
Pirate's Copy[Chat Group]

[[[[[novel translated by the translator]]]] BIntroduction: Boring~Pirate Saigao~ Justice in the world will be promoted by our navy! World government? Just pay for the military expenditure! Celestial Dragons? Descendants of gods usually end badly! Revolutionary Army? Your ideas are a bit naive! Pirates? Death is all! When Morn stands at the top of the world, with twelve family members following him, his final enemy is Him! .. ... Volume 02 chat group [Congratulations to "Infinite Snake" Jormungandr for joining the dimensional chat group! 】 【Come and say hello to everyone! 】 Moen: "@come my son, Whitebeard, are you alive? Or is this the world after death?" Moen: "It's really hard to accept. I obviously killed you with my own hands, but you showed up here. Really, it's a bit interesting~" Can Morne, already invincible, change other worlds in a heartbreaking moment? Let's walk together!

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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780 Chs

There is no way there is anything in this small ruined temple

"Hey, it's really difficult to handle."

Miyano Shiho shook his head helplessly. The Blank brothers and sisters are quite difficult opponents.

Although she is also a top scientist and is not inferior to the siblings in terms of knowledge, but whether it is tacit understanding or terrifying computing power, it is not a level that humans can reach.

Facing such an opponent, if you cannot crush them in terms of hard power, you can only accept defeat unwillingly.

The final decisive game began, but just as everyone expected, it was a devastating battle.

The Miyano sisters' combined health volume was less than 40 points and they couldn't even replace Sora alone. The battle across a central lake finally ended with the Sora brother and sister winning!

At this point, the first phase of the group friendship is officially over!

With the enthusiasm to congratulate the champion, everyone entered the second stage of the dinner party. Everyone took out some rare ingredients from their own world and sent them to Xiao Fugui and Xiao Lan.

Afterwards, everyone spent a week watching the show and singing happily. During this week, no new members joined the chat group.

After the group meeting ended, Moen did not go home. He came directly to the void. This time he was ready to explore the border of the void.

Of course, it is the known void border.

"Brother, do you need to teleport?"

After Shang learned about Morn's origin, he immediately patted his chest and assured that there would be no problem. The Jörmungandr clan already had clan activities on the border, so it would be easy to open a space point for Morn to teleport.

After some contact, a tribesman who had lived for who knows how many years opened up a space point, and Moen came to this known edge area easily!

"Is this the edge of the void?"

After looking at the surrounding scenery that was similar to that of the original world, Moen couldn't help but frown.


A slightly older voice came into Moen's mind. The body that was half the size of Shang shook for a moment, and then tremblingly transformed into an old man with a gray beard.

This tribesman has been exploring this border area for who knows how long.

"Are you Kui?"

Moen hurriedly stepped forward. Although he had a high status among the Jormungandr clan, it did not mean that he did not respect these clansmen who were fighting on the front line.

For the benefit of the family, they gave up everything and used all their energy to explore more voids. This kind of dedication is worthy of admiration.

"How long have you been exploring this void?"

Moen looked around, and there seemed to be no void creatures. It was as if he and Kui were the only two people left in the world.

"Well, I can't calculate it anymore."

Kui thought about it carefully, but he couldn't give an accurate value because there was no comparison in the void border area.

One year? Two years?

One era, two eras?

"Generally, how do you explore this border area?"

Moen looked around again. To be honest, he couldn't see any difference between this place and the surrounding areas of the original world!

If it weren't for the extremely long distance between him and the original world in the dimensional chat group mark, he even thought he was just going out for a walk!

"We judge based on the spatial coordinates." Kui gave a demonstration. He flew outward for about a day, set a coordinate on the spot, and then looked back to see if the coordinates he left showed a straight line.

If the straight line curves, then he has to return to the previous point and move forward in the direction of the straight line.

"This is really a... useful method."

Moen lamented in his heart that this method was very simple, crude and boring. It asked him to draw a straight line using spatial coordinate points in the void, and he had to continue exploring without stopping. He couldn't do it at all!

"My lord, you want to say that this method is too stupid." Kui smiled bitterly and shook his head, then pointed at the world balls around him, with a sense of helplessness in his tone, "We have also thought of many ways, but Apart from this method, we have no other way to mark the direction in the void."

"These many worlds may disappear or be born at any time. We have established border exploration bases in the void before, but they have all been abandoned."

"Because, with our power, we can span millions of worlds in one day, so what's the use of building this stronghold."

"Three generations, even dozens or even hundreds of generations of tribesmen have been exploring, but they still have not explored the true end of the void."

Seeing Quina's unwilling expression, Moen didn't know what to say.

Judging from the messages in the dimensional chat group, there must be something interesting about this void.

If we can't discover the tricks of the void, I'm afraid it will be impossible to find the so-called border!

"Have you ever thought that this void might be an expanding sphere? It's like a world ball or a newly born planet in those worlds."

Morn asked, he needed to know everything the Void Race knew about the Void.

Kui shook his head, his expression full of confusion.

"I don't know. Maybe the void is really an expanding sphere that cannot detect the border. However, I can't imagine that even our Jörmungandr clan can't keep up with its expansion speed, so why is the void Is there no existence more powerful than our Jörmungandr clan?"

As the spirit of the world, the Jörmungandr clan can grow rapidly with the power of the world. Although it is not as good as Morn's cheating doubling of growth, it is definitely unmatched by other races.

If even the Jörmungandr clan cannot keep up with the development speed of the void, doesn't this mean that in the void, the Jörmungandr clan is just an insect that may be replaced by other races at any time!

"Just keep working hard."

Moen patted Kui on the shoulder. He wanted to tell Kui to go back. This kind of futile thing was just a waste of time.

But when the words came to his lips, they could only be turned into encouragement.

Exploring the border of the void is already the only thought in Kui's life. If this thought is deprived of him, even if Kui's true form is from the Jörmungandr clan, he may die on the spot.


After sighing softly, Moen turned around and returned to the original world. He now desperately wants to find the Muto Mei who traveled to the world of Yu-Gi-Oh!

If we could figure out what kind of world she came from, we might be able to figure out the real secret of the void.

It's just a pity that after Mu Teng Mei left, the mark that Mo En secretly left on her disappeared. No matter how Mo En perceived it, he could not explore Mu Teng Mei's existence.

"Brother, what information didn't you get?"

Looking at Moen who left and returned, Shang asked curiously.

Although he didn't know why Morn wanted to explore the border of the void, Shang didn't care.

"I know a little bit, but it's better not to know."

Moen smacked his lips, always feeling a little itchy in his heart.

I know that there is a way to break through the void, but I don't know where to start. This feeling is specifically like the peak of the Dou Sheng in the world of Dou Po.

He clearly knew that as long as he took one more step, he could become the supreme Dou Emperor, but because of something missing, he couldn't take that step even if he traveled all over the world...

Something is missing?

Moen was stunned for a moment, and then his mind was immediately immersed in the dimensional chat group.

[Administrator] Mo En: "@Xiaoyan, help me ask, how do those people in your world who are at the peak of the Fighting Saint feel when they want to break through to the Fighting Emperor!"

Xiao Yan: "Huh? What's wrong?"

Xiao Yan, who was attracted by Aite, was a little confused. He didn't understand why Mo En was so angry.

Dou Di is a hammer, he is already the Supreme One!

[Administrator] Bai: "Moen, what's wrong with you?"

Bai also discovered something was wrong with Mo En. In fact, during the previous group meeting, he discovered that Mo En would be distracted from time to time.

Seeing more and more people appear, Moen also shared his speculations in the group.

Accelerator: "Hiss, because something is missing, so you can't transcend the void?"

Aizen Sosuke: "Although I really want to say that those of us who have not even reached the transcendent world cannot give you an accurate answer, but I have a vague feeling that your idea is right!"

[Administrator] Song Shuhang: "Perhaps, this world has suffered something, so it is missing something. It is precisely because of the missing things that you, Moen, are unable to break through this void world."

[Group Leader] Lingyue: "I asked the dimensional chat group, but it didn't give any answer."

Yuzaki Hoshizora: "In fact, this is the most perfect answer, isn't it?"

The dimensional chat group has always been omnipotent in the hearts of everyone. Even Moen had to lament the power and mystery of the dimensional chat group this time.

But now, in the face of Moen's question, the dimensional chat group avoids answering. That can only mean one thing, Moen's idea is a fact!

This world is really missing something!

Xiao Yan: "@[Administrator] Mo En, I have already asked for you. My father-in-law and others have been at the peak of the Nine-Star Fighting Saint for thousands of years. Their feeling is that they can obviously touch that level, but it is very difficult." It's so frustrating that you don't have any starting point. It's like you know that one plus one equals two, but you can't come to the conclusion that two times two equals four!"

Xiao Yan's example is quite profound. Because there is something missing in the middle, there is no way to advance to the next level.

Moen stood on the original world, staring at the void above his head, and suddenly realized that he seemed to have never seriously explored the mysterious planet under his feet.

It is very magical to be able to give birth to many void races, occupy a central position in this boundless void, and still maintain their uniqueness.

"Shang, is there any place in this original world that you haven't explored yet?"

Moen directly found Shang, and it was definitely impossible for him to explore the original world bit by bit. The void races have been multiplying in the original world for so many years, and they must have discovered the original world clearly!

Shang thought for a moment, and then replied with certainty: "Except for the small ruined temple where there is no way there is anything, the entire original world has been explored by us."

"Except for that small ruined temple that can't possibly contain anything???"

Moen was stunned. He saw the indifference in Shang's eyes, as if there was no problem with what he said!

[Group Leader] Lingyue: "Hey, dear, I feel like something big is going to happen!"

[Administrator] Bai: "Has even Shang been affected?"

[Administrator] Song Shuhang: "I'm interested in that little ruined temple! Senior Moen, wait for me and Senior Bai, let's go explore it together."

Moen took a deep breath and looked at Shang seriously.

"Why do you say that there must be nothing in that small ruined temple?"

Shang scratched his chin and found that he couldn't tell at all. This seemed to be the law of the entire original world. How could there be something in that small ruined temple.

He wanted to answer Moen like this, but obviously, he couldn't convince himself!

"Let's go, take me to see that little ruined temple!"

Moen felt his heart begin to beat rapidly. He had a hunch that he was about to come into contact with the truth of this void!

After Bai and Song Shuhang arrived, Shang led the three of them to a mountain range in the center.

On an inconspicuous mountain peak, a small, crumbling-looking temple sits quietly here.

"Oh, it's just such a small temple, how could there be anything in it?"

The moment he saw the ruined temple, Song Shuhang shook his head helplessly. He thought it was something extraordinary, but it turned out to be an abandoned temple that seemed to be ventilated from all sides.

Maybe some void creature built a temple here that was modeled on the earth.

"Well, how could there be anything in such a small temple?"

Bai also agreed with Song Shuhang's statement. Moen's body was shaking constantly, and he broadcast everything live in the dimensional chat group.

Accelerator: "Oh, it's a waste of time. How can there be anything in this kind of temple?"

Aizen Sosuke: "Let's look for the things that may be lost. Maybe we can find some answers in the void."

King: "Perhaps, we want to break the limiter? Could it be that the void has something similar to the human limiter, and we just need to break it?"

Seeing the heated discussion in the group, Moen reached out and blinded his own eyes. Then he covered his bloody pupils with a crazy smile on his lips.

"found it!"

Shang, Song Shuhang, and Bai on the side were all a little surprised. They didn't understand what Moen was doing.

"You haven't gone in, so why do you think there won't be anything inside a small ruined temple?"

As if Moen could see the confusion on the three people's faces, he let go of his hand and let the bright red blood flow from his empty pupils.

"Suggestions that can affect creatures in the void, if the world in my body is not too complicated and it takes a moment for all your suggestions, I would really turn around and leave!"

"Come, let me see what is hidden in this world!"

Moen relied on the direction in his memory and stepped forward step by step.

Song Shuhang and others were horrified to find that every time Moen took a step closer, the area of ​​the small ruined temple expanded by one point, and its appearance was constantly changing!

And as the appearance of the small ruined temple changed, the power that originally hinted at them gradually disappeared. The moment Moen's hand touched the door of the temple, they felt the pressure of the suffocating momentum!


There was a soft sound, and the door was pushed open!

