
Pirate's Copy[Chat Group]

[[[[[novel translated by the translator]]]] BIntroduction: Boring~Pirate Saigao~ Justice in the world will be promoted by our navy! World government? Just pay for the military expenditure! Celestial Dragons? Descendants of gods usually end badly! Revolutionary Army? Your ideas are a bit naive! Pirates? Death is all! When Morn stands at the top of the world, with twelve family members following him, his final enemy is Him! .. ... Volume 02 chat group [Congratulations to "Infinite Snake" Jormungandr for joining the dimensional chat group! 】 【Come and say hello to everyone! 】 Moen: "@come my son, Whitebeard, are you alive? Or is this the world after death?" Moen: "It's really hard to accept. I obviously killed you with my own hands, but you showed up here. Really, it's a bit interesting~" Can Morne, already invincible, change other worlds in a heartbreaking moment? Let's walk together!

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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780 Chs

The world of Maple that has undergone changes

Wang Ye: "Wait a minute...I grabbed one hundred points, and then there are two fairy beans..."

On Wudang Mountain, Wang Ye looked at the two pitiful fairy beans in his hand, his eyebrows twitched and he threw one into his mouth, feeling exhausted in an instant.

 He looked at the speech above and felt a little excited for a moment.

This newcomer is similar to the senior white man. Could it be that they both have terrible luck!

Moen: "It's just as I expected, Lingyue, please send out the memory copy. I'm very curious about the newcomer now, and her memory copy is absolutely wonderful!"

 Looking at Maple's speech, Moen raised the corner of his mouth. He deliberately did not say too much, just to confirm his conjecture and make everyone clearly aware of the terror of the newcomer.

If more rewards are given out, then the red envelopes everyone grabs will not be too small, and the feeling will not be so intense.

I'm not the richest man: "I feel a deep chill at this moment. I didn't even get a red envelope!"

Tony typed slowly with trembling hands. For a moment, he didn't even speak by voice because he was afraid that his trembling voice would spread to the chat group and ruin his image.

 As the king of the water group, he can actually not grab the red envelope!

Come be my son: "Gu la la la~ I only grabbed 400 fairy beans and a pound of Enlightenment Immortal Tea. I seem to understand the similarities between the newcomer and the white senior. I'm afraid they are both like that." Plant someone with great luck."

 In the infirmary, looking at the confused speeches of the group members, Honjou Kaede tilted her head. No one answered her question, so she could only use the system's built-in determination to confirm what she had obtained.

"I didn't expect that as soon as you entered the group, someone would give out red envelopes." Risa picked up a sugar cube from the female doctor's table and put it into her mouth, trying to calm down her excitement.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed in an extremely unladylike manner, she looked at the light screen panel in front of Kaede Honjo who had transformed into lying on the bed.

"Let's see, fairy beans can cure all injuries except viruses and keep you full for ten days."

 Honjou Kaede raised his head and looked at each other with Risa.

"How can such a thing exist..."

Lisa laughed sarcastically. She didn't quite believe that such a thing existed in the world. After all, it was too unscientific.

"That's right. This kind of unscientific thing definitely doesn't exist. There should be something wrong with this identification." Honjou Kaede nodded seriously, and then used the identification to realize the Dao Immortal Tea.

"Let me see, it can improve people's understanding and enhance their perception of the Tao... Risa, what is this Tao?"

Kaede Honjo looked at Risa beside her with big watery eyes, and Risa directly put her hand on her head, "It seems like the perception of heaven and earth in the East? My father has done a little research on this. I also heard him talking about it when chatting with others."

"Oh...let's see, it can also relieve fatigue, purify the soul, and make up for spiritual trauma..."

 Two pairs of big watery eyes looked at each other.

 "How about giving it a try?"

The fairy beans are for healing injuries and filling the stomach. They don't dare to eat them casually without making sure that there is no problem.

 But this tea, at least they can understand it.

  Honjou Kaede did what he said and took out a small amount of tea leaves from the system space, because he had been warned during the identification that ordinary humans could only use two tea leaves at a time, and more would be harmful to the body.

A refreshing fragrance poured into the nostrils of the two girls, and an instant refreshing feeling spread throughout their bodies.

 It's really amazing!

With surprised eyes colliding with each other, Honjou Kaede handed a piece of tea leaf to Risa, and then put the other piece directly into his mouth. The evaluation said that it can be eaten directly, but it cannot be chewed and swallowed.

 Because ordinary people cannot consume a piece of Enlightenment Immortal Tea in one go.

"Risa...I feel so comfortable!" After Honjou Kaede put the tea leaves into her mouth, the fatigue caused by the all-nighter disappeared in an instant. She stood up in surprise and looked at her best friend beside her, with a look of surprise on her face. .

"Everything is true." Risa resisted the desire to swallow the leaves. She spit out the tea leaves gently, feeling her light body as if she had successfully lost weight. All the fatigue accumulated recently was swept away. !

"Hey! The group leader seems to have uploaded a copy of my memory. Let's take a look at it together."

  Honjo Kaede took Risa's hand and sat beside the bed, and clicked on the memory copy titled "I put all my defense on because I was too afraid of pain".

"Why is this name so weird..." Risa resisted her desire to complain, and then she was pulled into the memory copy along with her thoughts.

In the dimensional chat group, someone has already finished reading the memory copy in immersion mode.

Black Rabbit: "Maple is definitely the planner's daughter, right! Absolutely right!"

As a Hakoba nobleman whose luck can only be said to be average, Kuroto felt herself bursting into tears. If she had the same luck as Honjou Kaede, life in the community would never have been so difficult in the early stage.

  There is really no harm if there is no comparison!

I am not the richest man: "I seriously doubt that most of Kaede Honjou's luck in the world lies with her. Even planning emergency changes can't curb her luck? No wonder the group leader is showing off, and the luck of new members can even It affects the dimensional chat group!"

Tony made the point. Honjou Kaede's luck can sweep the entire crowd even in a dimensional chat group!

This is not luck, because in terms of luck, there are many big guys in the group who are in charge of the world, and their luck is much better than that of a little girl.

  Morne: "Shield Maiden... a very good memory copy."

Even Moen couldn't find any thorns in the matter. Maple's experience can be said to be something that countless people will never encounter once in their lifetime.

  Maple: "Eh? Does the memory copy talk about my past and future?"

 Honjou Kaede was surprised!

 Then, she hesitantly typed a line in the group.

  Maple: "But why is this memory copy different from my world?"

Come be my son: "Gu la la la~ Xiaofeng, when you joined the dimensional chat group, you have already embarked on a different path from the original one, so it is normal for things in the world to change. matter."

 Whitebeard looked at the lovely Maple, and suddenly the desire to take in his daughter arose again.

Miyano Shiho and Nishimiya Glass, who were shopping together, looked at each other, and their eyes were full of helplessness and understanding.

 Dad, this is what I want again...

Maple: "No! It's wrong before I joined the dimensional chat group! According to the memory copy, Risa should have been playing with me in the game for a long time, but even today Risa has not Can enter the game!"

In the infirmary, Honjou Kaede pouted and looked at Risa, who was sitting aside in deep thought.

This memory copy is not reliable at all!

