
Pirate's Copy[Chat Group]

[[[[[novel translated by the translator]]]] BIntroduction: Boring~Pirate Saigao~ Justice in the world will be promoted by our navy! World government? Just pay for the military expenditure! Celestial Dragons? Descendants of gods usually end badly! Revolutionary Army? Your ideas are a bit naive! Pirates? Death is all! When Morn stands at the top of the world, with twelve family members following him, his final enemy is Him! .. ... Volume 02 chat group [Congratulations to "Infinite Snake" Jormungandr for joining the dimensional chat group! 】 【Come and say hello to everyone! 】 Moen: "@come my son, Whitebeard, are you alive? Or is this the world after death?" Moen: "It's really hard to accept. I obviously killed you with my own hands, but you showed up here. Really, it's a bit interesting~" Can Morne, already invincible, change other worlds in a heartbreaking moment? Let's walk together!

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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780 Chs

Trigger conditions for hidden tasks!

The golden beam did not hit Aaron, but the head of the kissing fishman A Qiu in the distance was directly penetrated.

He just took a sip of sea water and prepared to attack Moen.

Ah, bah, so dirty!

For Aaron, the most important thing is his compatriots and his ambition.

Whether it was to vent his anger on Nami or to promote the justice in his heart, Moen could not kill Aaron so easily.

He stepped on Aaron's chest, and Moen's fingertips kept flashing with golden light.




Lasers one after another took away the lives of his compatriots in front of Aaron's eyes. He kept struggling to save his compatriots.

But the foot that stepped on him was as heavy as tens of thousands of pounds, and he couldn't move at all.


Aaron yelled angrily, and then bit Moen's leg directly.


There was a shattering sound, and how could Moen, who was covered in armed color, be injured by Aaron's teeth? The only thing that was damaged was Aaron's teeth.

Fortunately, Aaron is a shark man and his teeth are constantly growing, so there is no need to worry about turning into a toothless fish man.

Not long after, Moen's perception of what he saw and heard revealed that except for Aaron, there was no longer a living fish-man.

Including the octopus man Xiao Hachi who was kind to Pluto Rayleigh, and the manatee Moo Moo he raised, Mo Endu gave a laser to each fish.

"Devil! You are a devil!" Aaron's body was hunched over, his eyes were bloodshot, and his voice was trembling.

"Compared to you, I think I am a saint." Moen pressed the cigarette next to his mouth to Aaron's face with disdain, which made Aaron scream like a wolf because of the heat.

Nami had come to her senses, and she looked at Aaron's paradise, which had become a mess.

The murlocs who once mocked, coerced, and insulted him all turned into corpses.

Including Aaron, the man who killed Bellemere, he is now living and dying at the feet of that young man.

"It's over?" She couldn't believe it.

It's that simple and it's over?

"Nami, you come and execute this guy." Moen let go of his feet, and then several laser beams directly penetrated Aaron's limbs, leaving him unable to do anything else except lie on the ground and moan.

"Aaron! Aaron!"

Nami stood up, her steps still a little frivolous, but she soon became firm.

She took out a dagger from her leg...

To be honest, Moen really didn't realize where she hid the dagger...




Nami roared crazily and stabbed Aaron's chest again and again. Every time she yelled, she stabbed Aaron in the chest. Nami's eyes were quickly filled with tears.


Aaron is dead.

The dead can no longer die.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, it's so miserable." Moen smacked his lips, shook his head silently, and handed the venue to Nami.

"You two, come out with me." After waving to the two marines who had fallen to the ground in fear, Moen took out a cigarette and lit it leisurely.

"You... you killed... Colonel Mouse, the Navy, the Navy will not let you go..."

One of the soldiers swallowed, his hand holding the short gun trembling, and he yelled at Morn at the top of his lungs.

His roar also woke up Nami.

Putting down the blood-stained dagger in her hand, Nami also thought of the current situation.

Aaron is dead, but so is the mouse colonel!

There is no way the navy will let Cocosia Village go!

She looked at Mo En, who was already sitting on the chair, at a loss, not knowing what to do next.

Mo En gave her a reassuring look in return.

"You won't let me go?" Morn blew out a smoke ring, and a laser shot directly through the soldier's thigh.

"Do you think the headquarters will deal with me, a brigadier general, for a corrupt branch colonel? Don't be too funny."

Slowly taking out the rank epaulette, Moen fastened it on his casual clothes with a devilish smile.

"Navy, Commodore."

The uninjured soldier fainted immediately, and this time he really fainted.

There was only one thought in his mind, it was over!


On the way back to Cocosia Village, Nami looked back again and again at Aaron's Paradise, which had turned into flat ground.

Just now, after Nami found the treasure that Aaron had been searching for for many years, Moen left Aaron's Paradise with the navigation charts that Nami had drawn in recent years.

Then he added a shot of Golden Crow Explosive Flame very casually.

Like Auction House No. 17, Aaron's Paradise has also disappeared.

"Are you really the Commodore?" Nami wiped the sweat from her forehead, forced a smile, and looked at Moen curiously, "How did you know about our Cocosia Village?"

Moen was carrying a large luggage, which was full of Nami's navigational charts. This stuff was much more valuable in the navy.

"Do you remember [Blood Axe]? They told me."

"Captain Harder...well..."

Nami covered her mouth. If she remembered correctly, she is now a navigator of Morn, which means that she is already a navy and can no longer have anything to do with pirates.

"It's okay." Moen waved his hand and helped Nami carry a big package, "Had was also a navy man. He has been secretly in love with your mother for more than ten years, otherwise you think you can take them away so easily. Treasure?"

Seeing Moen's look like he was looking at an idiot, Nami couldn't help but have a "#" appear on her forehead.

But this also solved Nami's doubts about why Hader was so kind to her and why they never set up defenses against Nami.

However, Bellemere's charm is really great. Not only Jian has a crush on her, but even the big pirate has a crush on her...

"So, I will also be a navy in the future?" Nami tilted her head.

Bellemere has always wanted to educate Nami well, but he never thought about letting Nami become a navy.

Having retired from the navy, she knows very well that the water in the navy is very deep, and a woman without strong strength will never be able to overcome the storm.

"That's right, from now on, you are a marine. Corporal Nami." Moen dragged the big package to the entrance of Cocosia Village.

As a brigadier general in the headquarters, the military rank that Morn can be promoted is only to sergeant, and he cannot raise it randomly.

If Moen is now a major general, then Nami can become a second lieutenant.

It's a pity that he is not.

[Ding, the hidden mission: The Origin of the World (2) is completed, and you will receive a reward: a lottery draw. ]

Moen stopped and looked at Nami in surprise.

Killing Aaron did not trigger the mission, killing the mouse did not trigger the mission, and saving Cocosia Village did not trigger the mission.

Why is it that just by saying that Nami is a marine, the mission is completed?

Watching Nami busy distributing the treasures collected by Aaron to the villagers, Moen thought for a long time before he thought of the possible reasons.

Aaron was also mortal in the original timeline, so killing him did not trigger the mission.

The mouse has no cards at all. It doesn't matter whether he dies or not. His biggest role is to give Luffy the name of a pirate, but even a naval officer can do this.

There is no Morn in Cocosia Village, and it will be liberated in two years.

As for Nami, without Moen, she would have encountered a rubber man to save her.

So, the only real change is that Nami will change from a pirate to a marine in the future!

This is change!

"I see, so it wasn't me who defeated the Golden Lion that time, but it was because the Golden Lion died?"

Recalling it, it seems that Luffy did not kill the Golden Lion in the original work.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter. Anyway, we got the navigator." Moen took out the lollipop out of boredom. It seemed that Nami and the villagers' reunion would take a long time.

"System, pull out my panel, I don't even know what I look like anymore."

Lying on the big rock at the entrance of the village, Moen pulled out the panel that he had forgotten about for half a year.

[Sweet Moon

Strength: Elite Lieutenant General

Position: Commodore

Ability: Devil Fruit: Re-enactment (Power of Re-enactment*1)

Sparkling Fruit · 100% (laser, light path, annihilation, light rain, golden crow explosion, light killing, light sealing sword, divine spear)

The Sixth Form of the Navy: Finger Spear, Moon Step, Shave, Lan Kou, Paper Painting, Iron Block, Mystery·Six Kings Spear

Swordsmanship: Swordsman (cutting iron)

Dominance: Armed Color (Proficient), Knowledge Color (Proficient)]

"Damn, that's interesting."

Moen touched his chin. Unexpectedly, his overall combat power in the system had reached the level of an elite lieutenant general.

You know, this thing will have its evaluation lowered because of Morn's physique. Even if Morn's attack can reach the level of a general, his fragile physique makes his overall combat effectiveness still very weak.

After two physical enhancements, Moen was finally able to pat his chest and say.

Me and Kizaru are 50-50!

As for why it's not about Akainu and Aokiji?

Nonsense, Kizaru's physical skills are the worst!

"But, did you swallow something from me? Where is my knowledge and sex (entry level)! Shouldn't my knowledge and sex be improved by one level!"

[Look at that cloud, does it look like a peach? ]

"What do you mean?"

[You are thinking shit! ]

