklings, but you won't stand a chance against me. I have a bounty of 7 million Berries, and I have earned every single one of them."

Jack's eyes narrowed, his pulse quickening with anticipation. This was the challenge he had been seeking, a worthy opponent who could truly test the limits of his abilities. He felt a thrill of excitement as he faced Kael, the air crackling with tension as the two warriors prepared to do battle.

"Let's see if you're as strong as you claim," Jack challenged, his voice brimming with confidence.

Kael smirked, twirling his spear with an almost casual grace. "You'll regret those words, boy."

Jack's eyes never left Kael's, the intensity of their gazes locked in a fierce battle even before their fists met. The air seemed to thicken, charged with anticipation as the first move was about to be made.

Kael lunged forward, spear flashing as it sliced through the air towards Jack. With a sharp exhale, Jack narrowly sidestepped the attack, his heart pounding in his chest. He knew he couldn't afford to be struck by the vice-captain's weapon, as the consequences would be dire.

"Is that all you've got?" Jack taunted, hoping to provoke Kael into making a reckless move. "I expected more from someone with a bounty of 7 million Berries."

Kael's eyes narrowed, his grip tightening on his spear. "You'll pay for that insolence," he growled, launching a flurry of swift strikes aimed at Jack's vital points. The speed and precision of his attacks were a testament to his skill and experience, and Jack knew he needed to be cautious.

Jack remained on the defensive, barely dodging and weaving through the barrage of spear thrusts. He looked for an opening, an opportunity to counter with one of his Thunderous techniques. But Kael's relentless offense gave him no such chance.

Sweat trickled down Jack's brow as he evaded yet another deadly attack. His breaths came in ragged gasps, his muscles aching from the effort of keeping up with Kael's relentless onslaught. He knew that he needed to change tactics if he was going to turn the tide of the battle in his favor.

Seeing Kael momentarily off-balance after a particularly aggressive strike, Jack seized his chance. He lunged forward, driving his fist towards Kael's exposed side with all the strength he could muster. "Thunderous Hammerfist!" he roared, his voice echoing across the abandoned village.

Kael's eyes widened in surprise, but he reacted quickly, twisting his body out of the way just in time. The force of Jack's attack sent a shockwave through the ground, causing the very earth to tremble beneath their feet.

"You're faster than I thought," Kael admitted, his voice tinged with grudging respect. "But speed alone won't save you from my spear."

As the two combatants continued to trade blows, the battle grew more intense. Each strike seemed to carry more weight, the stakes rising higher with each passing second. It was clear that both Jack and Kael were giving their all, neither willing to concede defeat to the other.

Jack's body screamed in protest as he pushed himself to his limits, his muscles strained and bruised from the relentless combat. He knew that he needed to find a way to end the battle quickly, as he couldn't keep up with Kael's seemingly inexhaustible stamina.

Feeling his energy reserves beginning to wane, Jack made a desperate decision. He would gamble everything on one powerful strike, hoping to catch Kael off guard and end the fight in a single, decisive blow.

As Kael charged forward, his spear aimed straight for Jack's heart, Jack braced himself. He focused all of his strength and power into his fist, his entire body trembling with the effort. "Thunderous Smash!" he yelled, hurling himself towards Kael like a human missile.

Kael's eyes widened in shock as Jack's fist collided with his spear, the force of the impact so great that it snapped the weapon in two. For a moment, it seemed as if time itself had stopped, the two warriors frozen in a tableau of destruction.

But Jack's momentum didn't end there. His fist continued on its path, slamming into Kael's chest with a sickening crunch. The vice-captain was sent hurtling backward, his body crashing through the remnants of a nearby building. Dust and debris filled the air as the structure collapsed upon itself, burying Kael beneath the rubble.

Jack looked down at his defeated opponent, a vigorous energy circulating through his body. As he gazed at Kael, he noticed the vice-captain's vitality slowly waning. This phenomenon occurred after every exhilarating battle; Jack absorbed his opponents' vitality and power to boost his own. Although the increase was not significant, it was likely because his opponents had been relatively weak.

After resting for a while, Jack tied Kael up and walked towards the aura he felt emanating from a nearby location. The energy was heavy and tainted, and Jack knew, just from the air, that Blackfang was an evil person.

As Jack walked into the area, he saw the horrifying scene with his own eyes. Blackfang was sitting on a throne-like seat, surrounded by tortured people. The victims were bound, their eyes wide with terror, their bodies covered in blood and bruises. The macabre sight only served to confirm the depths of Blackfang's depravity.

Jack's heart clenched in anger as he took in the scene, his determination to defeat Blackfang stronger than ever. He steeled himself, his gaze never leaving the sadistic pirate captain. He was not a good man, not even close, but seeing the seen boiled his rage.

Blackfang, the so-called "Night Terror," looked up from his seat, his eyes narrowing as he spotted Jack. "So, you're the one who defeated my vice-captain," he sneered, his voice dripping with malice. "Impressive, but I assure you, I won't be as easy to take down."

Jack didn't reply, merely focusing on channeling his strength into his fists. He knew that the battle ahead would be the most challenging yet, but he was determined to emerge victorious.

The tension between Jack and Blackfang thickened, the air around them almost suffocating with the intensity of their impending battle. Jack's eyes bore into Blackfang, his muscles tensing as he prepared to unleash his Thunderous techniques upon the monstrous pirate captain.

Blackfang sneered at Jack, a twisted grin spreading across his face. "You think you can defeat me, boy?" he taunted, his voice dripping with contempt. "You will soon learn the true meaning of fear."

With a wicked laugh, Blackfang's body suddenly convulsed, his muscles rippling and expanding as he activated his Zoan Devil Fruit power. Black fur sprouted from his skin, his face elongating into a snout as he transformed into a monstrous black wolf. The Wolf Wolf No Mi, Model: Black Wolf had granted him immense strength and predatory instincts, making him a formidable foe.

Jack gritted his teeth, his fists clenching tightly at his sides. He knew that Blackfang's Devil Fruit abilities would make him a far more dangerous opponent than Kael, but he refused to let fear cloud his judgment. Instead, he focused on his techniques, channeling all of his strength into his fists as he prepared to face Blackfang in combat.

As Blackfang lunged towards Jack, his claws slashing through the air with deadly precision, Jack executed his Thunderous Counter. He waited for the perfect moment, dodging the swipe of Blackfang's claws before striking him with a powerful punch that sent the pirate captain reeling.

Blackfang growled in pain and surprise, his eyes narrowing with fury as he glared at Jack. "You'll pay for that, boy!" he snarled, lunging forward once more, his fangs bared and gleaming with deadly intent.

Jack responded with a Thunderous Uppercut, channeling his strength into a devastating strike that sent Blackfang hurtling into the air. The force of the blow was immense, the shockwave rippling through the air and causing the nearby tortured victims to gasp in awe and terror.

Blackfang's eyes widened in shock as he sailed through the air, his body twisting and contorting as he attempted to regain control. "How dare you!" he roared, his voice a mix of rage and disbelief.

Using his agility and bestial instincts, Blackfang managed to land on his feet, immediately launching himself towards Jack once more. This time, however, he was faster, his movements even more unpredictable as he swiped at Jack with his razor-sharp claws.

Jack was forced to move quickly, barely dodging and weaving through the barrage of attacks. He knew that he needed to find an opening, an opportunity to counter with one of his Thunderous techniques. But Blackfang's relentless offense gave him no such chance.

Sweat dripped down Jack's brow as he continued to evade Blackfang's attacks, his breath coming in ragged gasps. He could feel his body tiring, his muscles aching from the strain of the battle. But he refused to give in, refusing to let Blackfang emerge victorious.