
Pirate's Copy[Chat Group]

[[[[[novel translated by the translator]]]] BIntroduction: Boring~Pirate Saigao~ Justice in the world will be promoted by our navy! World government? Just pay for the military expenditure! Celestial Dragons? Descendants of gods usually end badly! Revolutionary Army? Your ideas are a bit naive! Pirates? Death is all! When Morn stands at the top of the world, with twelve family members following him, his final enemy is Him! .. ... Volume 02 chat group [Congratulations to "Infinite Snake" Jormungandr for joining the dimensional chat group! 】 【Come and say hello to everyone! 】 Moen: "@come my son, Whitebeard, are you alive? Or is this the world after death?" Moen: "It's really hard to accept. I obviously killed you with my own hands, but you showed up here. Really, it's a bit interesting~" Can Morne, already invincible, change other worlds in a heartbreaking moment? Let's walk together!

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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780 Chs

What is missing is that touch of reality

[In 2012, humans discovered a strange code in a meteorite that landed on the earth. By analyzing this code, humans gained the technology to create extremely realistic virtual online games from many imaginary dimensional worlds! ]


[In 2015, a giant named Fantasy Company, jointly funded by the five major countries, appeared in the world! ]

[In 2016, Fantasy Company developed its first virtual online game: Dimensional World. The virtual online game containing countless two-dimensional worlds immediately aroused the popularity of many young men and women. Because virtual online games are extremely real, many people Treat virtual online games as the second world! ]


[In 2019, more and more virtual online games are developed, and there are almost no players in the first-generation dimensional world. Because the dimensional world has too many rules, it feels like being restricted by law in reality. Subsequent virtual online games tend to adapt to individuals and make people feel more comfortable. ]

[In 2020, the dimensional world is closed. ]


[In 2027, because the virtual world can simulate the acceleration of time, there has been a huge explosion in technology. Various biotechnologies have allowed humans to stay in the virtual world for a long time, and the real world has gradually become deserted. ]

[In 2028, according to a United Nations survey, humans have experienced negative growth because they can do whatever they want in the virtual world, but humans in reality can no longer accept the imperfect opposite sex! ]


[In 2077, the earth has entered a countdown to destruction. In the past forty-nine years, even though many countries have repeatedly emphasized that the real world is more important, the negative growth of population has not stopped. In the end, even if cloning methods are adopted, it cannot prevent the extinction of human beings on earth. Now there are less than 30,000 humans left on earth. ]

[In 2177, the last human being spent the rest of his life in the virtual world. ]

[······The dimensional world is at your service. You are welcome to enter the dimensional world to play. I hope you can experience a wonderful time in this world. Please remember that no matter how beautiful the virtual world is, it cannot compare to the flowers and plants in reality. ]

In the dilapidated small temple, there is no master or any will as imagined by Moen. All it has are murals and history books written in bright red fonts below the murals!

"This... what are these?"

Song Shuhang froze on the spot. He looked at the lifelike murals and already had a rather terrifying guess in his heart!

"Huh~ I think I know what this world is missing."

Moen covered his eyes with his hands, and his eyes recovered after a while. He looked at the paintings one after another with a solemn heart.

[Group Leader] Lingyue: "No, I don't believe this is true!"

In the boudoir, Lingyue sat slumped on the bed. She looked at her smooth and tender hands, and for a moment she couldn't accept everything in the shabby little temple.

Accelerator: "I really want someone to tell me what is going on!"

Accelerator: "This record should be an event that happened on the earth in a certain world!"

Come be my son: "Accelerator, stop lying to yourself."

Whitebeard stood on the Moby Dick, his face was solemn, a terrifying aura emanated from his body, and the sky was covered with dark clouds, reflecting his restless heart!

Aizen Sosuke: "We are just a bunch of data."

Yes, if the murals in the small temples in the original world were not fake and amusing, then their existence would be nothing more than a string of data!

This is also the reason why many void races cannot explore the boundary of the void at all!

Who can find the boundary in infinite data!

[Administrator] Song Shuhang: "So, what Moen said is missing should be reality."

No matter how strong you are in the virtual world, without the support of reality, you are still rootless!

Yuzaki Hoshizora: "Were you destroyed because you were addicted to virtual networks?"

Yuzaki Hoshizora felt quite puzzled by the destruction of human beings recorded in the murals.

In just over a hundred years, humankind has perished?

You know how many catastrophes have failed to destroy mankind!

Azusagawa Sakuta: "No doubt, this is very likely to happen."

Azusagawa Sakuta looked at the mobile phone beside him and closed his eyes in despair.

Sakuta Azusagawa: "With the development of technology, when mobile phones can be connected to the Internet, human beings can no longer do without mobile phones. People with low heads can be seen everywhere, and a small mobile phone can make people intoxicated. So with the explosion of technology, there is no need In the future of human labor, is there anything abnormal about being addicted to the virtual world?"

Takaba Kyosuke: "Yes, for modern young people, this setting is relatively easy to accept."

Takaba Kyosuke: "Ordinary games can make people fascinated, and even become otakus who never leave the house. So how can anyone refuse a virtual world that can replace the real world."

Shinomiya Kaguya: "I'm sorry, I can't accept this setting."

Shinomiya Kaguya: "It's so rude to say that I am data or something!"

Kurosaki Ichigo: "Actually, there's nothing rude about it. An heir to a conglomerate that is extremely wealthy and talented would actually fall in love with a student president in a small college who has no outstanding abilities. This is something that only the second dimension can do. That's what happened, wasn't it?"

Kurosaki Ichigo: "Most of the members in the group, haven't you noticed that you or your partner are too perfect?"

Kurosaki Ichigo: "Compared with the ordinary people around you who can't even be remembered at a glance, do you really look like normal people?"

Gui Yanwei: "Then...it's impossible for humans to become extinct in more than a hundred years!"

[Administrator] Moen: "This is possible."

[Administrator] Moen: "When a boy gets a considerate, gentle, generous and beautiful girlfriend in the virtual world, it will cost him hundreds of thousands in gifts, a house and a car to get him back. Do you think he can accept the reality of marrying an imperfect wife?"

[Administrator] Mo En: "The opposite is also true. A girl can enjoy sweet love with her perfect boyfriend in the virtual world. Then you let her get in touch with the appearance, personality, and even family. Do you think the spark of love will burst out among men who are dissatisfied?"

[Administrator] Moen: "Since it cannot burst out, then the negative growth of the population is certain. Over time, extinction is only a matter of time."

This is an indisputable reality. Human beings will always choose to escape the cruelty they cannot face when they have a warm harbor.

He can dominate in the virtual world, so why should he be submissive in the real world?

Saiki Kusuo: "I'm not sure whether we are virtual data. We are conscious and have thoughts. So in scientific terms, we are living beings of flesh and blood. Even if we live in a virtual world, then We are also lives in the virtual world!"

Saiki Kusuo: "Why should we deliberately think about whether we are data? This is completely meaningless. For humans in the real world, they are life in the real world. But for us, in our world , we are living human beings."

Who can guarantee that the so-called human beings in reality are not programmed programs?

In the original world, Morn rubbed all the murals, and they returned to the territory of Jormungandr.

Moen contacted the dimensional chat group in his mind.

"Is this what you want to tell me, the truth of this world?"

Because he is not from this world, can he barely resist the confusion in the dilapidated temple?

[Yes. ]

"What the hell are you?"

Moen asked. He remembered clearly that when his system left, it once said that it used its last strength to help him fulfill his wish.

Now think about it, isn't this exactly the same setting as constructing an imaginary paradise in a virtual world!

Is it possible that this so-called dimensional chat group is all created by oneself?

Have you actually lost yourself in this virtual world?

[Don't worry, you are not lost in virtuality. The dimensional chat group is a chat system in the dimensional world. It was originally designed to allow many players who entered the dimensional world to chat with each other. However, when all the players disappeared, the dimensional chat group lost its function. ]

[One day, the chat system was integrated with other functions in the dimensional world, and a dimensional chat group was born that can independently connect many dimensional worlds. ]

Moen nodded clearly. No wonder the dimensional chat group seems to know everything and can do everything. It is the real GM of this world!

Come to think of it, those dimensional worlds should be virtual worlds derived from many novels and animations!

"Then, if I want to break through the void, I need to gain power in the real world, right?"

Moen thought for a while. Human beings in reality are extinct. Is there any way for him to obtain the power of reality?

[Yes, the dimensional world has now entered autonomous operation. If you want to break through the dimensional world, you must obtain the code of reality. ]

The answer from the dimensional chat group made Moen a little confused. Where can he find the code in the real world? He can't be turned into a coder and type it out line by line for you.

"Then let me ask again, if I don't break through, will there be any impact?"

Moen took a deep breath. He was now afraid that the dimensional chat group would suddenly say, "If you don't break through this world, it will be destroyed." That's nonsense!

[No, the dimensional world can already operate autonomously. Even if someone closes the real dimensional world again, it will not have any impact on the void. The only possible impact is that once someone closes the dimensional world from the outside, people in the dimensional world will never be able to break through the void and go to the real world. ]

The answer from the dimensional chat group made Moen relieved. It didn't just require him to save the world. In other words, the worst thing in the future would be to keep living a normal life as he is now!

Moen posted this answer in the group, and everyone immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

[Group Leader] Lingyue: "In other words, people who don't want to break through the void don't actually have to think about what is there and what is not?"

Lingyue blinked, this is wrong. According to logic, shouldn't it be that Void urgently needs someone to break through to the real world to maintain the stability of the dimensional world? How come the dimensional world is so strong and can operate independently?

Hey, it really deserves to be the first virtual world to be studied!

I'm not the richest man: "I'm scared! I haven't even transcended the void yet, let alone transcended reality. I'm afraid Moen, Song Shuhang and Senior Bai care about this kind of thing the most, right?"

[Administrator] Bai: "No, I am very satisfied with the current situation and don't want a breakthrough."

[Administrator] Song Shuhang: "Me too, anyway, I think it's okay as long as I'm real. In addition, Senior Bai has said that he wants to stay the way he is now, which means that if he breaks through rashly, there may be terrible consequences. as a result of."

It's definitely right to regard Senior Bai as a guide when you are in trouble!

[Administrator] Moen: "Well... I don't want to break through. As everyone knows, I am just a salted fish. The reason why I want to find the truth of the void is just because I am afraid that I will not be able to deal with the unknown danger. . "

[Ding, in view of the fact that the members of the dimensional chat group have discovered the truth of the dimension, the dimensional world mall system, dimensional world mission system, and dimensional world exploration system have been opened! Dimensional world strengthening system! ]

The sudden beep almost sent the nervous members away. When the beep ended and everyone started to investigate, they didn't know what to say!

Dimensional world mall system, in this system, you can use points to buy everything you can imagine, except of course the power of reality.

Including Morn's modified devil fruits, they are all priced at two million points each!

Dimensional mission system, in this system it is clearly marked that there are reincarnations or time travelers in a certain world, and you can get rewards by killing them.

This system seems to be very similar to the previous mission system, but the mission system will only be triggered when there is a change in the world of a member. Now it seems to be a daily routine.

Those reincarnations and time travelers are actually the data left by previous players. Even if they are killed, they will be turned into scattered data and combined with other data to generate new time travelers and reincarnations.

As for the exploration system, as the name suggests, you can obtain rewards by exploring other worlds, and it seems that the rewards are quite generous.

The last enhancement system, well, in everyone's opinion, is a money-loser.

It can enhance the effect of the things you put in. Each enhancement requires points. If the enhancement fails, the things you put in may be damaged.

If you want to avoid damage, you must buy a protection card.

Originally, these systems were prepared for players to have fun playing, but now that the players have disappeared, all they can do is take advantage of the members of the dimensional chat group!

With these systems in place, new members who join the dimensional chat group in the future will be able to develop independently without the support of old members!

