
Pirate's Copy[Chat Group]

[[[[[novel translated by the translator]]]] BIntroduction: Boring~Pirate Saigao~ Justice in the world will be promoted by our navy! World government? Just pay for the military expenditure! Celestial Dragons? Descendants of gods usually end badly! Revolutionary Army? Your ideas are a bit naive! Pirates? Death is all! When Morn stands at the top of the world, with twelve family members following him, his final enemy is Him! .. ... Volume 02 chat group [Congratulations to "Infinite Snake" Jormungandr for joining the dimensional chat group! 】 【Come and say hello to everyone! 】 Moen: "@come my son, Whitebeard, are you alive? Or is this the world after death?" Moen: "It's really hard to accept. I obviously killed you with my own hands, but you showed up here. Really, it's a bit interesting~" Can Morne, already invincible, change other worlds in a heartbreaking moment? Let's walk together!

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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780 Chs

useless world conference

After patting Ling on the shoulder, Moen left the office without looking back.

Robin smiled at Ling, then followed Moen with the document in his arms.

She wanted to record the entire world conference as a secretary. After all, this was Moen's first time attending a world conference.

Ling stood in the empty room, resisting the urge to clean up the room, then flicked her sleeves and left the office angrily.

As soon as he went out, he saw a girl with a beautiful face but dull eyes standing at the end of the corridor. Ling's pupils shrank, and she waved her hand and left the army headquarters from the other side.


"Really? He was the one who stopped you from arresting Stussy. I understand."

Moen hung up the phone, with a playful smile on his lips, and no one could understand the meaning in his eyes.

The World Conference will be held for several days, and everyone will eat, sleep and rest in the conference building.

In the past, meetings were held in five rooms, but this time the meeting was held directly in a large room. This was something Wulaoxing had never encountered before.

After weighing it up, they decided to send two five old stars to chair the meeting.

Moen took Robin into the conference building, and under the leadership of the flattering staff, entered the conference hall.

A group of luxuriously dressed kings were already looking at each other there.

As soon as Moen entered the door, he caught everyone's attention.

There are some who are unhappy, some who are scared, some who are cunning, and some who are excited.

For example, King Riku, Neptune, and Kobra stood up directly to welcome Morn's arrival.

Moen pressed his hand and looked at the three empty seats.

The conference table is oval-shaped, and in front of everyone is placed tea brewed from the finest tea offered by an island rich in tea in the New World.

In the past, this kind of tea even allowed kings in some poor areas to drink it and go to the toilet several times.

Looking at the two seats at the top of the arc and the seat on the big arc, it was naturally impossible for Moen to set foot on those two seats that were connected together.

That's from Wulaoxing.

After sitting down, Morn smiled at Neptune, Kobra and King Riku, and then drank tea quietly.

After all, he didn't know the other kings, and he didn't need to know them.

Many people want to make friends with Moen, a young and promising former naval admiral and current field marshal.

After all, the revolutionary army is too rampant now, and I don't know when they may lose their current status.

If you have a good relationship with Morn, you might be able to send troops to help when the revolutionary army breaks out in the country~

"Lord Moen, I just made inquiries and it seems that before the meeting begins, you need to submit your opinions in writing to the World Government."

"Do you still need to submit a written report?"

Moen was stunned and looked at Robin in surprise. Robin's affirmative look answered him.

This made Morn very embarrassed, but it didn't matter. He didn't have anything to say anyway, he just wanted to help when he applied for Fishman Island.

When Morn finished his cup of tea and Robin refused the waiter's offer to refill Morn's cup of tea, the door was pushed open.

The blond five old stars and the bald five old stars walked in calmly and sat on the conference table as if no one else was around.

The World Conference has officially begun!



This meeting took several days. On the first day, Moen was completely in a daze.

He originally thought that a meeting of this level should be all focused on, for example, how to suppress the revolutionary army, how to develop national strength, etc., but what happened?

It's all about trivial matters, and countries are at war with each other!

A group of kings are appealing for their own interests, and some even want to use this meeting to resolve old grievances.

Moen only felt that his head was as big as the other two.

There are still three kings of the sea who have not come here. If everyone gathers together, it may be even more chaotic than the morning vegetable market in the previous life!

On the first day, the only ones that interested Morn were the three kings of the North Sea.

Moen listened carefully to their appeals and tried not to laugh out loud.

It turns out that because Dorag's commotion in Beihai was a bit big, almost all the countries in Beihai were involved in revolutions. Some wise monarchs were naturally fine, but in this world, it would be good if there was one monarch among a hundred who was considerate of the people. .

Most of them were guillotined by the excited citizens.

These three kings are all monarchs of the kingdom on the edge of the North Sea. They are very close to the Upside Down Mountain, and they rely on the remaining naval branches in the North Sea to prevent them from being invaded by the revolutionary army.

This time I came to the World Conference because I wanted the world government to punish the revolutionary army, so that my head would not be hung on that insulting elevated tower.

Regarding the demands of these three kings, Moen could express sympathy for a second, and then regained his composure.

They don't think about how to appease the people in the country, don't think about how to treat their subjects well, they only think about using force to suppress the rebellion. This kind of rule can last for eight hundred years simply because people in this world have too low expectations. .

If you can live without starving to death, you won't have any other thoughts.

 It's too awful.

After listening to the appeals of the three kings of Beihai, the two five old stars had dark faces the whole time.

It's not that they didn't take any action, it's just that they had little effect.

Whether it is CP0 or the garrisoned navy, with their mobility completely crushed, they cannot prevent the movements of the revolutionary army.

The matter of Beihai was picked up and put down gently, and then came King Riku of Dressrosa. He proposed that because the pirates in the New World had not yet been eliminated, and because all the Three Emperors had been taken care of by the navy, the New World The group of pirates rioted like crazy.

This also led to a rapid decline in Dressrosa's economy. King Riku proposed to reduce some taxes and heavenly gold.

Moen lowered his head, a little disappointed with King Liku.

Why should this kind of topic be brought up if it has no chance of being passed?

The gold in the sky is the face of the Celestial Dragons. It's impossible to reduce it to just your Dressrosa family, right? So what else is there to bring up?

In addition, part of the Heavenly Gold is allocated to the Army, the Navy, and CP0 as military expenditures. Now that the three seas...or should be said to be the four seas, the participating countries have withdrawn from the world government. Compared with previous years, the Heavenly Gold has It can be said that it can no longer satisfy the appetite of the Tianlong people, let alone the military expenditures of the three major military agencies.

It would be great if you don't increase your heavenly gold, but you still want to reduce it?

Slowly raising his head, looking at Wu Laoxing's gloomy face with visible black lines, Moen suddenly felt very bored.

This world conference is really useless!

